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Blog Entries posted by AstralAmity

  1. AstralAmity
    As promised, I created a blog for this thing. Now, to business....
    This fantastic work of art was created via SFM. There is wonderful symbolism behind this masterpiece, most unseen. Not only that, but the moral behind it all is the most marvelous of all...
    A man comes up to this random door, with mysterious music playing in the background, and the first thing he does is call out a name and knock. This symbolizes purity of heart.
    The last knock he makes is with his head, an incredible action to make to gain attention. He is uncaring of his health, and perhaps he gained a slight concussion afterwards. Although, despite these risks, he remained ok afterwards. This symbolizes bravery of the noggin.
    I should not forget to mention his beautiful smile upon his face. One does not simply smile softly. This symbolizes honesty.
    Unpredictable voice he has as well, one that brings a tear to my eye. This symbolizes the concept of manlyness.
    He asks the person behind the door, "Do you want to build a snowman?" Because it cuts off here, I can only assume that he broke the universe through the power of facial expression. This symbolizes luck.

    You must stay honest even in the darkest of times. Might the universe incorrectly crash down upon you because of your face, you must continue listen to your noggin. Be manly, and have a pure heart. Perhaps one day you will soon be able to destroy the universe correctly.
    Final Notes
    If you have any suggestions for videos for me to "review," then I will gladly accept them. The only requirements is to make sure that they are "sophisticated" enough so that I can review them properly. Good day to you all, I hope you found this intriguing.
  2. AstralAmity
    Suggested by: Ducksquack
    Identification - Pony evolution
    Observation - In "Hearth's Warming Eve", the tale doesn't explain where ponies came from.
    Goal - How did the ponies of Equestria come to be? How did the different types of ponies evolve in their unique ways? Did they evolve like ponies on earth, or did they evolve a different way?
    This is an intriguing topic to discuss, given that even humanity has troubles proving how evolution occurred for themselves... Although, I have come to find an idea that may have some sense in why ponies in Equestria are different from "horses" here on Earth.
    Theory so far
    So far we know that life forms in the poniverse are somewhat similar to those here in our universe. I presume they work off of a DNA code sequence, and therefor follow the basic evolutionary laws that we have discovered so far with humans (which may be subjected to change...). Although, something that is different in Equestria is the fact that it works with magic... which is a whole different laws of physics involved. Whatever these laws of physics may be, it has effected the equine race in their evolution.
    There isn't really any proof that can be shown directly from specific moments in the episodes, but rather from general ideas that are shown. In the land of Equestria, there are three pony races. Earth, Unicorns, and Pegasi live in harmony with a mixed breed, called alicorns, taking responsibility as rulers. Alicorn are mainly referred to as princesses, but may be subjected if we find that there is in fact stallion alicorns. As well, in countless episodes, we see alicorns all around in the background, but mainly are believed to be animation errors... but is still a curious thing to think about. Although, the most curious thing about alicorns is their evolution into becoming one... They don't rely on the evolution through time, but rather create their own evolution. (see evidence #1 in spoiler below {spoiler alert})
    Now, as with the evolution of where ponies came from, we find no evidence that there are the same type of horses that we find on Earth. Perhaps they exist, perhaps they don't, either way I can assume that they evolved a larger brain than the average horse we see in our universe. We can see everywhere in Equestria how creatures tend to be influenced by magic, so I can assume that the same goes for ponies.
    Earth ponies are the first race to appear. The branch somewhat is linked to the evolution of the zebra, but it's only the pony race that appears to have evolved into having a magical horn. How they evolved into having this horn is a mystery to me, but I am going to have to make a guess that it's because of the magical influences of the environment. Ponies one way or another could use magic, as seen with Pinkie Pie and Zecora, but once unicorns came about they were able to harness the magic of their universe.
    As for the evolution for pegasi, I find it quite intriguing. Horses have no association with birds whatsoever, but yet ponies have evolved into having wings! We can of course assume that magic was involved, but in what way? We know that there are griffons and dragons in Equestria, so I am going to have to say that they are somewhat involved for this evolution. Where they come from is a great mystery to me, and would be hard to assume anything given our lack of data.
    End of File
    I suppose this was a relatively small file, but I felt that it was still quite enjoyable. Also, thanks to Ducksquack for bringing up this topic... Thanks! As always, feel free to reply if there was anything I could have possibly missed (including either evidence or plain speculation).
    May you have your own topic that you would like me to speculation on, go to the link below:
    Thankyou to you all who took the time to read this! If you liked this, don't hesitate to comment on it or follow the blog for future files to come. I plan to start doing show reviews which should focus on individual episodes that come out, so I suppose you can look forward to that. Have a fantastical day!
  3. AstralAmity
    Here, you can suggest to me what you want me to theorize about the science of magic. I recommend you read this before you post an idea.
