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Everything posted by shinra777

  1. Awe that's extremely sweet of you to say! Thank you very much ^^; ...and thanks to your best friend as well!!! My first profile pic was of my girl Twilight Sparkle standing in front of the bisexual pride flag...and at the bottom it read "bi-pride" so I'm flattered by both you and your friend's reactions to my current pic *hug* ^^;
  2. Great intro! The ranch part won me over!!! Insta-brohoof for that cause I couldn't agree more!!!!! /)* This forum is my first forum in about 10 years, so I kinda know how u feel....but I felt very welcome in the first couple of hours of posting my intro thanks to many kind an awesome members!!! So I try to check the intros and welcome new ponies as warmly as I was welcomed! Hope you have a blast here!!! (Spoiler: You will!!! ^^)
  3. Hey there RainBow! A MLP podcast sooooouuuunds sooooo cooooooool!!!!! I know nothing about making a podcast, but I would definitely be a regular listener! Its creative, brave and bold bronies such as yourself that further the fandom and draw more awesome people to join sites like this!! You're an awesome brony in my book!! Warmest of welcomes to you my friend! Brohoof!
  4. This is the first forum I felt compelled to join since I was like 15...so it's been over 10 years!! I think that makes me new to forums as well (since they are way different than they used to be)...but yea, mlp is just so great and the brony movement so cool, that I just haaad to be a part of it somehow! The warmest of welcomes to you!! And I love your art!! Keep it up!!
  5. Yay for Netflix having mlp:fim!!! I've read quite a few introductions from ppl who said they watched it recently on Netflix I love your username and I enjoyed your intro! U seem like a guy that will make lots of friends here fast! Check out the art forum sections and prepare to be amazed and inspired!! Happy you found us friend! Now go and start your epic journey into the depths of mlpforums!!! You won't regret a minute of it!
  6. Hey welcome! That's cool that you got into mlp from actual cons/takeovers!!! I wanna go somewhere and have an IRL brony party! You just inspired me to try and organize one thanks to your intro! I'll advertise on craigslist maybe? I wonder how many bronies live around here that I've never met....hmmmm....anyway, have a blast here!!! Shout out to your friend for helping you become a brony!!
  7. Lol ^^; I will continue to try and welcome new members as warmly as I was welcomed....but you, Aniki, are definitely the master of welcoming!!! I bet all of the members who frequent this welcoming forum would agree with me on that one!!! Your post was awesome as always!!! Thanks for the laugh big bro!!
  8. Happy you're here new friend! Derpy is so cool and I loooove Luna too....but twilight will always be my favorite you'll love it here and make tons of friends! After all, this is totally the most friendly place on the internet!!! Enjoy your time here!!
  9. Excellent intro! I'm playing Gameloft MLP game too: shinra777. Loads of people from deviantart on here! I'm not a member, but I'm thankful for that site for inspiring ppl to become fans of the show!! Hope you have a blast here and that I see lots more of you!!! Enjoy!
  10. Hey emoflutterguy! I bet you're busy tearing through all the episodes right now, so I'll be brief..... hurry and finish all three seasons cause season 4 is just around the corner!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! OK, calm down ^^; welcome to our little corner of internet heaven!! Hope you love it here as much as I do! Enjoy the show brother!!! Oh, didn't see this before i posted :X ...I had to go back and watch em all in order too...OCD as well...enjoy watching them again I guess !!!
  11. You're a muffin now emo!! yes indeed it is very friendly here! Even to Brazilians!!!! I joke, I joke I'd love to visit Brazil someday! I'm just from boring ol' Montana, USA (I actually love it here ^^ Welcome to the best MLP forums on the internet RedKing! Hope you can find your way around easily enough....if not, feel free to PM me we're all happy to help and happy you're here!!!
  12. Welcome! You are surrounded by gamers here! I'm playing pokemon Y like crazy myself atm....and I hope you get a new stylus and join our wonderful art community! Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly here! I'm happy you joined and hope to see lots more of you around the site!
  13. For sure! Every pony on this forum are testaments to the show's positive messages and vibe....it's the friendliest place on the internet! I'd like to hear more about these ideas you are teasing us with in your intro! Welcome and enjoy!!
  14. Yea!!! Tons of hardcore gamers here! You'll fit right in!! And judging from your intro and OC ....you will make tons of friends, faster than Rainbow than clear the sky of clouds! Like me for example!!! I'm adding you right after I give your awesome gamer self a brooooohooooof! Woot!
  15. No need to get nervous here! No flaming, no trolls...just friendship! (Which I heard somewhere, is magic!!) I have anxiety disorder IRL.... these forums are my refuge We all love you already! <3
  16. Good time to join in! Season 4 fever has got us all! Happy to add another pony to the herd! Welcome to the friendliest place on the internet!
  17. shinra777


    Gotta check out every episode!!! They are all so great!!! If you're just looking for an awesome, talented, friendly forum....well you are most certainly in the right place! Nicest place on the internet!! You seem like an adventurous, friendly type! You'll no doubt make plenty of great friends here! I seriously recommend watching every episode tho! Not a requirement for friendship or joining.... I just don't want you to miss out!! Welcome again!!
  18. Omg that was a good read I'm glad it ended with the husband being open minded enough to give the show a chance! Brohoof for the engaging and well written story! /) you seem to have such a great personality and ppl are totally gonna take notice! Friend requests and roleplaying invites incoming!!!! So happy you are a part of the herd!!! I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do!!
  19. Good advice from Felix! Welcome to the forums! You'll certainly find a large group of ponies interested in fanfics and art! You'll fit right in! I look forward to seeing and reading your work! Welcome to the herd and enjoy all the copious amounts of talent and passion pouring out of all our members!
  20. *Squee!!!!!* I love my Aniki post response *screenshot* *huuuuug* and I totally read it in the most epic inner voice I could muster, big bro!!
  21. Hahaha Aniki, your posts are always awesome, creative and funny THIS big brother right here ^^^^^^^!!!! Amirite ponies?! Love it...had to call you out (and added you as a friend ^^)...ehem ....so yea, welcome new mlpforums member!!! If you need a reason to stay, just look at the quoted post and all the other friendly posts! This seriously is the nicest community on the internet And most creative....intelligent....passionate...funny.....etc etc etc!!! Happy you're here my new friend!!! Make yourself at home! Hope to see lots of you around the forums!!
  22. shinra777


    he he, I always love reading Aniki's posts...they're so well done and funny how can I top that up there?! Heh, well welcome to the herd! Congrats on the engagement!! You must be one of the ppl privy to the secret of long lasting relationships! I, unfortunately, am not :/ (feel free to share, lol) ....so, is your partner a MLP fan too? I wish you all the best on these forums and IRL mate!!! Cheers and a brohoof!!!
  23. Hey there 7PonyFaith I dig your user name I'm a lil late to the welcoming party, but oh well....welcome! Yea maybe some interests would be good to add (I'm not really one to talk cause I need more info too) but I got nothing else to say! Enjoy your time here!!!
  24. Yea I did on YouTube!! Maybe I was overreacting, but I got goosebumps, lol yeeeeaaa, I'm THAT kind of brony...hahah
  25. Welp, you totally came to the right place if you want to meet awesome people!! Some of these members (some of which I can proudly call my friends!) will just blow you away with their talents and passion...and as was previously stated, this is definitely the most friendly place on the internet!! Hope you enjoy every minute that you're logged in my friend! Cheers!!!
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