Slyvanas Dreamwhisper-
Most of the others laughed, she sighed, the only one that wasn't laughing was a colt. She never seen him before, she looked at him, "Aren't you new?" she asked, she smiled at him and waited , still as a statue until lunch, or at least 'till she can go home..
Draces Goldleaf-
"This apple will help you" a voice whispered to him, "You may not eat it until your true escape, yes, I will let you escape, take the Cerberus with you"
He quickly got his sun-glasses and quickly put them on, then got his favorite cloak, then got the apple. After, he sneaked his way into his step-sister's room, luckily they where eating downstairs without him, (like always). So he grabbed the dog and put the hood over his head, How am I going to do this, I'm not a Pegasus?, He thought...
He heard hooves coming, his step-sister was done eating,he did a wing spell and it worked, he went out the window and landed before his wings were gone. He unsummoned them and ran quickly.
Safe into the ally now, then eat the apple, The voice ranged in his head...