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Sugar Cube

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Everything posted by Sugar Cube

  1. I love the Croc games! Man, if they can bring back the likes of Bubsy, then I see no reason Croc can't make a comeback. As for me, Super Monkey Ball. I LOVED the first two games beyond words, but the series really took a nosedive once developer Amusement Vision folded its tent and the series hit the Wii with that hideous new art style. Hasn't seen any major games for several years now.
  2. Kinda sad to see what a ghost town this forum has become. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cwanky


      I'd say this is what most fandoms experience. We had our high point with the revival of MLP thanks to Lauren Faust and the pinnacle with Tirek. Then as time passed some people grew outta MLP:FiM like a fad, others were disappointed and left. Fandoms are hard to sustain. Look at the Star Wars series. Its incredible that they lasted for over 8 movies and still grow as they do now.

      Personally I still think the fandom is vibrant and strong as ever for FiM, but the hiatus and the loss of older members and diminished hype appeal somewhat detracts from that. Its a natural cycle that hopefully the community will adapt to and grow from.

      Also as always its good to hear from you again. I always enjoy seeing old members return.

    3. Shrug


      A ghost town? Obviously you’ve never visited EQDF. :lol:

    4. Lulaypp


      O_O A... Ghost town? Wow.. I really had been gone for a long time.... I remember when this place was filled!!

  3. The theater I went to wasn't terribly crowded. There were a lot of families though. I didn't have the best experience though because a lady sitting in front of me kept turning her phone on and disturbing me with her bright light. There was very little in the way of audience reactions, with just a few laughs to be heard, and not too many bronies. It was a nice time though.
  4. Ok, so I just saw the MLP movie in theaters, and I sadly was not impressed. Felt like every other bad mainstream kids movie from start to finish. It was like an extended episode but with a very weak climax and resolution, and void of what makes the show so joyful, funny, and meaningful. The comedy was juvenile, the villains were weak, the backstories were mediocre, some supporting characters felt like a waste of time, and certain main pony characters had almost nonexistent roles. It didn't feel like MLP. It just felt like a montage of celebrities much of the time. Even the music was far from the caliber of quality found in the show. It wasn't magical or memorable, outside maybe 1 or 2 songs. The writing was just... off. It's obvious they were trying to appeal to all the mainstream hip and trendys. I really feel like corporate Hasbro had their hands all over this movie, because if it had been treated no differently than an episode of the show where the usual writers get their same level of free reign, I really think it would have been far better. Even Equestria Girls was more satisfying and true to the spirit of the show than this soulless attempt to "broaden" the show. Now, before I get hate for this, I want to be clear that I don't necessarily hate the movie. I just am highly disappointed in it. It did have a few high points, namely Tempest's character, strong characterization from Pinkie Pie, and the sea pony stuff in general, but it's very sad to see such an amazing show churn out something so mainstream and lifeless. I looked forward to seeing this for a long time, so it's disheartening that it ended up being so mediocre. 

    1. Batbrony


      Hmmmmm... haven't seen it yet myself, but maybe talk to Jeric.  He felt considerably differently, but he's so levelheaded and mature about things that maybe he'll be able to offer some perspectives you might not have considered in evaluating the movie without being a jerk about feeling differently about it than you do.  Granted he's gonna see it again to review it more closely, but as a pony movie he said he quite loved it, even if it wasn't perfect.

  5. I'm not one to bash episodes. I tend to just enjoy them at face value and not overthink them. I rarely find myself saying I disliked an episode. However, I cannot help but admit that Fame & Misfortune is one of the absolute WORST episodes of the entire series. It is mean-spirited, cynical, void of a proper feel good ending, and feels like nothing more than a malicious jab at the brony fandom, and NONE of these things belong in this show. Even looking past all of that, every inch of the episode's progression felt horribly forced just so it could BE the cynical, unfunny, cringe-inducing mess that it is. What a disgrace.

    1. Cwanky


      Good to see you again! Haven't seen you in awhile.

    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      You're not alone. I don't think I've seen FIM go from one of the best of the franchise (Perfect Pear) to one that rivals G3 in awfulness in one episode.

    3. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      @ Cwanky: Thanks! It is always nice to see you again. =)

      @DQ: Yeah, that's a heck of a good way to put it. I checked to see if you wrote a nice thorough and very accurate review of that junk episode and I wasn't disappointed. I was only able to skim it for lack of time, but I wanna read it later because I'm sure it's spot on. Thanks! 

