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  1. I do say I love you to certain people. It is a phrase that has to be earned. I'll say this to my immediate family but that is about it. However it can carry different connotations depending on how it is said. If said differently such as after someone I am quite friendly to does something that I appreciate (be it for me or not) that falls inbetween a short thanks/thank you and a long deep thank you.
  2. Calleyar


    It is funny I am having a feeling, nostalgia maybe, similar to when fim2 came back online or before friendshipismagic.org got blown up. It is nice.
  3. Hello, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am doing a research project for school regarding the prices of digital art and how people feel about those prices. If you would please fill out the following survey I would be grateful. It is only about six questions long and shouldn't take more than a minute. If you consider yourself primarily a producer of art, please take the top survey. If you consider yourself primarily a consumer of art, please select the bottom survey. They are exactly the same, it is just part of collecting the data. www.surveymonkey.com/s/N78DTH2 www.surveymonkey.com/s/N9WRG5Z For the consumer survey assume the artist and the quality of art to be about average. Thank you, ~Calleyar
  4. Calleyar


    Hi I am new to this place. I have been to several other forums and figured I would give this one a shot. I have been in the fandom since December of 2010. I look forward to my time here. ~Calleyar
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