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Raiyny Day

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Posts posted by Raiyny Day

  1. It's rare that I seek to make friends in real life. I have a few good friends currently, meaning I can share pretty much anything with them and we can have a good conversation or for just messing around and being silly, and I'm happy with them. I do also have acquaintances, but only really to talk generally.

  2. I live in Naperville Illinois, which is 30 miles away from Chicago



    In 2006, Naperville ranked 2nd of 100 best places to live according to Money Magazine

    Naperville was the first place to make a 9/11 memorial, which is located on the riverwalk


    The Naperville Public Library is ranked one of the best libraries in the US for 9 years in a row

    We're well known for our school districts and home to 8 colleges and universities

    Population of 141,853

    (In my opinion) We have a BEAUTIFUL downtown area



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  3. -I think romance is overrated

    -I would rather have a platonic relationship rather than a romantic or sexual one

    -The German language is BEAUTIFUL

    -Modern English is an ugly language and I much prefer Anglo Saxon

    -Pirate and Viking metal are the best genres of metal

    -I'm extremely pro LGBT and am fine if you aren't

    -I think boycotting something because they're pro or anti LGBT/anything else is moronic and immature

    -Sex is disgusting

    -I'm against marriage

    -Hitler was a mad genius

    -I'm an agnostic atheist, yet I love learning about various religions

    -I hate first person shooters

    -I'm not gender binary

    -I don't have an opinion on abortion, mostly because I could care less

    -I think Obama is a bad president

    -Fluttershy is best pony, not because she's "cute" though

    -I'm not a big fan of alicorn OCs


    That's all I can think about for now

    • Brohoof 2
  4. That was my favourite show back in the days. I watched pretty much every episode, one of my first childhood memories is me watching the opening of the show back when my mom and dad were together, and cried during the last movie. Man I miss those days :(

    • Brohoof 1
  5. This just in:


    Viacom and DirecTV have reached an agreement. All channels are to be re-launched immediately.


    Ha, I knew it wouldn't take them too long. I have DirecTV, and 2 (nick for Korra and the occasional Comedy Central) of the 3-4 channels I actually watch are sadly viacom owned.

    P.S. To everyone else, viacom's renewal contracts are coming up for the other cable/satellite providers next year, and the same thing ~may~ happen again.

  6. I still go on there for the Altador Cup every year :wub: Sadly though, they messed it up really bad this year, a lot of people on there are going to quit next year. It's sad really, I love the AC and all the people there

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