  6. It is very nice to see the folks here in the MLPF community being more positive about the upcoming games than the Sonic fans on actual Sonic sites, like the SEGA boards and Sonic Stadium especially. Those sites are toxic cesspools of whiny babies crying about how bad Forces is going to be. I personally think it looks good. Generations got a nice reception so I'm confused as to why there's some vocal fans hating on Forces which looks a lot like a Generations sequel but with hopefully more to the story and a nifty character customization feature. I don't care for the idea of wisps returning nor the inclusion of classic Sonic honestly, but I can see why they are both included, and I think the game looks like a great deal of fun. As for Sonic Mania, I am extremely psyched. It's truly shaping up to be what Sonic 4 should've been, and I am blown away with the creativity and and just how true to classic Sonic games it is. I honestly feel like I'm back in the 90's again. I just had to pre-order the collector's edition for PC. But yeah, I know Mania will do great and I really am pulling for Forces to be better than the haters are predicting. I think this is definitely the most exciting year to be a Sonic fan in a very long time. I lost a lot of interest in the series starting with Colors because I disliked the direction the series was going, but I can safely say I have a renewed interest in what was once an all-time favorite game series that I've been a huge fan of since I was a kid. I can't wait for Mania and Forces.
  7. It's really unfortunate in the case of Sunset, and I agree it is frustrating that Sunset, who is wildly popular, doesn't see much merch whereas the more blatantly polarizing character is just pouring out products. I don't think it's fair to compare the two characters, and I'm not a fan of the Sunset vs Starlight war this fandom likes to fuel, but the simple fact is that Starlight is a character in Friendship is Magic, and it's the more prominent and marketable of the two. Equestria Girls is a spin-off, so less resources are devoted to it. Perhaps Sunny would see more merch if she appeared in some FiM episodes? Would only be fair since Glim has already appeared in EQG. I honestly don't understand the marketing sometimes. Sunset is a big deal in the fandom so it's crazy there's not more of her.
  8. Hard to Say Anything was fine. I would like an option for that on the poll. I definitely cried at the end. It was a precious and heartfelt episode from start to finish. I think the episode implied there were more stories to be told, if the conversation between Burnt Oak and Big Mac is anything to go by, so I definitely don't think this has to be the last story about the Apple parents. I love all of the flashback scenes depicting Apple Family members and I would absolutely love to see more backstory on the Apple parents.
  9. Well, for starters, the scene takes place at Applejack's barn! Pinkie doesn't know the rest of her friends are in there, (save for Dash) and she's not supposed to, so it makes sense that it'd be AJ there to cover up for the others as they work on the surprise party. AJ had no choice but to lie or else the surprise party would be spoiled. If you replaced that scene with any other character it simply wouldn't have worked. Besides, it's clear through AJ's sweating and awkward smiling that she's struggling immensely at lying. There's nothing wrong with any of it tbh.
  10. There's nowhere enough to suggest they're wrapping up the show. Introducing the parents of two major characters for the first time isn't really tying up a loose end. These were long overdue scenarios. They're about to launch a high budget MLP movie in a effort to "broaden" the brand, and that's not a move they'd be pulling if they wanted to pull the plug on the show. It's too big of an IP for Hasbro to end, and the show proves every single season to be limitless on quality storytelling and ideas. On the contrary, I think FiM has a lot more to offer and isn't ending anytime soon. Fans ask pretty much every season if the next one is going to be the last. Why don't we just enjoy the ride until it ends and not worry about the future? It's way more fun that way.
  11. I swelled up with tears at the very end of the episode. I don't know if it was just that last scene. I think it was rather a culmination of the entire episode coming to a close, and just being really moved and impacted by the entire thing, though the apologies from Grand Pear and Granny Smith in particular, really tugged at the heart strings. I just loved the whole episode more than words can say. The only other episode to bring me anywhere close to tears before this episode was Pinkie Pride. For whatever reason I just don't cry much when watching the show because it tends to uplift me and fill me with joy, but this episode did that but still had just enough tearjerker moments to start the water works.
  12. Mane Six. I've always excluded Spike. Yes, he's a "main" character, but he's not a "mane" character because he's not a pony and therefore has no mane. I don't include Starlight either. She sure feels like a main character with all the episodes she gets, but on the other hoof, so little of that time is actually spent with any of the group barring Twilight, thus she doesn't feel like part of the team.
  13. I had high hopes for this episode and it didn't disappoint. Just a beautiful, heartfelt, fun story all-around. I couldn't help but tear up towards the end of it. I'm in awe. The Apples have always been precious characters to me and I deeply cherish all of the stories and flashbacks and just everything pertaining to them and their family, but this was one of the most touching episodes ever. I loved Granny and Grand Pear and the ending with the tree and just... everything. I don't have the words for it.
  14. Wow! I just got done watching The Perfect Pear. Tears were shed. I just... wow...  An all-time fave for sure! :(

    1. SolarFlare13


      Definitely the best episode of the season so far :catface:

  15. So, I just opened my very first pack of MLP series 4 trading cards, and the first actual card I laid eyes on was the Applejack card. AWWWW YEAH! :D

    1. CheeryFox



      .... But feast your eyes on this ultra rare card: :lol:


    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Dayum @Stormfury, trade ya! I always wanted him! All I got was this...


