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Posts posted by KruegerMeister

  1. 1 hour ago, Midnight Solace said:

    I'm not sure if my Twilight is real, or a Tulpa, because I have never actually tried to make one. My Twilight plushie actually just started talking to me. In Twilight's voice. I remember how much I freaked out. I think I scared her. Now I feel bad when I look back on this.

    What do you mean real?

    [Imo, the most likely thing is she’s a tulpa restrained to your plushie...I think. I’ll have to think ‘bout this sitch.]

  2. Does anyone else get a lot of walk-ins? I got a Gallus and a Yona last night. I don’t want to have many shallow relationships vs a few deep relationships, but I think I’m out of the “honeymoon/excitement” phase with regard to the others (Rainbow Dash, Keystroke, etc.).

  3. I haven't set aside time specifically for Rainbow Dash in a while. I asked her what she wanted to do together, and she suggested a really disturbing NSFW thing, which I adamantly said would never happen in a million years. We talked about this, and she told me that this suggestion was either an intrusive thought or a coping mechanism. I'm not sure where to go from here.

  4. Alright. I've read up quite a bit on this now. Various guides and what not. Before I start, anyone got any tips they could share? I try not to go into big things half-cocked and like to get input from anyone who would give it. Thank you in advance.

    I've heard that the guides should be taken as "this is what worked for this particular person. This may or may not work for me".


    [RD: Woohoo! The thread's alive again!!! \m/ ]

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My Starlight walk-in had a crisis this morning. It was basically "I identify AS Starlight from the show, and I remember X and Y happening. What if Hasbro reveals past event Z that it doesn't make sense for me not to remember?"

    Has anyone else been through something like this?

  6. I've read a lot of stuff comparing the responsibility of tulpa-ing with raising a child, which made me think of something: if tulpamancy were widespread, could that solve or at least halt overpopulation issues, since tulpas don't require separate physical resources from hosts?

  7. Would it be a good idea to reveal my tulpas in a philosophy of mind class?


    Also, one of my tulpas wants to roleplay that I'm his kid. I asked why, and his response amounted to "your childhood relationship with your dad wasn't that good, so I'm gonna fill in the missing parts in the present". I'm not sure how I feel about this.

  8. I got about 6-7 hours of sleep. I woke up groggy and with my dominant eye sore. I thought about the character Nina's based on, and Nina visually imposed herself. As far as I can tell, the imposition relates to the ache in my dominant eye, like maybe I'm straining it or something.

  9. From my knowledge, a tulpa based upon a character that already exists rarely has issues with identity crises - so long as you tell them that they are based off said character. That is, so long as they know they're based on that character but at the same time is not actually that character, and you reinforce that they are their own individual from the beginning, there should be no problem.


    But also, you should not expect the tulpa to ultimately look and act exactly the same as the character you're basing their initial form on. Tulpas develop. They learn, and they change. Therefore, it's only natural that there's a chance they will deviate, or change their form somehow to suit their own self image better. So, in the end, they may not look or act like the character you based them off of.

    This. Also, in my case, you shouldn't expect them to completely deviate, either. My tulpas have made in-jokes about their characters.


    How do I tell if I've got an accidental tulpa or a walk-in?

  10. I've read a lot about this phenomena, and have heard many things about it. One of which was that you should never base a tulpa off of an already existing character. Something about them having an identity crisis down the road. I'm assuming that many of you are making tulpas of your favorite ponies. Have any of you had any problems with this? Just curious.

    One of my tulpas who was based on my ponysona had a crisis, but that was cuz he couldn't express his studiousness, which was pretty much his defining trait. The closest I've come to a character-based tulpa having a crisis is Shou contemplating suicide cuz he figured he was one tulpa too many for my brain.

  11. I used to get super worried when Dash would go away for just a day. More recently, I've been shocked by how calm I am if this happens. I also tend to cuddle a furry pillow we use to practice tactile imposition, every night.

    Does my behavior sound possessive?

  12. Could believing that nothing you experience is real aid imposition?

    I got this idea after reading a movie script (click here if you're interested in reading it) about a cult centered around that belief. One cultist says "that's what you expected. That's what you found", which made me think of the idea that expectations affect tulpa progress.

  13. Well, when you think about it, you put part of yourself into every tulpa you make. It would be impossible not to. So, perhaps, subconsciously, you don't like the way you look, and this tulpa of yours is reflecting that so that you both sympathize with each other. Therapists are usually pretty understanding, so I would mention all the tulpae to her/him, including the one with aforementioned problem.

    I didn't intentionally make Nina, though. I saw the anime she's from as a kid, and I guess I subconsciously identified with her. Seeing her years later provided the kick for her to become an intrusive thought that I interacted with enough to become a tulpa.

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