Thank you all for the great suggestions! Unless I find something I personally like better I think I'm going to name him "Vocal Cord", suggested by JellyBean. Somehow Im going to use "Ace Audio", suggested by LunarRaven. Maybe as a company or other place of buisness, oh, his boss? Maybe. Though I now have the erge to make a fake OC called "FuckCastleDinkelBerreyBucketSquabllerTeaserTentiFalicousQuientibly the third, Thrice removed", suggested by musix.
"The following contains foul language
Like fuck, And bucket" the bucket thing is a homestuck reference, right?
Thank you again everypony for the great suggestions. This is why I love the Brony Comunity, most bronies are supportive and funny.
P.S: Pink Mist thanks for the compliment on the talent. Sadly my mic broke. Also, I may use that name for something or somepony else.