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Posts posted by L-Ring

  1. I was doing some messy concept sketching for my OC, Tesla Coil to try and make myself feel less like death warmed over.


    My desire for shiny glowy things overran my desire for having a normal concept sketch.





    Alright. I promised you guys could nitpick on this one 8D Have at it. (for the love of Celestia, I know my lines are messy. It's called a messy sketch for a reason xD) (anything else is fair game) (other than that one front hoof. I know that it doesn't look right LOL) (cut me some slack, I'm sick) (okayokay, I'm done now)



  2. That's sick. Totally wasn't trying to make a pun there.

    Ahahah xD I see what you did there.



    why must people tell puns. Just why. xD

    Aww feel better soon! :( awesome drawing though :)

    Thank you (for both of those xD)

    • Brohoof 2
  3. that means their owners are too D8<




    yeah ._. I feel like death xD


    (so, please no nitpicking on this pic. I did it really quick to express my misery. I promise you people can nitpick on the next pic :3)



    (so, when Dawn gets sick... her mane reverts back to it's old style? 8O incredible)




    • Brohoof 2
  4. I was doodling, and I got a cool little concept in mah brains.


    I'm really wondering if I should scrap this, just because I have no idea how to background (specifically: Rocks >.<) even though I really want it to be a finished product :/ I'll prolly keep this one on hold for a bit until I can figure something out xD


    (I'm so proud of how Lyra came out *-* Applebloom, on the other hoof >.>)



    • Brohoof 4
  5. 1D fans are an obnoxious bunch


    K-pop fans (they will jump on anything to call you racist) 


    There aren't many Beliebers anymore, that fad kind of crashed and burned xD


    The old YOLOers


    WoW (for the nerds that totally flip their shit for stupid things)


    Hmm... I've heard people say that the Homestuck base is horrible, but since I joined the base a couple years ago, I have to say that most of the fans are hilarious people xD (that write horribly sad/happy/slice of life fanfics on AO3 *-*)


    (even though it's actually part of this fandom... there are a lot of super unpleasant people over on the art board of this site o-o I'm always hesitant to post stuff xD)

  6. I've heard that horse is sweet o3o Seeing as how I live in the US, I can't exactly go out to the store and buy a horse roast. I myself have horses, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to try it o3o


    (I'd sure as hell in a time of emergency shoot and eat a horse xD)

  7. I had meant for this to just be a colored sketch... and then things happened where my brain was like "OH MY SWEET CELESTIA, DIS IS ALL WRONG. QUICKLY. LIGHTS, MOAR COLOR. ADD DEM CLOUDS WOMAN."


    and afterwards, it packed up and said. "Hm. Yes. Dis is guid. WE GO." then waltzed out while I sat here all sorts of befuddled.


    I'm terrible at backgrounding, so please just, don't comment on it xD This is honestly the third or fourth background I've ever done. 


    If the pic looks dark... sorry? I adjusted it earlier because it was too bright, so now it's kind of dark. Meh. 


    (anything that's weird, let me know. Just don't be nitpicky >8I Most of the obvious stuff I know about already.)




    • Brohoof 4
  8. I really like your drawing. I am kinda this way digital art right now too i am not so good with doing lineart in photoshop. I use my Wacom bamboo tablet for drawing and coloring. Its not easy transfering from paper to tablet. Especially if your so used to doing traditional art. But i do want to get better at digital coloring and drawing, it just takes practice! :)

    Your drawing is wonderful and i do like the colors.


    Thank  you!


    I use a Genius Slim tablet, though I can't remember which model xD Usually when I transfer from paper to digital, I just scan it and off I go :3 Lineart is a whole different beast though, yeah xD Took me for flipping ever to figure it out.

  9. That looks awesome. Wish I could draw that good.

    Thanks! I didn't start this way though :3 I know it's a redundant saying among artists, but you can only grow better with practice... and a hell of a lot of failures XD

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I got to sketching late last night, and this is what happened. I really missed drawing ponies xD


    ( I stopped for the longest time because my style self destructed, and after I'd posted art in a few places, I was hounded by a really persistent person who kept being overly critical of each piece, so that made me uber self conscious about my pony art :/)


    So, messy sketch. I was going to lineart this one, but my pen's been acting way the hell up lately, and was giving me some serious issues, so, no lineart D8


    One of these days, I'll come back to her cutie mark >.> one day...




    • Brohoof 1
  11. The best portrayal of a dragon pony hybrid ive seen.... very very nice.

    Err... she's not a hybrid. She's just a dragon XD

    She looks beautiful I would like to adopt her before anyone else gets a chance


    Okay 8D


    I need to ask if you'll use her o3o like, draw her, or rp, or otherwise just not let her collect dust. (I just really hate seeing designs go to waste, you know?)

  12. I arted last night. I created a new character, even though I promised not to make a new one...  oops? Her name is Alby 8D (she's not at all related to my other dragon universe thingy >.> she's just... part of a different one that I'm toying with xD)




    God I hate cold and flu season.



    • Brohoof 2
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