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Bold Shadow

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Status Updates posted by Bold Shadow

  1. If anybody wants to Skype just let me know.

  2. Just ordered a Fluttershy Yay t-shirt. Should be coming in soon!

  3. I'm off to watch some more Soul Eater, peace out everypony!

  4. Hooked on Soul Eater!

  5. I had an awesome Birthday! Got a Fluttershy plushie and a Cry Baby wah wah pedal.

  6. Having a good Birthday so far, it'd be even better if I didn't have to go to school.

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Gee, this was today? I should probably check out daily birthdays more often. :I

      Nonetheless: Happy birthday! :D

    2. Bold Shadow
  7. Man it's been a while since I've been on here. Anyways, I saw the movie "God's not dead" today. AMAZING movie!

  8. How's everypony doing tonight? :)

  9. I was standing in the park wondering why frisbees got bigger as they get closer. Then it hit me.

  10. Debating on whether I want to watch Pacific Rim or play some Final Fantasy XII.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bold Shadow

      Bold Shadow


    3. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Yeah, just some kind of cheap ripoff. "Cheap" isn't the right term "poor" would fit better. :D

      But hey, at least there are 3 Transmorphers movies and they made it to DVD's in some stores. :P

    4. Bold Shadow

      Bold Shadow

      Lol interesting. :D

  11. So... apparently tomorrow is the day when we get "attacked". We'll see how that goes. XD

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Depending on your preparations you could either sit in your bunker and wait until the situation cooled down or you face the situation and fight for honor and glory. :P

    2. Xypheras


      I like the sound of that second option personally.

  12. FINALLY earned my cupcake member title.

    1. Techpony (Inactive)
    2. Bold Shadow
    3. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Cupcakes may be higher in rank, but muffins are way better. :P

      Congrats though. :)

  13. Who's all watching the Grammies??? I'm so PUMPED for Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr to perform!!!!!! :D

  14. What member title is after Muffin?

  15. It's supposed to be rreeaaaaalllyy cold tomorrow so hopefully school is at least delayed a couple hours.

  16. Good night everypony!

  17. Watching the Star Wars saga again for like the millionth time in my life because Star Wars is awesome like that. XD

  18. Just made a tumblr account. Seems to have a good Brony community.

  19. So... anypony else watching The Beatles' special before the Grammies? :D

    1. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      crap...I'm missing it!


    2. Bold Shadow

      Bold Shadow

      I believe it's on January 26th. Both Paul and Ringo are going to be performing!

  20. Thinking about doing a guitar/bass cover on the Winter Wrap Up song. If anypony has any other song requests just let me know. I'll get started on them ASAP.

  21. Some people make it really difficult to love and tolerate.

  22. Stupid English homework!

  23. I rreeeaaally wish I could go to Bronycon, but of course, can't afford it. -_-

  24. Fruit bat round up fruit bat round up!

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