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Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. Watching the Walking Dead then MLP:Fim, seems right haha

  2. Im back again and wow allot of Notifications, guess there's no limit

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      There is a limit, but it's set pretty high. :-)


      Old notifications will be cleared out if you reach it.

    2. Bronium


      What's the limit???!?!?! I MUST KNOW!

    3. Dorian Gray

      Dorian Gray

      its not 415 thats for sure haha, but its good to be back

  3. Its sooo quite......need sum gd pony vids, startin to lose some brony-ness :/

  4. seems to have quieted down a bit on the forum....So hows everypony doing? :)

    1. LowfatEnvelope


      I'm trying to not choke on my spit. Other than that it's goin great! How are you?

    2. Dorian Gray

      Dorian Gray

      always a challenge tht :P I recently returned from the gun range and now smell like gun residue which has driven my flat-mate to leave for a while....so gr8 :D

    3. LowfatEnvelope
  5. These are so pro love one and three, hope to see more kinda tempted to ask if ud make me a signature like urs,
  6. No chat makes Johnny have a dull day, kinda miss just being able to talk to fellow bronies, no bronies in my town :/

    1. FedoraMemes


      You could always join the Skype group.

    2. Page.Turner


      Or... talk on the forums? C:


  7. Of all the best things to happen, that was the best finale Ever :D loved pinkie's Mini-Twi-Gun

  8. Off to the MEFCC :D

  9. 2 more weeks :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Electrobolt


      Eh, if I watch Ponies on Netflix, starting from S1E1 to S1E26 (seriously, that's pretty much it right now) I'd be able to deal with it :P

    3. Electrobolt


      And by that I mean 2 episodes a day xD

  10. I apolagise for the long MultiQuote, but wished to talk to those who commented and maybe for you to skim over these replies quickly. You all make valid point, even some i foolishly forgot to consider and probably should have gone into depth about and would've as a responds to all this but reading all these replies i saw a 'Pattern'. It would seem that as bronies we accept that Love and tolerance is the 'creed' (if you will) of who we've chosen to be but none of us seem to believe strongly in the Love part. Perhaps this comes from a better understanding of how delicate and unique that particular emotion can be as it is, from my understanding, being the only emotion that appears to spawn the other emotions we know as resultant of its own conception. Ill put this briefly, It appears we can all agree that Love is too strong of a word and tolerance is common among'st bronies anyway and should be part of a descent human being so therefor it becomes a hollow statement that we would follow regardless of its existance. This brings a small dilemma: Do we stick with this empty shell of a code? or do we find. in agreement with an understanding of not just loyalty to the show but the wish of putting hope back into humanity, a new more suited code? Or as a third choice and in my opinion the more difficult: do we drop the phrase of Love and Tolerate and not live by words but by morality and common sense, allowing our actions speak for us instead of leading in to the world with words we do not truly believe in ourselves? On a less serious not, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this article, I hope it has brought some, even if small, enlightenment.
  11. As any Brony will know the bases of being a Brony is the saying "love and tolerate" seems pretty simple. But it looks to actually mean don't give into/fuel the haters which is not love or tolerance but resistance. quickly- In my experience and as best I can put it: Love; To care deeply for another so much that you would put their needs above your wants regardless of how indifferent they are to you. "To love is to often receive no love in return and yet remain true to the emotion" Tolerance; To tolerate or have tolerance to another is to look past the aggravation and or ignorance of both them and your own short comings and Ideals. If you are willing to tolerate another person it mean your willing to forgive past misgrievances and still cooperate and work with each other. "It is impossible to know everything, simply by knowing something means you don't know what it is to not know. So understand that you do not know everything and then have sympathy, not anger, have understanding, not thoughts of superiority...." So to say that we love and tolerate does not give us the right to say we are better than the haters or that it is our duty to change their mind either, but to understand that at some point we thought like them but made a choice they have not yet reached. We must not Resist them and their insults but try to understand why they feel they need to insult in the first place. On a side not: I wish to start a youtube channel dedicated to similar thoughts, but not just, on Ponies, Brony culture and general human interactions but would first like to get your opinions based off this and any of my previous articles if I should even bother. Any feedback/input is welcomed and if you feel Iv been to.....'Preachy' here then say so and ill remove if need be.
  12. Wanted to show these and get sum pony opinions, and maybe some help, if anypony cud maybe take one of these and make a proper signature for me to use that be stupidly awesome other than that hope you enjoy these concepts of my Original Character:
  13. Sneak lvl: Fluttertree

  14. Going through youtube PMV's and I stumble across a comment that kept poppin up "When I die I would like go to Equestria" So I got curious, Would you be happy goin to Equestria for heaven? and would it just be Canterlot/Ponyville/Cloudsdale or would you want other places? Like where? who knows if any good ideas come from this I might be compelled to make such an image. So again, Would you be happy if Heaven was Equestria? http://fc02.devianta...nii-d468yca.png
  15. Mass effect 3 was...AWESOME!

  16. http://mlpforums.com/topic/7239-its-been-a-week-since-the-big-change/page__p__162513#entry162513 Love it.
  17. People both online and IRL always made jokes and remarks that I made me swear that they must come from the world of Idiocracy. 'Cudn't turn a corner without meeting a moron without a descent or intellectual thing to say. Common sense had seemed to be a rarity. Needless to say my faith in humanity was so low i was disappointed to call myself Human. Don't get me wrong I didn't want to kill myself or nothing, but I wasn't going to save anyones life. Then One day I decide to watch one episode of MLP: FiM. It wasn't long before it become one of my favorite shows regardless of its intended demographic. But just watching wasn't enough I had seen ppl comment on Ponies and such making PMV's so I knew there was a community out there somewhere and guess what? I found it and it is simply put awesome. True people of talent, skill and for once some intelligence and manners to boot. But you know this, that's why your here. This amazing community has shown me that there is hope for a better tomorrow, that, although our generation is voiced but loud ignorant fools, There are still descent human beings in the world. I am a Brony because I love the show, I am a Brony Because fellow Bronies and Pegasisters have taught me patience, forgiveness and in general to be a better person, I am a Brony because I truly believe if our numbers grow enough we will make an impact, that oneday the internet will be a place to hangout and trade stories like a group of friends meeting at starbucks instead of these jack-offs and corporate business that only seek self gain. I am a Brony because it is a better side to a dark world and it has liberated me. I only wish for oneday when everyone is more open-minded to this world of MLP. 'cuz that'll be the day things truly begin to change. P.s: I apologies if this comes off preachy but its what I feel and wished to share. Make with it as you wish.
  18. Put more effort into my OC, hope it looks good

  19. Put more effort into my OC, hope it looks good

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