I am just here for information. I do not for the life of me understand why grown men are so obsessed with My Little Pony. Liking a cartoon is fine no matter what age you are, of course. I am in my late 20's and still watch cartoons on a regular basis. However, I do not understand a 25 year old man's fascination with a cartoon that was created for 8 year old girls back in the 90's. Being a fan of something is great, but when I walk into my 25 year old friend's house, I see My Little Pony stuff EVERYWHERE. There's even a shrine to ponies in his bedroom. A shrine? Really? It's kind of creepy to be honest with you. Grown men who wear My Little Pony t-shirts every day, watch the show constantly, and are always talking about the show and making references to it makes me feel like they have some sort of mental illness or something. Not to mention I accidentally came across a picture of ponies having sex with each other on his computer. It makes me kind of sad that a grown man would waste his life away being obsessed with a cartoon. To top it all off, he even steals My Little Pony merchandise from stores if he can't afford to buy it. Seriously? You're going to risk being arrested over some My Little Pony action figures? I don't get it. Someone enlighten me.