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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Jadefire

  1. Woah, sudden strike of depression. i_i

  2. I'd put the Moon and Mercury orbiting each other where Mercury is, Jupiter where Venus is, Mars orbiting the Earth, Saturn where Mars is and being orbited by Venus, Uranus and Neptune orbiting each other where Jupiter is, and Pluto and Charon and Ceres and Eris and Haumea and Makemake all orbiting each in a ring pattern where Saturn is. Then I'll put the asteroid belt where Neptune is. In other words, like this: Sun --- Mercury/the Moon --- Jupiter --- Earth/Mars --- Saturn/Venus --- Uranus/Neptune ---Pluto/Charon/Ceres/Eris/Hamea/Makemake --- Asteroid Belt. The Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud, and everything else all stay where they are. Including the moons I didn't put on the list.
  3. I can't decide if I'm a firebender or an earthbender.

  5. You should become a rapper. You'd probably have the most ...interesting raps.
  6. Has anyone ever told you that you've gotten a lot crazier ever since back in the day?
  7. The janitor. He'll be the school's equivelent of the Janitor from Scrubs. You're not the only one. I was expecting OP to have an picture of an adorable baby Discord hatching out of an egg.
  8. *walks in* Woah, don't like the atmosphere in here. *walks out*
  9. Banned for not being here enough. :V
  10. My headcanon: Her real name is Annie Smith. In real life, the Granny Smith was named after a woman named Maria Ann Smith.
  11. You like gay stallions. Ergo, I must friend you.

    1. NightGuard


      Haha, thanks.. I guess XD

  12. Banned for not inviting me to the colt party.
  13. You have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.

  14. I think I am, therefore I am. I think.

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      But how do you know the thoughts belong to you?

  15. I've also seen some autistic tendencies in yourself as well, but if you were autistic, you'd be on the high functioning It's not socially acceptable behavior to insult people, except for when the insult is "politically incorrect", apparently.
  16. If there's a spider on/near the door: "Welp, looks like I'm not going to work today."
  17. If you're not german, I'm going to assume you're referring to this Blender? http://www.blender.org/
  18. Ya know, I'd be offended if I didn't find this so amusing:

    1. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      haha good video :)

  19. So it's basically a Mad Libs ameteur fic generator, huh?
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