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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Jericho

  1. So I performed my first mix for a party....all they wanted was Hollywood Undead, and mackelmore... I need to moove to a edm town. :'c

    1. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      Sucks when that happens.

  2. sorry for the lack of replies to all my personal messages, I've been working 56 hour weeks and when I get home I sleep or work on my music, but the point is I will be attempting to make time (probably tomorrow) to respond. thank you for all your feedback/ responses <3

  3. So I just finished A new mix and would like to share it, if you have a mix to spread out there post it here! :3 http://www.mixcloud.com/DJ_Jericho/exriveritarian-mix/ If you like dubstep you will like this mix.
  4. http://www.mixcloud.com/DJ_Jericho/exriveritarian-mix/ New Mix :3 for all you dubstep lovers
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skitzotune
    3. Jericho


      ATB has got to be my favorite. :3 its been a long time since I've heard him. love the mix! It leveled me out (because I was alittle mad earlier)

    4. skitzotune


      You're welcome :D

  5. I should be asleep right now @_@ work in 5 hours...

  6. No lauren anymore?! I lost a big chunk of faith... :c

    1. Marcato


      You're about 2 seasons late.

    2. Jericho


      shows my knowlege on the show. that's why I don't spend hours on the history and pay more attention to the show. just saw a post on EQD that was 2 days ago. that's what it was all about :c

  7. I think

    1. age3rcm
    2. Jericho


      I didn't even realize I posted this XD I was so not paying attention.

  8. It has set a very deep impression in my life, and has truly pulled me out of the worst predicaments. I will be a fan for as long as my mind will let me. c:
  9. I respect your opinion Harmonic scoots. From what I have seen from their malleability of the limits of the show, and how well they grasp the attention of such a vast age range I would have to say I am anticipating a very compelling season 4 with a growing number of characters and more of another world rather than a story that continues to grow with each episode. wow we got some low numbers O.o I was expecting a lot higher than the 1-3 full run range. :c to Mr. Critical, I tried to wait for season 4 but with cold weather coming in I am finding it more convenient to stay inside, however less activities thus I resorted to watching the show prematurely. to Pomfritter, I never tried watching it in the morning, might have to try that seeing as I don't have any time in my 10 hour shift days anymore. @.@
  10. Hello, it's been a while since I've posted a topic but I have watched every episode of every season for the last week or two, to be honest this is the first time I have watched every episode (because I told myself I wouldn't watch Magical Mystery Cure, and Equestria Girls until season 4 but everyone kinda gave em away). However I have watched everything else about 3 full runs since I was first introduce to the show last November. So I ask everypony, "how many times have you watched the series all the way through?" and just as a side question (that I feel more people will be engaged on) "what do you expect out of season 4" I love statistics and to see how variant the community is so lets hear it everyone! c:
  11. Just got back from a datsik show! danced with 5 girls, and got messed up! woo woo! >.< my organs are destroid from dat bass. <3

  12. wanna hear my piano composition? (Dont listen to the other song!) >:[ https://soundcloud.com/mrjericho/spring

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. age3rcm


      i must back away if i hear someone playing a violin...

    3. Jericho


      I own a violin and it's my second favorite >.>

    4. age3rcm


      because... they can make me cry ;_;

  13. wanna hear my piano composition? (Dont listen to the other song!) >:[

  14. I am soooo cold! I complain to much! T_T brrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... I should move to canada where they have all the mapple syrup you can dream about... no wait its cold there too! T_T theres a waffle god and it hates me!

    1. age3rcm


      well... how about brazil then? you could move to its south part, wich is not THAT cold...