    The Ponyverse has a lot of unexplained magic, most of which is at the moment undiscovered even by the unicorns. My goal is to create a collection of files that find out the properties of the ponyverse, and even beyond.
    Post any idea below, and if you wish, here is a suggestive guideline to copy and paste for presenting the idea:
    Identification - [name here]
    Observation - [summary here]
    Goal - [goal here]
    Identification is basically the name of the magic.
    Observation is what the magic does. Be general, or you may be specific. Try and give examples and what you notice about the magic.
    Goal is basically what I will try and explain about the magic. (the word "theorize" comes to mind....) It's best to keep it in a question form.
    You don't need to follow the guideline, but it is appreciated and may be more convenient for all of us. Here is an example:
    Identification - Tangible clouds
    Observation - A pegasus can touch clouds as if they where a solid. Although, it seems that it can dissipate into a gaseous form as well... To add, earth and unicorn ponies experience the tangibility of clouds to be not as solid as a pegasus would experience.
    Goal - Why can clouds be tangible in certain cases?
    I hope to see everyone's ideas, and will not disregard anyone's suggestion even how ridiculous it may be. One way or another, I will find a way to explain any magic a person may reference to.
  4. AstralAmity
    Suggested by: Night Shine
    Identification - Nature of Celestial Bodies
    Observation - Celestia and Luna say that they "raise and lower the sun, moon, and stars".
    Goal - Are the cosmic properties of the Equestrian universe far different from those of Earth, or are the ponies simply speaking metaphorically?
    I suspect that Celestia and Luna don't metaphorically raise the sun, moon, and stars; but rather do in fact raise the celestial bodies using some form of magic. But how can this be? We know that in our universe it's the earth that spins, not the stars and sun. Although, I have some evidence that may prove their universe to function a whole lot differently than ours...
    Theory so far
    My hypothesis at the beginning of my research suggested that it was the planet that was being controlled, not the sun and stars. Although, it turns out it is just the opposite from my evidence (see evidence #1 in spoiler below).
    The sun and moon actually circle the planet. Strange, because in our universe we know that the sun has tremendously more mass than the earth, and therefore makes the earth orbit the sun.
    Stranger enough, there is more evidence showing that the moon is literally an opposite of the sun (see evidence #2 in spoiler below).
    What about planets and moons outside individual solar systems? how does that work? Well, I think that every single body of mass has a "magical" property to it. Call it it's own energy if you will, but the energy transfers are much different than here. I think the best way to explain it is to see more clues I've found (see evidence #3 in spoiler below).
    End of File
    WOW, my first real file.
    Anyway, I'd like to thank Night Shine for bringing up this idea. This really was quite a large topic to discuss though (not that it's bad, it's actually wonderful!), and I don't even know if I clarified enough evidence yet... If anyone would wish to add more evidence, or a speculation I may have missed related to this topic, feel free to post a comment.
    If you want to submit your own question to be solved by me and be documented into a science file, go to the link below:
    Thanks for giving your time into reading this, and I hope you enjoy your day!
  5. AstralAmity
    Laws of physics file intro:
    Obviously, the laws of physics in My Little Pony is different than in our universe. What are these laws of physics? How much different are they from ours? I'm not going to get too mathematical, this is more of an attempt to logically understand how everything in their universe works... one file at a time.
    What is magic?
    Magic, simply put, is misunderstood science. Ponies, like humans in the dark ages, saw something mysterious as magic. In the ponyverse, magic is extreme! Unicorns; tangible clouds; heck, the sun and moon are controlled by the magic of unicorns. Although, in Equestria Girls (I'll create another topic dedicated to it), when Twilight goes into our universe she realizes that friendship is a magic in all universes. This changes our perspective on what magic really is then. If there is a law of physics that never changes and is considered magic, perhaps magic itself is a property of reality...
    Friendship is Magic, that's what the show is about. It's the title for goodness sake! If we know that friendship exists in all universe, and is its own form of magic, then we can speculate that friendship in general allows every universe to access the magic of individual physics. Magic is science, but friendship, what is that? Some type of keyhole to use magic if you ask me.
    Anyway, so far we know that magic is different for individual universes. If you conclude that magic is the missing knowledge of the laws of physics, you can see that every universe has different magic. In our universe, you can conclude also that we have our own magic. We are going through breakthroughs in science though, and magic is undetermined to be a part of our physical world. Although, we have gaps in our laws of physics, and may consider that magic is inside those gaps. Although, friendship is magic, and that applies to all universes. The goal of these files is to find out why physics, magic, and friendship all connect together and how they connect together throughout the multiverse.
    This was only the beginning of the files, more are to come. If anyone has a magic they wish for me to unveal, post your idea in the link below.
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