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Everything posted by Troblems

  1. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq ran home at full speed, her nose bleed getting consistently worse as she ran. "No, not now. Not tonight. No, no no." Tears ran down her face. She used to get nose bleeds a lot as a kid, but they had mostly stopped. Once they started though, it would be hours before it resided.
  2. ^This I have Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type, which means I'm "double jointed" everywhere I've had two surgeries where they opened my abdomen I went into anaphylactic shock because of grass (twice) I was once chased by an emu I did a ridiculously small amount of professional voice acting
  3. Fill her bedroom with small cups of water, covering every surface, so when she opens the door, they get knocked over.
  4. Tranq looked around in a panic. She certainly didn't want Sketch to see her with her nose bleeding. And why now? She'd not had a nose bleed in years. She could still remember being taunted about it as a child. From inside she heard "Coming!" Not enough time to run. Instead, she dashed behind a flower pot. It seemed large enough to hide her! ... Except for her tail. "Damn me and my full bodied hair! Ungh, this is so stupid!"
  5. Tranq approached Sketch's door with excitement she could barely contain. She raised her hoof to knock, when she suddenly sneezed. The force of the sneeze was enough to make her hoof thud against the door with a single clear knocking sound. She wiped her muzzle in horror, finding that she had a nose bleed. She briefly considered her options, the foremost being to flee. Maybe Sketch hadn't heard her. Maybe he was asleep. Maybe she could get back home before he noticed she was there. Or maybe, the door would open to reveal her embarrassment.
  6. Walking in the house after a long day out to my puppy. He's just so damned happy that I'm home. And I'm happy to be there with him.
  7. I met a guy on EQ2 that lived near me, ended up dating him two years. After he and I broke up, I met a guy who lived in Australia in World of Warcraft. Went to Australia twice, ended up dating him four years. Met my husband on OKcupid. Still going strong.
  8. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq looked over her field. She wanted to bring some fruit to Sketch, but the pickings were slim. "Well, sad pears will have to do, since that's what I have." She went back inside, talking aloud to herself. "I wonder when I'm supposed to go over there. We never really talked about it." She shrugged, primped her hair in front of the mirror and headed towards Sketch's house.
  9. Tranq smiles kindly. "It's a small house, but perfect for me. I really do love it there. I'm Terse Tranquility, Tranquil for short. Right now all I'm really doing is looking for vegetable seeds, if you want to join me in my hunt. What're you doing here down from Canterlot?
  10. After shutting herself up in her house to write, Tranq left her house feeling newly envigorated. "May goodness that quill is amazing!" She grinned dancing about in her tiny living room. Letting herself outside, she began tending her garden. She pulled some chard from the ground, spreading it around for the woodland critters, also hoping to attract Nocturne.
  11. @@SleeplessSketch, "It's...I love it. I feel awful about saying this, but I think I'm about to ditch you though, for the use of this beautiful pen. It must be used. Now!" Tranq excitedly bounds to her feet, and runs out the door, before skidding to a halt, turning around, runs back into the shop, kisses Sketch on the cheek and whispers "Thank you" in his ear before disappearing out the door again. ((That's it for me for tonight. Hoping to be able to sleep! Be either during the day tomorrow, or rather late in the evening))
  12. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq looks suspiciously at the box, poking it a few times before picking it up. At least it didn't move. She rubbed her hooves off to make sure there was no frosting on them. The box seemed too nice to decorate with hoof prints, and that didn't even give a hint to what was inside. Slowly she opened the top and gasped. Inside was a beautiful phoenix feather quill, more fine than she would have ever spent for herself. It was exquisite. Even when she screwed up while writing, the scratch lines would even be elegant. "I..." she paused wide eyed, unable to speak. "It's...it's amazing. Perfect. Beautiful. This must have cost you a fortune."
  13. @@SleeplessSketch, "Maaar cupcakes!" She quickly shoves one in her face getting frosting on her nose. She giggles. "So lady like!" She says a few more things that are undecipherable with some much cake in her mouth. However, one of them sounds suspiciously like "What's in the box?"
  14. @@)NightmareLulamoon(, Tranq smiled at the mare that walked passed her, trying to be friendly even though she'd not seen her before. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq waves offhandedly "Yeah, uhm...The shop Quills and Sofas was out of quills. Very strange." She shakes her head. "It doesn't really matter that much, I didn't actually need need one, just a little need. They said they'll have some more soon."
  15. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq saw Sketch at Sugarcube corner. Hmm she thought to herself, pastries. Sketch was dancing around like he had to pee. Wonder what his deal is. She shrugged to herself. He had been really strange earlier, what with practically yelling at Hidden and running off. Weird dude. Nice, but weird.
  16. That didn't really bother me. What bothered me was there was a big castle in the Everfree Forest, and it was no where to be found for three seasons, but suddenly in season four, it's right over there. Also, why are they walking through the forest in groups of twos when the week before there were evil plants growing there? Bad idea guys.
  17. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq walks up to the counter of Quills and Sofas and asks the pony behind it "Where are your quills?" "We're out" replies the distracted service pony. Tranq narrows her eyebrows at the service pony, then shrugs her shoulders and walks away. "Meh. Oh well, I guess I didn't need one all THAT badly. They'll get here eventually." She walks from Quills and Sofas
  18. @, "Honestly, so long as I keep the critters fed, not a whole lot bothers me at the edge of the forest. Most of the bigger animals keep farther back. As for my friend, I suppose I should catch up with him. If you ever need anything, you know where I live, feel free to drop by." @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq walks towards Quills and Sofas peering about for Sketch. She walks inside the door, eying a chaise lounge. "I certainly don't need it, but it looks comfy," she mumbles to herself.
  19. I spoke with one of the employees at build a bear last week. She said that there was a company email she had seen that Rarity would be next, and that Sweetie Belle may be coming out with her in March. She also said that they are retroactively making the voice boxes for Twilicorn, Dashie and Pinkie Pie. No word on Spike yet.
  20. @@Zygen, I'm able to get in and out of really small spaces easily, and I could get my hands out of handcuffs. Even tight ones.
  21. @@Zygen, It's fine. I'm completely used to it. My genetic councilor was like is your family a bunch of carnies? ....Real sensitive there lady. I actually thought it was kind of funny. >.>
  22. I used to ride almost daily as a kid, I got to be quite good. I used to compete locally. Then I moved. And it's damn expensive, unless you can mooch someone elses horse.
  23. @, "Yup, I'm the weird mare that lives alone, and mostly keeps to herself. At least usually. There seems to be an eruption of ponies recently, and they seem to be drawing me out of my house and away from my garden and writing. I suppose it's a good thing though. It gets a tad lonely being the weird one."
  24. @, Tranq looks over, making sure she was being addressed. "Uh...Hi, sure. Ponyville is a little town, not much to see, but I'd be happy to show you where everything is. In fact, this is most of it, what you can see here." She points to the different shops and stores, explaining what most of them are. "And the last one, over there is Quills and Sofas. Strange combination, but it's great if you need a writing utensil or couch." She turns towards the forest. "Finally, over there is the Everfree Forest. The tiny house in front of it is mine."
  25. @, "Huh...I guess most people aren't as lucky as I am. Mine just have...Helpful suggestions they like to give. Unhelpfully helpful. Where have you been since you left home? It must have been quite rough going out on your own at such an early age." She suddenly had a lot more love in her heart for her own family.
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