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Legacy Dash

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Posts posted by Legacy Dash

  1. On a standard school morning, I actually (believe it or not), have 7 alarms. The reason for that is because I tend to simply stop my alarm instead of snooze, and I never remember doing it either.  :derp:


    After the forceful waking up from 7 alarms, I get up and eat (I'm always starving in the morning). Then I proceed to do my usual boring morning routine.


    My preferred way to wake up is loooooong and slow.  :squee:

  2. I am sure you meant that I different way, but this allows me to get up on my soapbox for a moment and opine on what you said in general  as I have heard this so many times in the past. I also hate 'hate character threads' and since I have an itchy lock finger when it comes to them. I figured I would give this bad boy a shot by changing the discussion a little. Hasn't worked yet ... but we'll see. 


    When someone says, "I'm a x fan so naturally I am opposed to y", I think to myself, well that's just silly.


    I'm a Rarity fan and RD is actually competing with AJ as my second favorite character. I am not a Rarity fan due to any traits I share with the character. I am not over emotive, or passionate, or like fashion, or a physical attractiveness to the character. In terms of personality I'm ten times closer to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle than I am to Rarity ... yet she remains my favorite. As someone that revels on curious character dichotomies and juxtaposition ... I adore the character as presented. 


    This isn't college sports and character rivalries in general are something that borderline eye rolling. Imagine ponies complexly ;)


    I completely  get being drawn to a character due to a realization of shared characteristics. Yay biases (#notsarcasm ... biases are good sometimes). What makes no sense to me at all (and is actually counter to the whole message of the show) is actively professing a dislike for a personality type ... 'just because that is the way it should be'. 



    'just because that is the way it should be'. 


    'just because that is the way it should be'. 


    'just because that is the way it should be'. 



    Echo effect added by me. 


    I can certainly agree to "I'm a x fan so naturally I am opposed to y" being utterly ridiculous when someone actually means it. I didn't intent for my comment to be taken literally.


    I dislike Rarity not just because all Rainbow Dash fans do, but simply because I do, for whatever reason.

    However it does seem to be a trend that many Rainbow Dash fans don't like Rarity (as far as I can tell), of course that's not always true, but it's why I pointed it out in my post.

  3. As a Rainbow Dash fan, I naturally have a "hatrid" towards Rarity. I just find her quite "annoying" and boring I guess.  >_>


    Rarity isn't even generous, although in all fairness, Rainbow Dash isn't all that loyal either.  :huh:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Actually I believe oranges received their name before the colour was called orange. Although I think that they had a different name for the colour, can't remember what it was though.  :huh:

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Long time no see MLP Forums.
    I see your inventory of adorable emoticons has increased in size...  :bedeyes:
    Disregard the following spoiler...

    :sneer:  :dash:  :ooh:  :love:  :kindness:  :fluttershy:  :bedeyes:  :icwudt:  :maud:
    I love it! <3


  6. For the past couple of days, MLP Forums seems to be slowing down alot, and I've even received a few gateway timeout errors.




    If I don't get a gateway timeout, pages take about 10 seconds to load.


    My friend was experiencing this earlier today, but it still could just be us. I dunno. Anyone else having these problems?


    Edit: Must be a DDoS attack. It's getting worse.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. You might have heard of the comic called Memories, well I've mashed in into a nice little scrolling animation thing to enhance the feels.


    Just something I did cause I was bored.


    Browser support at the moment is pretty bad, I'll fix that asap.

    • Google Chrome: Works flawlessly. (recommended)
    • Mozilla Firefox: Completely broken; comic doesn't scroll.
    • Internet Explorer: Works, but no sound. Reduces feels.
    • Opera: Image invisible for the first couple of seconds, apart from that works fine.
    • Safari (on Windows): Completely and utterly broken, and I blame Apple.


    Anyway, here it is.......




    I recommend you run it in either a maximized window or in fullscreen.


    Later I might record it into a video or something.




    • Brohoof 3
  8.  I got 56. But I got an excellent excuse, lol.

    I've got a AZERTY keyboard so , the WASD keys are just really hard to use.


    It's a fun game, I played another one, similar to this one but I can't remember the name.

    Just found out, press space on the main menu, and it'll turn on AZERTY keyboard mode on. Try that.  ;)

  9. Ohai. For the past few minutes I've been playing Multitask - sending my brain into meltdown.


    Just curious, what's everyone elses highscores on Multitask.


    If you've never heard of Multitask, you should really check it out. It's a little fun flash game.

    Basically you gotta do multiple little simple minigames all at once, and if you screw up one of them, you lose.


    I got 94 106. The fourth minigame seems to send my brain into meltdown.  :unsure:


    So. What's your scores?  :derp:

    • Brohoof 1
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