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Everything posted by Malinter

  1. Went walking my dogs in the sunshine, see a rainbow in the sky while "Try Everything" is playing on my Ipod. Felt really warm and fuzzy XD

  2. I clean it up pretty often but I am a bugger for letting dust build up in places XD
  3. "I smacked Big Mac and then he smacked me back. Apparently its an old Apple Family greeting between stallions... Who knew? Heh... Now if you'll excuse me I need to find Nurse Redheart... I think i've dislocated my shoulder and possibly ruptured a lung..."
  4. I eat reasonably healthy. I just don't exercise enough to benifit from it XD
  5. Nah, what I meant is. If the US was breaking off from somewhere politically, it would break off hardcore. Britain (until now) is usually luke-warm when it comes to this sort of thing XD
  6. Chernobyl had survivors. Pompei had none. Radiation sickness is far more survivable than taking a Pyroclastic Flow to the face.
  7. The way some people talk about Brexit, they speak of it as if we are going to build a wall between ourselves and Europe and several ALL ties with it which is just silly. The US is the only country in the west in recent history that attempted to be isolationist albeit prior to WW2. But you have got to admit, alot of American polictics so seem to have this "Me, me, me." vibe when comes the US in relation to other countries. There is also the fact some Americans support a lunatic who actually does want to build a wall between the US and Mexico XD
  8. Unrealistic? No. Highly over-simplified? certainly yes. The show is supposed to encourage viewers to at least try and be friends. The show has also covered the point that not everyone connects to each other the same way as shown by the difficultly the Mane 6 initially had with Maud.
  9. Meanwhile at Labour Party Shadow Cabinet... This is pretty accurate dipicition of today's events.
  10. It's obvious the Eurocrats don't want us now. Once the remain lot have done crying and We actually have a new PM (I wish that cat that used to lurk outside No 10 was still alive, he'd have my vote...) and get the ball rolling. Then we can start getting some actual healing done.
  11. All these idiots in the remain group calling for the goverment to just ignore the result just flies in the face of democracy, I can't imagine people getting away with that if Remain won out. Also the EU leaders are un-elected, I love it how the remain lot seem to just blissfully ignore that. Its also funny that the EU wants us to rush with Article 50 when the EU itself never moves with much haste at all except when something is threatening its collective pockets. The UK is divided, But its divided because one half of it has been screaming at it for 40 years and the other side just wasn't listening.
  12. Ah, thats true. Still gonna be awkward tho. "Yeah, sorry for making you so angry you quit and everything then giving you the cold shoulder and that but could you possibly, maybe help us out anyway? And resist the urge to shoot our men instead of the enemy???"
  13. Wrong. We only wanted 4 key areas tweaked abit but the EU didn't want that. The UK was one of the strongest military forces the EU had. Now that we are leaving, Russia is rubbing its hands with glee just waiting for an excuse to rip the EU another ***hole so have fun with that... The UK does't have a problem with Muslims.... just the crazy ones which sneak in pretending hiding amongst the immigrants whIch fyi the EU has practically aimed right at us. The Future is a stranger and a friend to no-one. The Queen has seen more shit go down in her lifetime than some islamist fruitcake. She can handle herself. XD
  14. Wouldn't change anything. The EU is very unhappy with the poop we've left on their front lawn. It was like that when we got here. XD
  15. i'm pretty sure there were some people in the leave party that would have liked us to stay in the EU. I myself can understand why they might. But the EU as refused to make any changes in its structure. It has gone on so long it simply believed that none of its member states would ever question the status quo. For some, voting out was the only way to make them take notice. And in some ways it has. A few of them have brought up the need for change before other member states get dissatisfied to the point they also leave,
  16. Nope, that 48% was asked if they wanted to "remain in the EU". If you asked them "Are you happy to be in the EU" i can bet you anything it sure as hell will not be 48%
  17. Not really. Staying would only delay the inevitable. The EU would refuse to reform, the crisis would get worse, brits would get more angrier at the EU and the referendum would STILL be more for leave as the more it when on, the less of a leg to stand on the Remain lot would have,
  18. The EU want us out as quick as possible as they can't predict or plan for anything while Britain is in limbo between being inside and outside the EU. it can only be one or the other in their plans. Not both
  19. Nope. It is absolute now. The EU itself has said it is irreversable. If Britain leaves, it leaves for good.
  20. Alot of people in work more often than not had friends or family already working in the company. It is practically a reference right to the bosses ear. I've heard this is often the case as much as 70% of the time.
  21. Already seeing people moping on the news and its only the 1st day. What part of No. Body. Elects. These. A**holes. do they not understand? Millions died so that we could have the right to vote on our countries future and the EU can just stamp all over it. They might as well go to a war cemetry and save the Eurocrats the trouble and jump on the graves themselves. The EU is flawed. Nobody wanted to be the one that left for fear of economic reprisals from there Brussel overlords. Well we became that guy and gave the EU the bloody middle finger it deserves. I've never been happier to be british as I am today
  22. Unlike the US. We're not isolationists. The UK never intended to cut off all connections with the EU and it never will. Its geographically impossible for us NOT to be involved with Europe in one way or another. We just wanted to be able to have a better say in how our country is run and leaving is what we had to do to get it. Also the UK looks nothing like an American state. Not enough guns and lack of geography. No state in the US has the guts to do what we have done. I'd dare a state to leave the US constitution. XD
  23. you might want to make their mouths open and close a little bit more and maybe add abit more variation in where they move there heads instead of just using eye motion alone.
  24. Whoa there, chill alittle. For starters, NATO was made to stop wars and stuff destroying Europe not the EU. Also Britain has sent aid to disaster areas outside of the EU so there is also that. You still can study here. Us leaving the EU doesn't mean were gonna build a huge wall around us and mine the english channel! It may cost more to get here but as long as you have all the legal paper work and stuff they ask of you. You should still be able to do what you need to do. And nothing will stop your folks coming to see you as long as everything is done properly. The problem wasn't that it was "uncontrolable", it was the fact that the EU wouldn't let us even try. And France only stopped them after we started station British police on French soil and started putting fences all around the damn place. Your also not taking into a could that this is a problem that gets worse and worse the longer it isn't resolved.
  25. That is incorrect. Older generations are not all "xenophobic", they were just sick and tried of EU laws overriding ours. Other grievances included EU countries over-fishing UK waters, France letting immigrants just waltz through the channel tunnel with no checks on them or anything and the general "F**k you" attitude we receieved from the Eu when Cameron tried to get a few issues resolved that might have removed the need for a referendum at all. This has been building up for 40 years, with successive governments just covering their ears and pretending nothing was wrong. Its no wonder people would choose to leave the first chance they got. Perhaps if we had been given a referendum sooner (when we ASKED for one), maybe we may have chosen to remain. Alas, the EU refuses to reform. So what is the point in staying in it if that is the case? Leave is our better option in the long run.
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