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Blog Entries posted by DragonKing235

  1. DragonKing235
    Hello everyone its been along time since I posted on here well its because alot of things have been keeping me busy in life Like projects and other things but i'm doing okay this is a pic of my updated oc vision wave. and also here is my hazbin hotel oc crimson flame since i'm doing stuff for that fandom now to i'm doing alright I hope you all are chilling my artwork of Crimson flame was made by my great JeffKyler14 he is a great youtuber and friend go check him out he makes some funny stuff. and the new up to date vision wave was made by my good friend DJ Game The Artist go check her out to she makes great work to so yea thats just a update peace everyone.

  2. DragonKing235
    okay i'm back on here now so here is a update on my life well me and my girl friend are going on are second date soon we might go to dinner or swimming or a movie again something like that. my job is going great fix pc is awesome and my youtube channel is still growing awesome i'm making my own music still so my life is awesome right now and iv never been this happy in my life.
  3. DragonKing235
    you know what means most to me? family and friends that's what and they mean more then everything eles in the world because that is how I think of the world and because I think that i'm 20%cooler for that and I know it and I beleve in that to because that is what makes me a better person.
  4. DragonKing235
    Well how do I feel right now part one. Get up out of my bed go downstairs to get something to eat get a muffin and a glass of that awesome oj that i like after that epic breakfast go back upstairs to my room turn on my epic lab top and go on my epic Skype to see if my epic brony or none brony friends are on found kyo talk to him to see how he is doing part one ended stay tune for part two later peace.
  5. DragonKing235
    Man this year rocked for me last summer i became a uncial then in the fall I became a brony and I got to meet some awesome people aka you peeps then I got my first payed job after three years of looking I had a great 24 b day last month and same goes for x miss too so yea that was it for this year next year well be better so yea happy new year my brony peeps and what was your fav moment of 2013 peace.
  6. DragonKing235
    do any of you play videos on xbox 360 live or steam because i'm bored and need some friends to play on xbox and steam if you want to add me my xbox live name is DemonMaster 500 and my steam name is DarkJon235 but i only play on dota 2 or left for dead 2 on there but xbox i play a lot more so your call. ps i'm a fun and nice person to play video games with too okay peace.
  7. DragonKing235
    hello peeps I hade a great day today I got the new cod game for my xbox it is fun if any of you want to play it with me i'm DemonMaster 500 on xbox live so besides that this was a good day talk later my peeps bro hoof
  8. DragonKing235
    well it's been along time since I was here a'lot and a'lot has changed here since I was gone. Like most of my friends left here so that sucks but hey i'm always trying to make new ones to don't know do videos and other fun things with man I miss the old days when me and my homies would RP about funny stuff miss my old friends too like my good bud SCS he was one of the first people to welcome me here back in 2013 also miss the days when my homies would talk too me but well life gose on ha well i'm back too make new friends too chill with hey if anyone want's too chill with me i'm jonathonm21 on skype on there i'm always willing to make new friends and work on youtube projects with so if you want too chill pm me anyway hope you guys on here are all doing good peace Dragon out
  9. DragonKing235
    hello my fellow ponies look the resin that I have been MIA from here as of late is because a lot of my old friends that I did RP with are not here anymore so it got boring on here not meany homies where here to talk with anymore as well my youtube channel was growing again and so was my projects that my friends on youtube wanted me to help them with came up and also my real life stuff too so I became really busy but i'm not gone forever i'm still here making post for you peeps and I like that you all rock and this comes from my heart yea i miss my old crew on here but hey we got to all move on good news that some of them are still on my Skype witch is awesome but some of them did not get a chance to add me on there so I miss them but hey if any of you awesome peeps still would like to chat with me bye text or voice call i'm always up for a nice fun chat maybe if any of you would like to make some youtube videos with me you can but I have some rules one you have to not be a jerk two you got to tell me your from here when you add me because if not I will not add you because in the past some of my x friends did mean stuff to my good friends and I did not like that so because of that I will only add people if there nice not creepy or such but if you are nice cool fun and all around a awesome person we will be great friends and I might let you meet some of my youtuber friends just for fun so it's up to you so peace my crew my Skype is jonathonm21 and if you can make videos music or animation then thats awesome two but if not thats fine well peace.
  10. DragonKing235
    Hello my friends it is I dragon here to tell you I little story okay here we go. The things I do now is awesome one I voice act with some other youtuber's I do podcast my music is getting better so is my youtube and it's is all thanks to you my peeps if was not for you peep's I would not have got this fare in this fandom so thank you. Iv been a brony for one year now and still going storng so thanks my peeps.
  11. DragonKing235
    here is a pic of one of my fav movie of all time it stars me and three of my scumbag friend's from Skype but me and my other friend names are not shown in this pic but it still is funny as hell it was mayed by my good friend stormxf3 me sheldon will and sam are in this.
  12. DragonKing235
    What is my mind like well it helps me think read talk and well it dose everything but sometimes i'm hard for some person to read because i like to change the subject a lot well everyone dose that but i'm always thinking to myself why am i here and what will i do next yea it is that hard lol
  13. DragonKing235
    How I feel right now part two here we go. okay after my long epic Skype call with kyo and some others friends I then turn off my lab top went downstairs to have super after super my dad took me to meet my none brony friends after i meet up with them we went boulling it was fun about 5 hours later i side goodbye to my friends and went home now here I am upstairs in my room making this bio for you peeps to read so how am i feeling right now i feel great the end,
  14. DragonKing235
    Thank you to all the big alicorn friends on here for fixing this web site you worked hard everyday and night to get this forums back up so thank you for that brohoof to all of you that see this blog peace.
  15. DragonKing235
    hello my friends you want to know what is on my mind right now well here it is life bio part one this is called real friends. real friends are the friend's that do not care what you look like or what you watch and real friends standup for you if someone is mean too you and real friends always got your back when you need them too there you go life bio one on real friends i got some of those in real life well tell next time peace.
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