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Posts posted by vman315

  1. It started as a way of collecting twitter and facebook info for hoofsounds's musicians.js to auto tag the artist when you twitted or liked a song via hoofsounds. Then Archive Alicorn gave me the idea to make a people.api for use in many projects, or just a way to get intouch with others.




    I just need to go through and add the info should a simple google query return it.


    [4:47:16 PM] Oatmeal: http://stats.vman315.com/bronydatabase/json/artists.php?pretty=1
    [4:47:47 PM] Archive Alicorn: that's awesome
    [4:48:01 PM] Oatmeal: now to fill in the blanks
    [4:48:13 PM] Archive Alicorn: you should work with Starsong to make thing kind of thing easy to use and do for anybody
    [4:48:36 PM] Oatmeal: how do you mean?
    [4:49:07 PM] Archive Alicorn: I posed an idea of creating a people.api to him for general use
    [4:49:37 PM] Oatmeal: well I was going to do this http://bronydatabase.vman315.com
    [4:50:20 PM] Oatmeal: Need to edit the game servers part to specify that it is a list
    [4:50:28 PM] Oatmeal: not actually host
    [4:52:36 PM] Oatmeal: I do plan on adding in specific url vars to cut down on the size of the json
    [4:53:32 PM] Archive Alicorn: you mean so you can call like db/artist.php?artist="AlexS"
    [4:53:42 PM] Archive Alicorn: and you'll get just that
    [4:54:19 PM] Oatmeal: It would need to match exactly but sure I can
    [4:55:36 PM] Oatmeal: as it stands now this is what is in the table as to columns

    ArtistID ArtistName NumberOfSongs EQBeatsName EQBeatsID YouTube BandCamp Twitter FaceBook Tumblr SoundCloud
    [5:05:30 PM] Oatmeal: I was thinking of changing ArtistID to just pID, adding music/graphic/video/ect booleans, then adding a cross refrence to echo songs should music boolean be 1 from the radiologger database and the eqbeats database, should music var be specified then it will allow a the songs var that can put songs into an array, should video be specified instead of music there will be a teir of thier youtube videos or what have you, should graphics be specified then a da/fa/ect will be echoed, should they specify "all" then everything will be display'd if they dont have anything for that tier then null will be used for it,

    all will be put into a txt file and updated once every hour because that would be murder
    [5:06:34 PM] Oatmeal: small text wall
    [5:07:12 PM] Oatmeal: it will be intersting to see this done
    [5:07:42 PM] Archive Alicorn: seriously work with Starsong on this, he's building something and this feature is something I recommended to him for this project



  2. Aww, shucks. Thanks all. Have a random pony or two. Because why not.


    The pony will change when you refresh the page


    Rewrite mods are fun.

  3. Well I just registered and decided to look for the newbs thread, found it, commencing post of words.


    username everywhere: vman315
    Nickname (responds to): Oatmeal
    Likes: Learning new things, PHP, breaking things and trying to fix it, music, my computers, TF2, helping others where I can, a good story, animation, and clearly ponies. Oh and I like to ramble.
    Dislikes: Arrogance (thinking of your target comsumers as idiots), not being able to figure something out, and when people do stupid things because "it's easier this way."
    Favorite pony: Fluttershy
    Music: I like alot of things, and I like to collect music. My current music libary is some where around 170 GB's.
    Occupation: Mortgage (sadly)
    /**Back story**/
    I am me, that's all I ever will be. I have a little site where I test things, or try my hand at things. If you have ever seen simplybrony's web page, that's my boredom. I was not supposed to touch it but come on all it was a page nothing more then a 1.5em block of red for the header, an link panel that was oversized and empty, and a footer containing the only text that was in a 2px font. I started to play with it, the owner liked what I done, then decided to get my own little place on the web. Thanks to no-ip I got a little thing going, I like it. I used to be the guy that took care of the TF2 servers for simplybrony, but due to the fact that he lacked drive to make any events on steam even though they are part of the EQD steam group. I did however during my time working with them learn alot. I got my old crashie Dashie gaming pc and installed ESXI 5, and started to host myself a couple of vm's. I will help you out where I can and will do what I can to help.
    TL:DR: I made the poorly made simplybrony website, have an esxi server that I want to have children with, I know my way around a TF2 server's backend, like to learn, and ramble alot.
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