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Posts posted by ~Tian_Disharmony~

  1. Slyvanas Dreamwhisper-

    Most of the others laughed, she sighed, the only one that wasn't laughing was a colt. She never seen him before, she looked at him, "Aren't you new?" she asked, she smiled at him and waited , still as a statue until lunch, or at least 'till she can go home..

    Draces Goldleaf-

    "This apple will help you" a voice whispered to him, "You may not eat it until your true escape, yes, I will let you escape, take the Cerberus with you"

    He quickly  got his sun-glasses and quickly put them on, then got his favorite cloak, then got the apple. After, he sneaked his way into his step-sister's room, luckily  they where eating downstairs without him, (like always). So he grabbed the dog and  put the hood over his head, How am I going to do this, I'm not a Pegasus?, He thought... 

    He heard hooves coming, his step-sister was done eating,he did a wing spell and it worked, he went  out the window and landed before his wings were gone. He unsummoned them and ran quickly.

     Safe into the ally now, then eat the apple, The voice ranged in his head...



  2. Draces Goldleaf-

    He smirked back, "I'M DONE ANYWAYS!" He yelled, droping the shovel he was holding, and quickly went after her, "You know that that dog's really a-"

    "I thought you where finishing the fence holes" said his step mother.

    "I am done" He said coldly.
    "He was going to attack the  dog I found on the yard" His step-sister told her, changing the subject.

    "It was a monster" He responded...

    "LIES, go to your room, Draces, no  food, maybe a small bit of oats.."  said his step mother.

    He went up to his room, he was telling the truth (for once) and went on his bed, a golden apple appeared on his table, he knew he couldn't eat it or he was afraid to....

    ((Harsh I know, but it's part of his Backstory))

    Sylvanas Dreamwhisper-


    She smiled, and made her way into the Schoolhouse, Mrs. Cheerlie was already  talking about Cutie-marks. She sighed and wished she had one herself, but since the curse, she doesn't believe she'll get her cutie-mark. She raised her hand nervously, "Is it p-possible to not get a c-cutie-m-mark due to a c-curse?" she asked..

    "I don't think so, miss  Dreamwhisper" said Cheerlie....

  3.   Draces Goldleaf-

    He was doing his causal work, a small baby Husky, came in,but to him, it didn't look like a normal dog,it was a Cerberus. He stared at it for a second then went back before his step mother (and father) noticed.  The odd dog came up to him, he sighed, "If you want a fight, I'll give you one..."


      His step-sister came out of the house, "Draces, go back to work, aww cute a puppy"

     "You think it's cute? It was going to attack me!"

     "Maybe it hates you" She said with a smirk and picked up the dog and brought it inside the house.

  4. ((Sliver has her own problems))


     She  smiled, and walked to her room. The firey Stallion that she saw is her dream, Knonius, came up to her.  She bared her teeth and tried to juump at him.

    "You really believe I'M gonna join you" She asked, for a young filly, she was very brave.

    Knonius laughed, the next moment he became a demonic dragon. Sliver Tiara smiled, she smiled there was a dager on the ground nearby, she quickkly got it and slashed him  on the wing. Then she whent straight for his weak spot.While she tried, the dragon scratched her in the eye, and tried to finish her. But she found it, and stabed, he turned into ash. She grined and  limped the rest of the way, hoping no pony saw her.

  5. My Best Piony is my best crush, though I would say my seconfd choise, Doctor Whooves (I just don't want to say my best Pony or you'll think I'm nuts, yet since My User is Based on his Demipony son, so different)



    I don't have a story yet.... it will be a miniature, few Horcruxes (Guess what that's from, yet it's based on HP),  series with 3 books XD

  6. Chapter 1: The Kit of the Medic

         The medic sighed, she was tired, yet she worked on her herbs, she felt a rumble of Pain,crrys of Battle rainned outside. She decided to rest,she curled up and fell asleep. Pain rustled trough the Queen-age cat, though she wasn't allowed to have kits. She grinned. Shallowleaf was a medic since she was 6 moons. She woke with a start, and noticed a young Sliver kit with her eyes,she picked up the kit and found a old abonded Two-leg school, she hid the kit in there.


    She smiled and raced back to camp, yet a human caught her. She smiled, she waited in the pound, suddly a teenager with Black hair came in. He came and eyed her, "She looks like she had a kit, I wounder if I can get her for the club.. How many bits.. Uh sorry, cash do you want for it, I'll give $5 for this cat" He said.

    The teen picked her up, and walked out of the area, giving what looked like a dollar bill to the same exact person  that captured her, then left with her. He took her to what looked like a Asylum. Once in his room, he turned himseld into a cat and let her to explore the room. "So who are you?" She never seen a Two-leg turn into cat before.

