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Everything posted by Lonepony744

  1. I would have to say chaotic good.I hate any rules or governments that try and water down human rights.
  2. There are a few things I would consider natural enemies. 1:Birds,They are possibly the most annoying creature every.Its like they know when I'm trying to sleep,and they start f*cking tweeting to wake me up! 2:The cold,I swear I may be half snake.(oddly enough winter is my favorite time of the year XD) 3:The last and worst of all,a philosophist.
  3. I don't see anything wrong with them.To me they are just a bunch of people who enjoy anthropomorphic stuff.They're fandom doesn't hurt anything or anyone.
  4. Oh here we go XD 1.I'm fairly big into philosophy and psychology. 2.I have a very existential/somewhat nihilistic view on the world. 3.I have OCD(sadly) 4.I love reading books that are non- fiction 5.I use logic rather than emotions(even though I will still slip up and like them run somewhat wild) I thinks that about it.
  5. The most important thing in life for me,is doing my best to further my brain power. Friends and family are also important,but I feel like I must do anything in my power to make my self more intelligent.The more problems I over come,the happier I am.
  6. It is OCD. When I was a kid I had the same habits of doing things over and over.My Mom was scared that I had autism,but when she went to get me checked they said it wasn't.They told her it was the early signs of someone with OCD. And as far as the habit goes I also seems to repeat words in my head over and over.
  7. I have a learning disability called dysgraphia,which makes my hand writing poor and makes me spell words backwards.I also have ocd. Every night before I sleep I must tap 3 things in my room,nine time,three times in a row.its sounds crazy,but I can't sleep if I don't do it.
  8. I like most scars,To me they show things in life that haven't killed me yet XD. As Nietzsche said"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."Scars to me are proof of that.
  9. I say it ever now and again to people who mean alot to me.But on a generally basis I don't feel the need to say it.To me the phrase I love you is throw around way too much.It makes me think that people have no idea of what love is anymore.
  10. As if right now,I'm playing Skullgirls. Its an awesome fighter (and a little heavy on the fan service.)
  11. I really dislike Wednesday,its severs as a reminder that you still have two more days in till the weekend. Also the hump jokes I have to hear from my friends get old pretty fast XD.
  12. I don't much care for looks,but I will admit it's impossible to say that you go for some one based souly on brains. When you talk to someone that you are wanting to date it is because of the sexually lust to a degree.But once you talk to that person and nothing about their personally click with your's.It's time to look else where for a quote on quote soulmate. Brains wins out,but looks do play there part.
  13. I know your pain when it comes to being short :/,I'm a guy and I am only 5.6.
  14. My sister has always poked fun at me for being introverted,Saying that I need to talk to more people.Also she makes fun of me for being a virgin at age 18.She says I will end up being the 40 virgin(its funny coming for the chick who has had two kids,and is only 21 :I)Also my friends poke fun at my learning disability(dysgraphia) making fun of my problems with spelling XD.
  15. I'v kinda got into two games at the moment.One being war thunder,which is a game about flying and battling planes set in the world war 2 era.And lego marvel superheros(which is freaking awesome).
  16. There was an awesome show called Spider-Man Unlimited.The show was so cool,the stories were good and it was in the future.But sadly it got cancelled do to low ratings and anyone whom was a fan of the show was left on a massive cliff hanger :/. If anypony likes Spider-Man, I would recommend checking it out on Netflix. It can be cheesy at times,but for the most part its a very fun show.
  17. I guess I will post my hello to everypony,So set back and enjoy my hello and very bad awkward good bad.Also my sad attempt at humor XD (also I tired to use the video though youtube but it would not link for some reason,so sorry you guys for having to download it) Capture_20131109.wmv
  18. My favorite is good old Dr.Pepper,but I would have to say that Classic coke is a close second. Also Mtn.dew is pretty good but it kills my kidneys :/.
  19. I like the game an I've been dying to play with someone.So count me in.But I do have to ask,do you play for fun or are you very serious when you play. Also if you want to add me my steam name is rainbowfish.
  20. I view Kubrick as grim because even in the film 2001: A space odyssey it sends a message about where human beings are going as far technology goes,creating something like hal to ensure that a mission is done no matter what.Even at the cost of human life.Also in the film full metal jacket it shows how grim and dark war is.I think he is pretty grim XD.
  21. Ron Howard is a pretty good director,but when it come to old George Lucas.I feel he is very overrated.To me it was the studio and the other writers that made the first three star wars movies good.( please nopony hit me for saying that XD)I mean I don't hate the guy,but I feel like he can't really write a good plot/characters.
  22. Hey guys I'v seen so many people talking about their favorite movies/tv shows.But I never see anypony talk about the guys who play a big role in making these things happen.So this thread is for the directors/writers(if you want).My top two guys are Stanley Kubrick and Jon Carpenter.Too me both if these directors know how to get the audience on the edge of their seats.Kubrick in my eyes is the master of the grim and morbid,and Carpenter being the master of horror.So whats is your guys favorite directors?
  23. I'm kinda a mix of atheism and apathesim,and to the reason why I am this mix is.That I've never really enjoyed the idea of a all powerful being watching and judging what I do in my life.But I also do consider that there may be something out there,I just rather there not be.To me I think religion is something people use to believe in something bigger than they are,as if they want to to be part of some plan.I like the idea of me controlling my own path,and not having it set for me. But I also do not judge others for wanting there to be a god or something.I think everyone should be able to believe in what ever than want so long as it does not harm those around them.
  24. I feel the same way about sneak peaks and leaked stuff,When I want to watch the show I want it to be all a surprise.Shows don't really have the same impact when you know whats going to happen.
  25. The last film I saw was the thing,me and my friends watch it at a Halloween party . I still think the movie is my favorite horror film of all time.
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