    3. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      lelz such rare cards i'm jelly xP

  16. NO. I greatly dislike most celebrities and am not in favor of MLP propagating celeb worship onto impressionable young kids. I'm already miffed that the likes of Sia is in the movie. Most celebs just do not have a place in something like this. Weird Al Yankovic was a very rare exception, as I think he did a wonderful job in his guest appearance, but as a rule, I really hate the idea of whiny, self-entitled, detached from reality celebs getting their mitts on something they likely could not care less about.
  17. I love plush dolls, so I collect those, and my favorite franchises that I've recently started to collect are Pokemon plush dolls and Sonic the Hedgehog plushies, and have a small amount of other products of them too. Maybe I'll post pics sometime. I do collect MLP stuff. I have a decent amount of trading cards and figures, as well as a 4DE Applejack plush <3
  18. I love going bowling! Unfortunately, I'm pretty bad. I can do well on Wii bowling though! Nothing quite beats the thrill and atmosphere of being at a real alley though. I don't mind if I am not good. It's just fun!
  19. Well, you can't get much older than the 208th member out of way over 30,000, but whether or not I'm to be considered active is questionable.
  20. Ah, the episode I'm most anticipating by far. This better be amazing. I'm sure I'll love it, but I really really hope this episode lives up to the hype.
  21. I haven't lost interest in the show. It's still the only animated series I care about and I'll love it the same until the end. I always make sure to catch up on episodes, and I love season 7 so far. and am very excited for the MLP movie. I am less interested in the fandom, however. There's probably a lot of reasons, but mainly I'm just a lot busier with life and sadly don't have the time to get into it like I did back in 2013. I'll always check for pony news and stop by the forums whenever I can though.
  22. Equestria Daily's forum is really boring and ugly. It doesn't light a candle to this place. MLP Forums is the best pony forum there is. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Prospekt


      I haven't been around the Equestria Daily forums in ages. Basically I registered, added some people from here as friends, and then hardly touched my account for months. MLP Forums is easily my favorite forum I've ever been on, pony or otherwise.

    3. CheeryFox


      @Ethan TranMLPF gotta stay fresh, yo. :orly:

      EQDF=nobody cares :dash:

    4. Wingnut


      @Ethan Tran The forum is a piece of software that inevitably becomes obsolete.  The maker finally ended support for the old version which would have left it vulnerable to hacking and other problems.  I hear you and I miss all those old features too.  But any responsible webmaster would have upgraded because a working forum is better than one that could go kaput anytime with little chance of revival.

  23. Finally caught up on all the MLP episodes. I especially loved A Royal Problem, but Honest Apple was hilarious. Love season 7 a lot so far. :) 

    1. SCS


      I agree so much :D I dearly love season 7. 

    2. Jeric


      <insert obligatory Rarity guitar gif>

  24. Proud and happy nondenominational Christian.
  25. The series doesn't need to be fixed. Every game has its fair share of flaws and because of all the different game style, there's always going to be people who dislike it because there's no consistency. I am a longtime Sonic fan and I personally don't care for the direction the series is going in. Games like Colors and Generations have bare bones content, almost nonexistent storylines, and shallow gameplay. I miss when Sonic games lasted more than 4-5 hours and had a solid amount of postgame content. There's just... nothing anymore. The boost formula was at its best in Unleashed as far as 3D games go, and the Rush series, which is outstanding might I add, were the best boost games period, and still remain the best modern 2D Sonic games. Another issue is this seemingly endless over reliance on nostalgia. I love the looks of Mania and am glad it's a thing, but previous attempts like Sonic 4 and classic Sonic in Generations and now Forces, seems like a really desperate attempt at appealing to oldschool Sonic fans. I don't mind games like Mania, but do we really need classic Sonic AND modern Sonic in the same game? It's ridiculous. Just add extra playable characters instead. Modern Sonic should be able to stand alone, but if he can't, I fail to see how classic Sonic helps at all. He played terribly in Generations and most likely will in Forces too. Also, stop trying to be Mario. Sonic Lost World and to a lesser extent, Colors tried way too hard to be Mario Galaxy, and that just doesn't fit Sonic. It's pretty sad that they had to include Yoshi's Island and Legend of Zelda DLC in that game as well. Sonic should sell itself. That's pure desperation. And Sonic Boom isn't doing the series any favors either. Axe it.
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