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Posts posted by L-Ring

  1. Okay, I've had a distinct lack of pony art lately, so, I thought I'd at least post some Skyrim fanart.


    So, this is my character, Star-Looker the Blind. She's a biter.


    (Yes. I know it's sketchy. I'm the one who drew it, after all xD)



  2. So, I got bored last night and did some quick sketches before I had to go to bed.


    Cyndurrrr 8D Literally the only ref I needed for this was for her markings xD








    And finally, a birthday gift for a friend of mine over on dA :3



    • Brohoof 1
  3. That's  really neat style, not shitty at all.

    If I had to point out something, I'd say that the short hairs on the back of her head look a bit out of place, but that is pretty miniscule.

    I think that was supposed to be the start of her whithers, and I just took all the color from it when I used the wand tool. Laziness dictated that I not fix the mistake XD

  4. I got bored when I was supposed to be writing a research paper.


    And suddenly, Rainbow Dash happened. 


    Do cut me some slack for anything wonky in here D8 I've been lazy artwise during this entire spring break, and haven't drawn a single thing in a week xD (I haven't drawn a pony in a couple. Shame on me.)


    I'm also running on only six hours of sleep XD Damn you, Tumblr.



    • Brohoof 14
  5. Yeah... Um... About her facial expression:



    Well, it was kind of a shit sketch that I drew late at night.  You really can't expect good expressions from that combination xD

    I like her catface. :catface: She could use her hat and cape. Could you make a version with those?

    I don't think so, sorry xD This was mostly a late night experiment with lighting effects with magic.

  6. A quick crap sketch that I did in literally ten minutes xD Then I decided the break out Luminosity, and give her a little magic aura thing. 


    I almost deleted the pic, but then I decided it was too cute xD




    • Brohoof 6
  7. Twenty pounds of lighting effects later...




    As you can see, I totally ditched the crystal and forest idea. Space is cooler.


    The mistakes in here are just akljsdjfasmdnf but I don't care 8D I love how this came out, and it was a great learning experience.


    (I have got to fix what she's standing on. Maybe I'll put the moon there.... meh)



    • Brohoof 9
  8. awesome. good job. but what's the story behind this. what is luna doing to that gem and why?

    Who knows XD I just wanted shiny things that have waaaaay too much ambiance. So I threw a random crystal in there for fun.

  9. I was messing around on my new tablet, and suddenly had the urge to draw Moonbutt  Luna. I really liked how the pose came out, so there's a high chance of me finishing it.


    YEP. THIS IS NOT DONE, HENCE THE WIP IN THE CORNER. (that means I'm going to tweak that ugly leg anatomy xD)


    I'll probably get around to finishing this in a couple hours xD




    • Brohoof 3
  10. And this is why I'm so glad one of my cousin's is getting out of elementary soon. They just don't think the kids have enough brains to bully each other.


    Ahahahah. No.


    The worst bullying I've ever had to suffer was in elementary school.


    I agree with a petition. Down with idiotic rules that cater bullies!

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Seeing as how disability is a topic not well discussed in kids' shows, I would like to see Scoots kept as disabled, quite honestly. Hasbro has dropped the ball on disability before, but hopefully they won't back out and actually commit xD


    It'd be good for kids to learn about disability a bit better though. None of my shows growing up as a little kid really taught me that they're normal people, so when I finally was exposed to them, I was kind of... weird about it.

  12. Well. I like the good stuff, like good old Mr. Cash, and his wonderful collection of music, or the Zach Brown Band. (that there's some good summer music)


    However, the music that is played on the radio, such as the hit radio, is kind of... not good music. It's turned into pop that has a slight country theme to it. All they usually talk about is girls, bear, trucks, dirt roads, more trucks, more beer, more dirt roads... oh, and more girls.


    Buuut. If you steer away from the generic country music and get into some really good stuff, I'm generally cool with it xD

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Welp. I had something longer written out here, but then my internet timed out. 


    THIS SKETCH IS NOT FINISHED, I KNOW ABOUT THAT. My tablet died right when I was about to get to work on cleaning up. So, it's going to be a week until I can finish.


    No nitpicking today, fillies and gentlecolts! I'm not able to edit or fix ugly anatomy (ohgawd, that neck) and if you comment on bad anatomy that is obvious, you will be ignored, because I can't do anything about it 8D



    • Brohoof 4
  14. Outside of Applebloom's ear (which is a bit low on her head and doesn't look enough like an ear), this is some good stuff. You definitely shouldn't scrap it. If you can manage it, might I suggest you have the shadow of Lyra and Applebloom's pursuer(s) fall over them? Unless you already have something else in mind.

    *legasps* oh my gosh, you're right xD That ear is hideous. Thank you for pointing it out ^-^'


    (And as for the shadowing thing, that was along the line I was actually thinking of 8D Now, deciding what's coming after them is a different story >.>)

    • Brohoof 1
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