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About ClearIight

  • Birthday 1993-11-30

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Personal Motto
    Life is nothing but perspective.
  • Interests
    I love ponies of course but I also have an array of other fandoms I am a part of. I like Homestuck, Halo, Red vs Blue, RWBY, Harry Potter, Eragon, most anime, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Game of Thrones and a bunch of other stuff.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

ClearIight's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. I didn't know where to put this so I'm putting it in the catch all that is general discussion. I want a new fanfiction to read. I want a pretty long one that I can really get into. Short fanfics are okay but they leave me with longing for more. Something about as long as Anthropology or Background pony. Crossovers are good as long as they are done right, like Fallout: Equestria. FoE is a good crossover that instead of just taking a main character from one universe and just plopping them down in another, it takes the awesome elements that make up the Fallout series and My Little Pony molds them into something all together new. I know I'm being a little, if not very, picky but I really want some help. As for genre, I don't really care as long as it's written well. Thank you all in advance.
  2. Omnipotence, duh. With that, I don't even need my other two wishes.
  3. Here is a video tutorial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD8jQn6SV3A
  4. ClearIight

    gaming MLP CCG help

    Can anybody who has been playing the new My Little Pony Collectible Card Game by Enterplay help me out? How does scoring work in a double problem face off? Do I get the two points for just confronting the problems plus the bornus if I'm the first to confront it plus the points I get for winning the face off? Or does it work differently?
  5. This is a story I texted to my girlfriend one night. It's just a bed time story so don't expect it to be the best work you've ever seen. It's really short, only 789 words. Just please give it a shot and tell me what you think. Pony Story.docx
  6. I found a review of the preview that took place at Gen Con here: http://news.everfree.net/2013/08/mlp-the-card-game-first-day-impressions-from-gen-con-and-video-preview/ I've also already pre-ordered the Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy starter set for me and my girlfriend here: http://www.toywiz.com/mlpfimcards.html I am so excited about this and I am bugging every brony I can find on my college campus. This is going to be so much fun, I just know it.
  7. I found a place to pre-order them! They come out sometime this month! I am so excited, I am literally bouncing up and down in my seat! http://www.toywiz.com/mlpfimcards.html
  8. There's a card game coming out for My Little Pony if some of didn't already know. I found this review of it and I was wonder if anypony had any thoughts about it. I for one am excited about it and can't wait for it to come out. Here's the review that I mentioned before: http://news.everfree.net/2013/08/mlp-the-card-game-first-day-impressions-from-gen-con-and-video-preview/
  9. I loved the books so much! I haven't seen the movie, although movies are almost always worse than the books. The ending of the series was......unique to say the least.
  10. Longer? Fallout: Equestria is the longest MLP fanfic out there. I'm guessing when you say "similar mood" you mean a action oriented fanfic? I haven't read many fanfics but one of my favorites is Anthropology by JasonTheHuman. It's about Lyra and her human obsession. It's really good and is the reason Lyra is my favorite pony. It's not really action but it's still a good fanfic that I suggest you give a try.
  11. I actually have finished a game of Monopoly with my family. We finished with me bankrupting everyone else. I for one love Monopoly but all the people in my gaming club seem to hate it, so I don't play it as often as I would like.
  12. My favorite color is green because when I was younger I would watch the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers all the time and the Green Ranger was my favorite.
  13. I saw the Nickelodeon movie Clockstoppers and instantly wanted that power. In the NBC television show Heroes, Hiro Nakamura is one of my favorite characters because the power he uses most is stopping time.
  14. If you could have any one superpower short of omnipotence, what would it be and why? I want to be able to stop time. I don't really care about travelling through time, just stopping it and restarting it when it suits me. I always feel like I don't have enough time to do all the stuff I want to do and I am a heavy procrastinator. I would to stop time, do all my work in a matter of seconds in real time, and then restart time to do all the fun stuff like being with my friends. I wouldn't use it too often because I would still age regularly while everyone else is stopped but in conservative bursts, I think this power is the most useful of all.
  15. I love to play Black Ops II: Zombies. Whenever I play and I get all the perks I can and I have my weapons Pack-A-Punched, I'm just mowing down the zombies in droves. When this happens, I enter what I call "badass mode". I feel like I am in control and I can do anything at that moment. It's really the only reason I play the game, just to get that feeling.
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