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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by RED20

  1. Sorry to break it to you, but that's purple.
  2. 8.5/10 Duh, that songs amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM7yK7M1v6A
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF5vhqpMivs Weird unreleased song, but my new favorite.
  4. MOOOOOOLAH. Or art. Like, if someone drew something for me, it'd make my holiday.
  5. Guys, she's a fictional character. Some people will like her, some people won't. We don't need to argue about it. Geez.
  6. Does twitter cause brain rot or something? It makes it look like every normal person is a secret member of the KKK.
  7. I'd be that renegade lone warrior that's all self-absorbed.
  8. ISMBOFepicly. He's so amazing, and really underrated.
  9. An accounting calculator. Maybe I can use it to appease Twilight after I call her a nerd, so I don't get obliterated.
  10. Woah look mine's red because my username is Red. lol (also thanks)
  11. I'M REVIVING IT here's a wallpaper I made.
  12. Yup, I couldn't make it through a whole episode, because it was kindof boring. Plus I always thought that Percy was a girl.
  13. RED20

    visual art Self Portrait

    Final day of exams, plus I came up with a good sketch. Good day. If you've drawn yourself recently, post it here!
  14. RED20

    visual art My art dump

    That first one's really sick.
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