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Posts posted by lolololol

  1. An Out of Body Experience is when if feels like you're flying out from your body and can fly anywhere. A lucid dream is when you are dreaming and you realize that were dreaming. You could turn a lucid dream into one if that's what you wanted to do, but it can also happen while you still aren't aware that you are dreaming.

    OOBES sound more special than Lucid Dreaming. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. High School(which is secondary school in England) because alot of kids in Year 7 start picking up swear words, kids have their first fight, kids take drugs and the proper bullying starts. People tease me sometimes and talk about me behind my back. 

  3. I have decided to announce my retirement. I'm proud of this score and I won't obsess over beating it. Really I won't. Really. I mean it. Really. (We need an Applejack lying eponicon, that would have been so perfect)



    I already know this game is difficult by the replies on this thread and that score is very good, impressive.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I'm going to try this game out. I like phone games and i bring my phone everywhere with me rarely topping up or making calls, without phone games i would never use my mobile phone. i like candy crush and angry birds i'll probably like this

  5. Are you allowed to have two accounts? I want to start all over again.

    EDIT: I found out its not allowed...might do it anyway becuase im sick of this account

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