    "I'm Chaostar' He said with a grinn, "Lets see, you look like a Shallowleaf" He said, he heard footsteps and turned back. "Shallowleaf, go hunting, try not to get caught, again" He told her, she hoped off , in seatch for her kit.

       Turns out the hunt for the kit was easy. She grabbed the kit and went back. She noticed that he was talking to someone in what looked like a vet coat.


    Chapter 2: The war in the sky.

    Cuddles casted a spell at her less favorite wich, she was surprised that Lisa was even fighting. What's with all these Potters,she thought. She pointed her wand at Lisa and casted the spell. She got a spell casted at her, which she dodged. After the fight, she apparited to their metting place which Mundungus later told her about. She smiled, he also told her about that Lisa fell, she decided to use a pollyjuice potion  to pretend she was her.

     She grinned, "Just a little-uh, broken bones" Cuddles told then, she tried to look uppset to play in Character. They looked at her, like she was a spirit or as well, Undead.


       Chapter 3:  The Blame

     Tian looked over, "you really believe WE did this?" He asked the main 6 with a smirk.

    "Your really believe your going to turn my Son into stone insteed of me?" Asked Discord,, as he heard the talk between the group. 

    Tian smiled, "Why, I won't do something like this"

    "We shouldn't blame them" Fluttershy told the others.

    "one of them are LYING"  said one of them

    "Both of them" said another...

    Tian laughed, "Give up guys, we didn't do it, I'm not even a plant person myself"

     Chapter 4: The Trick

    Cuddles smiled, still as Lisa. "Maybe I'll help to look for the Horcruxes, but I got to go to Hogwars, if you need anything, Owl me" She said,.

    "Are you saying you're going to help, Lis? Ron asked her.

    "Of course I am"  She said.

     She Disappartied to the school and tried a spell she made to get rid of Polyjuice. It worked, she noticed it was the first day back. She met Amycus Carro, who was the new DADA professor. He  oddly bowed to her, "no need for bowing Professor Carrow" She said. She noticed Snowyclaw on her Shoulder, there was a letter, she grinned and read it.

    Chapter 5: The Portal Into Another World.

    Tian smiled, "Besides the portal at camp, there might be a few portals, I might take a group with me"

     " How are YOU going to get a group of ponies to join" asked Rainbow Dash.

     "I'm reformed also, don't you forget" Tian told her.

     "Take most of the ponies" Princess Twilight told him.

    "Don't forget, I'm going with my son" Discord said with a fake sigh, "You won't need my help anyways"

    After gathering two handfuls of ponies, they went to the castle. He grinned, the others were following. At last, in a dingy room, full with Dark objects, a portal was buried.

    Tian took a step into the portal,he grinned, "This place looks different"

    "Seems like we're trapped?"  said one of the colts.

    Discord grinned, "Tian, you might have to stay here, it looks more like an, um, school, I'll be checking around"

      Chapter 6: The Sorting

         Tian smiled.He followed the group of first years, he followed the others, while walking in he grabed a stick,which, he used his Chaos magic to make it into a wand.

    A wizard who might be the Headmaster grinned at him. As he was waiting to get sorted, he saw the Headmaster telling him to come to him, "What's your name"?" He asked Tian.

     "Tian, Disharmony" He said, instead of responding the headmaster pointed his wand at the list, "You may wait to be called now, Tian" The headmaster told him, he grinned and  stood, waiting to be sorted.

    He grinned,  after  5 minutes, he was sorted, 

    "Tian, eah, Chaos, Darkness, a little bit of  Bravory, SLYTHERIN!"

    Tian smiled and sat down, he grinned at a girl with Black hair  and  what looked like her BF, starring at him like her was mad.
    "Disharmony? Sounds like  one of our last names" The girl asked her friend.

    Chapter 7: The New Slytherin

    After, Cuddles looked over at the new boy, "So, want to join the Deatheaters?" she asked him, trying to  not sound annoying.

    "I'm leader of the Appirance group, Oh and I just got my DARKmark, I show you mine WHEN you get yours" She told him. H

     He seemed too old  to be a first year, though he was rwally a 6th year. His dragon features amazed her in detail.

     She suddly got another Owl, she read it with a grin, "Seems like another person will join, anyways, I'm Cuddles Riddle"

      Chapter 8: The Meeting With The Deputy

    Tian smiled, "Of course I want to join, Cuddles" He said nervously...


    "Alright, just call me Lady or Princess Voldia, if you don't mind" Cuddles told him.

    "Well then,  my Princess" Tian told her,  Acting like Twilight, a little, he thought.

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