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Everything posted by Mono_Chrome

  1. Hello! I'm currently looking for a casual group to play the Roleplaying is Magic Seasone 4e set of rules. If need be I can DM but otherwise I'd like to play a character. This would be a great chance for you to share some stories! Hope to work something out, just lemme know and we shall plan!
  2. Hello! I'm Mono_Chrome! I had an interesting idea to have weekly gaming "meetups" to meet new people within the fandom. The games could range from Pokemon to WoW. I'm open to suggestions. This weekend I'm thinking of playing some Splatoon on the 10th. Halo the night of the 11th and either Minecraft (xbox version) or WoW. My Nintendo ID is "MattDanger2899" and my XBL gamertag is "Nuclear Matt117"! I hope to hear from some of you!
  3. Got a good mic? Random at times? Want some time in the spotlight? I want to hear from you! I'm starting a comedy podcast on my youtube "Channel MonoChrome" It's an improv show where 2 teams of 2 square off in different games to be the best and earn the bragging rights! If you have a friend, bring em on board! add me on Skype for more details @MattDanger2899
  4. Hey all! Chrome here. I've got a new sort of project I've been working on called "Channel MonoChrome" It's a new youtube channel I created solely for pony content. I only have one show being produced at the moment called "MonoChrome's Chatter box" which is to be the main podcast. If you guys could take a look that'd be great. If you like it enough to subscribe that'd be better! If you'd like to be on the podcast, I'm always looking for guests. Thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSMPCDR9YbA
  5. As long as you work well with your partner you ought to do fine. Even if you aren't good at improv. I'd love to see your vid
  6. Hey guys! I'm looking to start a comedy improv podcast that feature 2 teams of two competing against one another for glory and bragging rights. It will be in the style of "Whose line is it anyway" and will be recorded weekly. All I ask in return is to share and show your friends afterward For further info or if you're interested, shoot me a friend request on Skype @MattDanger2899 and be sure to mention what you're adding me for Peppy, fun, and interesting applications will have a better chance!
  7. My Radio play "It's a Dangerous Business" made it to EQD!!! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/06/radio-play-its-dangeorus-business-radio.html The excitement intensifies!!!
  8. Check it out, guys! Tell me what you all think!
  9. Hello guys! I've written a pilot for a Radioplay based on a fic that I can hopefully get off the ground. The fic is called "It's a Dangerous Business, Walking out your front door." A phenomenal piece of literature by JetFire. Anyway, I had inspiration to do this when I saw the Fallout: Equestria play. The parts in the script I have now are Spike and the Main Six. Some sample lines are as follows: Rarity: Well, I happen to think I do. I have quite the reputation, you know! Twilight: Let's start with short distances. Teleport from where you are now, to where I sat that napkin down. DASH: Come on, Rarity, do it! It'll be awesome! Pinkie: Yeah! Think of all the nasty accidents you could have if you teleported wrong! AJ: Well, I think Rarity's wise to want to keep her hooves on the ground! Fluttershy: You know, Twilight just wants to help. Spike: No thanks, I didn't get much sleep last night. If you'll all send your auditions to the email: thebeard9000@gmail.com Please have a decent sounding recording device! If it sounds good, I'll send you a script. Deadline will be in two weeks. I'll extend if I need to. Let's try and get this thing up and running! Thank you in advance! -Matt
  10. Hey everypony! I'm sure you all know what RiM is, but those who don't: Roleplaying is Magic is a pony-themed tabletop RPG! I'm currently looking for a group to get together and play on the weekends (or weekday evenings, but actual times can be negotiated) I'm currently writing an adventure campaign, but we can play some small episodes just to get a feel for the experience. (I'm still new to tabletop's ^_^') To any interested, give me a shout on Skype! MattDanger2899. Thanks!
  11. Hey guys!, Mono_Chrome here, and I'm looking for someone to draw a cover pic for my fan fic. I want it to look similar to the fellowship of the ring poster, where the three main characters are in epic poses and look battle-worn (or something lol) With the title at the bottom. http://impawards.com/2001/posters/lord_of_the_rings_the_fellowship_of_the_ring_ver4.jpg "There and Back Again" Here is the first couple of chapters for those interested: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/147193/there-and-back-again-a-ponys-journey if you're willing to take on this task, PM me and I can send some character sketches for you Thanks in advance! Oh, and You'll of course be credited.
  12. I'm looking for someone to say a few things as twilight for a quick dub I'm doing. Add me on Skype (MattDanger2899) for more details.
  13. Hello all! MonoChrome here looking for some voice actors to fill two spots. The characters you will be voicing are your own OCs and they will become part of the main cast of a comedy series I am writing for. The premise is that 6 different ponies are brought together to live in the same house in ponyville and are forced to live together. It'll be a parody of Big Brother, Jersey Shore and shows of that nature. The OCs in particular need to be a Pegasus of any gender and preferably a female unicorn WITH an accent (British or Aussie). If any are interested, email me at thebeard9000@gmail.com include a pic of your OC and a small sampling of your voice displaying your natural range and tone. I look forward to hearing from you all! -Matt EDIT: Thank you all for your submissions! The VA's have been selected and scripts will be going out by this weekend!
  14. Hey everypony! I'm looking for someone to compile and skin a SFM pony model. I've tried in the past but have unable to do so for some reason. So if anyone would like to volunteer, I'll compensate you in some way if needed lol. The pony I want to model is my profile pic. Thanks!
  15. It'll be a survival/exploration run of the LOTR mod. Version 1.6.4 Although I agree strongly with the MLP mod, I'm not sure if it will conflict too greatly with the LOTR mod. Suppose I could try though
  16. Hey everypony! I've attempted to do LPs in the past, but found they're no fun unless you got a buddy. That being said, I've recently come across the Lord of the Rings mod for minecraft and it is AWESOME! The problem I had with it though is that It got boring by myself. So, if I could get 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 people to join in fellowship with yours truly, I think it'd make for a very interesting series. We'd probably record on the weekends as it would be the most convenient (I have work on the weekdays). One snag about the entire idea is that I have next to no knowledge of setting up servers. I have more experience with Hamachi than port-forwarding, but it's all in the air at that point. If someone can run a server, that'd be excellent Well that's all from me, Lemme know something! EDIT: We need someone who can host a modded server! I've tried and failed many times!
  17. Gotta say, was not satisfied with Bats!

  18. You're more than welcome to use MonoChrome He's not an Alicorn and not too colorful either
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