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  1. I was surprised to see the trailer....and so giddy with excitement after watching it. Derpy....to be HONEST, her voice sounds like that one spa pony from Castle Sweet Castle.
  2. Just curious...did anyone else have difficulty watching this on dailymotion? It seemed like every minute one of their ads EITHER interrupts the show and causes me to wait or it the audio plays overtop the show. Any other site people could recommend in HD?
  3. anyone can recall seeing the Mane 6 breakdown and cry their eyes out? Rather aside from Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, does anyone seem to remember an episode involving Twilight, Applejack or Rainbow Dash?
  4. YES!!!!! YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! DERPY HOOVES/DITZY DOO finally debuts in Season 4 with her longest appearance EVER!!!!
  5. Pretty good episode...loved the little fang Fluttershy had at the end...what could this mean ??? DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! Ummm....I'm pretty sure this flashback takes place when Granny Smith was YOUNG, ergo they are HER parents. Double check with Family Appreciation Day.
  6. I believe the Castle of the Sisters WILL become Twilight's new palace...and I have speculated this for months. Remember the commercial for the Princess Twilight Sparkle toy??? At the end she says to the girls "Let's fly to my palace!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07T8bmKt_6Q To me it makes sense, given its connection to the mane 6 as well as it's location to Ponyville...and let's not forget how underneath it lies the Tree of Harmony with the "mystery box." And every princess must have a kingdom to rule: Celestia has Canterlot and Cadance has the Crystal Empire. Perhaps this means that Ponyville will now become a major power in Equestria...possibly due to the box. Anyway this is just MY opinion. I would love to hear what you think.
  7. As a fan of pop culture and superheroes, this episode is one of my favs for this season (so far). Yes, it WAS another "Spike feels underappreciated"-episodes...seriously, is it me or does it seem like the characters go through a "personal flaw/resolution" episode and then fall back into that same flaw in the next season? Honestly I would like see some of these flaws resolved and STAY resolved...come up with some new things for them. For pure entertainment purposes, I felt it delivered. Truth be told, from the advertisements I thought the Mane-iac was a male and he was voiced by Tom Kenny...that laugh while sitting on the hairdryer was a dead-ringer for the Ice King from Adventure Time. .....on a personal note, I loved seeing Pinkie in action, since that is essentially what my OC/avatar is...not a superhero mind you, but a superfast earth colt I've been developing...still need a name for him...any ideas?
  8. So....CMC eps for me are kinda one-the-fence....to be honest the ONLY one I have ever truly enjoyed is Show Stoppers. And yes one element the REALLY bothers me with them are the Despicable Duo (you know who ) But I do love CERTAIN things about this ep: 1. generally,CMC songs are enjoyable and so was this one 2. finally confirmation that Scoots lives in Ponyville somewhere (still waiting for her parents/guardians to appear) 3. the return of Ms Harshwhinny (sp?) (I do enjoy seeing repeat appearances from previous chars) 4. brief cameo of Snowflake aka ROID RAGE YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see above comment)
  9. Okay, I've skipped ahead here to avoid spoilers. Did anyone else find the statue at the beginning to be odd?
  10. Tell me...has anyone else noticed on the table spread at the beginning of the episode that there's a slice of HAM or HAMSTEAK on a plate?
  11. Really loved this season opener. Discord was great...loved him singing "Winter Wrap Up" in the shower :3 Twilight's CM being the ACTUAL shape of the element from back in the day DOES seem like a set up for something later. Kind of wished they went a little more in depth about Luna & Celestia in the past, but I do LOVE that we finally got something. Is it confirmed this season will be 20+ episodes and not 13 like season 3? My only disappointment was no "hidden Derpy" in these episodes...I know there's a gray mare in ep 2 near the end but she has an ORANGE mane and not BLONDE. Did ANYONE else get a kick out of the future "POWER PONIES" episode? Although I can't tell, it sounds like they got Tom Kenny to play Joker-Pony.
  12. Hi there. I'm new here and I just wanted to greet everyone. One thing I hope for is while I'm here is that some of you can help me come up with a name for my OC, which is my avatar.
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