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Everything posted by BlinkZ

  1. nice for you.

  2. morning to anyone who reads this

  3. Doom theme along with "Command aond Conquer" from command aond conquer renegade
  4. Yeah that was kind of sudden wasn't it. once again ponyville follows ponies like sheep. Tira really needs to DIE!! It was an Okay episode, found it a bit how Tira is noticing twilight Now...oh no being princess celestia student pffft boring...being a hero of equestria 3 times over...pfff so yesterday..princess OMG I LOVE YOU!! ---- see no logic
  5. oh look another flushy episode -_- great....i'm so excited *sarcasm*

  6. "four" hits gold ball

  7. Gold drinks his Mocha and reaches into his bag "I do have one packet of tf tea left from my travel bag. Sure you could have fun with it." He says pulling out said packet and placing it down on the counter. "Do you know if you have a book about deep earth excavation?" he asks
  8. Nighty too late

  9. Gold unfolds the paper and replies "Yes actually, got it when I was on vacation over seas. It does random transformations to the drinker, all depends on how strong the brew is. Cant get some interesting results sometimes." He takes a deep breath of the smell of the coffee
  10. Gold returns a smiles "Oh, i'm sorry if i worried you I just ask that to see what the reaction would be. I'll have a Mocha with extra sugar." He pulls out a piece of paper and places it down on the counter "I carry a spare recipe of it if you want a look, though it has some unique ingredients."
  11. ever had that moment where this little thing that is bugging you starts out tolerable and you let it slide. Then you see it over and over and that pressure starts to build. and then you read fanfction with shipping and explode into a valcano of annoyance.

  12. Gold Rush adjusted his vest as he walked into the new bookstore. Taking a deep breath he took in the delightful smell of hard cover books and freshly brewed coffee. Feeling a tad thursty he heads over to counter. He clears his throat as he asks "Have any tranformation tea?" He wasn't serious about the question knowing that such a tea only came from zebra merchants. (Yeah just made that up)
  13. If anyone wants to rp one on one via Pm's let me know

  14. Could be worse they could go the way barbies did..have yo useen the outfits they put on barbie dolls these days. but yeah twilight sparkle..with fairy wings what am i looking at.
  15. gah never thought be this hard to find a rp i'm interestied on here

  16. late night, hot chocolate, and nostagia tv shows what could be better

  17. Well this episode was meh for me, i'm usually way off when i'm done my first pass of it but...Grrrr, first time i've acutall yelled at the screen for pinkie to shut up!! I mean I like her but season 4 pinkie is starting to grind my gears. Plot was...I dont know okay i guess....fluttershy has stage fright, yeah not like she hasn't stated that ever....hearts warming eve, or maybe the time she was a model..nope she never mention stage fright *sarcasm* Maybe it just i'm not a fan of fluttershy but...meh How convinent for all the characters to be at fluttershy's hosue at that exact moment it like magic.. Which writter has to die for us to get our pinkie back.
  18. afternoon ponies

  19. Well sheep appretnly are intelegent as ponies but look AJ horded them into a pen BY FORCE. wwo ponies are jerks, i mean they make fun mules and donkies and esh no wonder dragons hate them. Any that isn't friendship to ponies is instatnly evil, hell they have a reform spell, that is scary to think about. No one is giving the chance to be evil, no they are just made good by rianbows or maigc. how delightful
  20. There a fine line between internet talk and being cival and gaa, i really dont want to acutally leave a forum cause of the chatroom but I just dont feel the saem way about it as I did before (mlpfourms is great btw)

  21. say what twilight a princess, the show never seems to egnolige this outside the premier

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      acqunowledge. No, wait, never mind xD

    2. BlinkZ


      oh oops sorry wasn't paying attention to spell. my bad

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
  22. Thats good better then a bad day *insert had a bad day* song here

  23. Well decided to update a banner for Radio Is Magic youtube page. Basically used photoshop and used stock images we had for the podcast. The background is a segment of a drawing I did with some gradient effects.
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