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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Derpyderpderp

  1. Flitter is freaking ADORABLE. :D

  2. Shrek is dreck.

    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Shrek is love, shrek is lyfe.

    2. Derpyderpderp


      It's all ogre now.

  3. Freaking braces.

    1. SkyStorm


      You got them too? we can suffer together >_<

  4. Just saw the Weird Al episode. Just lol

  5. Filly Octavia = cutest thing on the planet

    1. NothingIsEverything


      I want a derpy filly, but this will do. :3 <3

  6. Your freaking profile picture... 0-0

    1. Hyper Tumble

      Hyper Tumble

      Applejack found your porn stash

  7. Just got my thirteenth tooth pulled. FINALLY, IT'S OVER!!!

  8. Ponies taught me how to love, tolerate, and snap a bears neck.

  9. This. All of this.
    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Woah, you're alive?

    2. Derpyderpderp


      Heh. I just haven't had alot of time to get on lately, soz. I'm going to try to get on more XD

    3. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Hahha, I just haven't seen you on here since like February.

  10. Dat profile pic tho

    1. ghostfacekiller39


      Heh. Yeahh. It's a beauty :)


      It's called "The Sweet & Elite Pony" but I don't have the link on me right now :(

  11. Just gotta ask, did you draw your profile pic? Cuz that is SICK. :D

    1. Midnight Blade

      Midnight Blade

      It wasn't me, I asked for it in a request shop by digiral.

      Wish I could do something like that myself though.

    2. Derpyderpderp


      Oh ok. Still sick lol

  12. My little life: getting grounded is magic

  13. https://soundcloud.com/combustible-soda/heartstrings A chiptune song that I made. I think it turned out really good :D
  14. It finally snowed where I live... yaaaay!!!

  15. Just saw the season 2 finale. THAT WAS THE BEST FUDGING THING EVER!

  16. I beat every level except hyper hexagonest in Super Hexagon! :o I still suck at everything else tho ._.

  17. I think I have found what is going to be the best game ever. It's still in alpha, but if this game turns out like I think it will, it's gonna be big. Look up TUG by Nerd Kingdom.

    1. dinomaster626


      sure i will give that a look after im done helping jackson :)

  18. You're avatar is adorable! :D

  19. I hate joining forums cuz I feel bad when I take overly long breaks... XD

  20. I love you're profile pic, it looks so pixel art-y :D

  21. Sorry I was gone for so long, got grounded. :/

    1. Cakebandit :3

      Cakebandit :3

      that sucks D=


    2. Derpyderpderp


      Yea. My history class dropped to a D... but it's up now lol

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