  15. If you become famous I expect credit. >.> Just kidding... (or was I?...) So what do you do? (I like to see how diverse the community is) :3
  16. First off I LOVE THAT PICTURE! second, I agree 100% I love the history channel and discovery, I am trying to get back into anime as I was a year ago.
  17. Welcome! I agree with Midnight Scribbler when he says it is a positive atmosphere. if you need a friend you got one right here. if you have any questions or just want ta talk about anything feel free to ask. c:
  18. Don't think that playing video games are necessarily a bad thing! I feel that it's only a mater of time before the digital world becomes our second life, eventually our primary! I see in less than 100 years we will have the capability to create our own personal pandora for each individual. I don't know about you but I would like to upload myself to the ponyverse and enjoy a simple life in ponyvile >.> Someone should start a thread to unite all of the gamers of similar consoles, and similar games. *Apple Jack voice* I bet y'all would make a pretty unstoppable force I recon. unfortunately I gave my xbox away. T_T so all I have is shadowgun, My Little Pony for the phone (Which with the new update made me hate it...), and Modern combat 1-4...
  19. I.... just burnt my pop tart.... *Flips table* T_T

  20. So it's been a minute since I posted something so I thought I would ask. "What are your non pony related hobbies?" I am curious as to see how diverse the community is. (to anyone who cares) I weld, I play guitar (and violin), produce dubstep, draw, study a lot for the fun of it, make inventions (video games, fm radios, etc.), cook a large variety of foods (Soufflé's being my most hated) >.<, help people with life advice, work out, and currently I am constructing a room by myself (it sucks!). so I ask you what do you do?! I wanna know... or as robert downey jr would say. "gimme!" (a response) :3 [nothing to do with this] if you must know I burnt my pop tart right now... he was a good pop tart who deserved better more than the 2% milk I provided to swiftly end his pain... I will truly remorse him and contemplate the meaning of life from time and time again... arn't we all burnt pop tarts in a cruel world being drowned in 2% milk?... With this I wait eager to see what you do to keep your tartiness dry from the 2% milk of time...
  21. make sure to copyright that ASAP! XD but unfortunately I think this thread is dead. :c
  22. Rules : you must continue the story with anything you want! post as many times as you want, as long as you want. (it doesn't have to be MLP related), no Judging anyone! last rule, make sure to have fun! just let it the randomness flow. :] Start! So Pinkie pie (dressed in a detectives costume) walks into a back room in Sugar Cube Corner When she notices a wolverine with her lover ( a empty banana peel) caressing monopoly pieces in the corner, she looks up at the walls and notices fancy ketchup spread all over the walls and says in a sophisticated voice "hmm, that's fancy!) and Immediately closes the door, when All of the sudden rainbow dash is behind her. Startled Pinkie pie asked "when will you do that favor I requested? *clears throat* I mean Flavor?." Rainbow dash looks away and says "I can't do it, I can't assassinate that rock... After Investigating into ["His"] life I discovered how interesting he truly was and fell in love with him", "I know...." said Pinkie Pie "I love him too, that is why I asked you to kill him!".... [comment] Pinkie pie you need less lovers in your life! Clearly a lot of ponies lack imagination.. -.- I shall continue with the story then... If no one replies then I'll just assume this is a lame topic so While this whole conversation is going on between RD and Pinkie Rarity is outside with a ballistics vest dodging big Macintoshes world famous musical " ponies with butter knives" after dodging about half the performance (which she isn't apart of) she accidentally trips on a physical manifestation of the letter "Q", "OW!" said rarity in her typical voice "I never expected this play to inspire me to make a dress made out of Taco shells... BUT I MUST!". catching up to where we left off with Pinkie and RD, Rarity Enters Sugar cube corner to find Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fighting over Giraldo the Rock with a true mexican accent (and a fully grown mustache as well!). As swiftly as she could she threw everything in her saddle bag at pinkie and RD. Ranging from Crayons, to the meaning of life, all the way to Pure artificial maple syrup.
  23. Free Hugs anypony? my back hurts and I need it to be popped T_T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jericho


      *back pops*....oooohhhhaaahhhhh!*back snaps* eh it's still better than how it was. :3 thank you Swick *hugs back*

    3. Swick (ded)
    4. skitzotune
  24. I will be waiting with open ears, and all of my mixes are non pony related, but I sneak in a few songs ;D
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