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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. I agree she got a tad bit over hurt on it, but think of it like the Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich episode... Lauren tries so hard to be a good writer, and it's understandable that she may be a little hurt if someone upstages her. Nobody can be perfect, not even Lauren Faust. It's ok to have your own opinions on her, and I'm not trying to challenge that at all, but I wish people would just focus on the positive sides of others rather than the negatives. :/
  2. Ooh, a holiday drawing? You seem very generous for the Holidays, with all this stuff you're giving away ^.^ add me to the list?
  3. Yeahhhhh, I don't think I'm going to get this done. I've been busy with school lately (I have HW to do as soon as I'm done writing this reply, actually) so I haven't had the time. Feel free to pull me out of the competition. Good luck to everyone else! Hey, will we get to read some of the entires after they have been judged and placed and whatnot?
  4. Hey there. Something's come up, and I thought that I'd let you know that I will be unable to finish your background. Sorry! D: I hope you can find another artist to get the job done for you? And again, really, really sorry about this.
  5. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this; I'll get started on the poster right away ^-^
  6. Rocket

    request River Song Pony Request.

    Oh man, another whoofian? My day just got about 20% cooler.
  7. Re-opened the Sharpie Shop after making some adjustments to the front page :3 hope I can continue to have requesters

  8. I can make this for you, if you want ^.^ Any specific text or background colours you'd like?
  9. Rocket

    request Special Request (Closed)

    That's fine ^.^ Edit: Oh, and just to let you know if you didn't already; the requests guild is free, but the commissions area has some really high-end stuff, if that's what you're looking for.
  10. Rocket

    request Special Request (Closed)

    Aw, that's a sweet things to do for her :3 I'd be willing to do it for ya', if you think my art is good enough for this. Here's an example to help you decide: Even if I'm not the one to make the picture, I hope you find an artist that can. ^.^ and a merry almost-christmas to both you and your GF
  11. I'm in that boat that Rainbow Dashey mentioned >.< 800 words doesn't take long to reach, but I need an idea, first! XD Good luck to everypony else!
  12. Should have gone to bed WAY before now (I have school in the morning), but whatever. G'night everypony!

    1. Scootalove


      Good night, I could say the same thing for me too. :P

    2. Blast Box

      Blast Box

      Good night! (Is totally late)

  13. Yeah, heh, sorry about that. I don't know how to mention people on here (I've been meaning to look that up). I should have PMed you or something. As long as you credit me, yesh, you may post the pic on dA ^.^ GAH I'M DROWNING TOO MANY COMPLIMENTS I DON'T DESERVE THIS MANY *gurgle gurgle*
  14. Drawing characters as ponies? Heck, I draw my friends and family as ponies! ...if they say they want me to draw 'em as a pony, that is. I, personally, love ponified things, and I don't really understand why people are so against it. If you're a true to the heart brony, then chances are, you think ponies are awesome. Why would turning a character into an pony strip them of awesomeness? I mean, there are so many cool elements to a ponified character. Simple things like their cutie mark or coat colour may display their personality in different ways. And don't get me started on already cool characters being turned into pegasi; they can fly, for hay's sake! Flying is awesome. C'mon, don't tell me you wouldn't want to see Thor with the ability to fly! Without his hammer, that is.
  15. Hm, I wouldn't mind joining this as a contestant. I haven't written stuff for a while now, but why not? I won't lose anything if I don't win, and this is a fun way to get in the holiday spirit. Sign me up!
  16. It USED to just be for little kids, so in the beginning of mlp, I think that it's kinda silly to criticise the show. But as time progressed, the bronies showed up, and Lauren Faust became aware of us. The show wasn't just for little kids anymore; it was for little kids AND bronies. I have nothing I would want to complain about, but I think that if anyone wanted to complain about something, since we're all the way into season four, it'd be justified. Not that they should spew hate filled rants; that's not criticism, that's just being rude.
  17. Thanks you, you two >u< I can't say that enough for all the compliments you've given me. They made my day that much brighter, thank you ^.^
  18. >u< you're too flattering. Anyways, I'm done. Do ya' like it?
  19. Aw, thanks I'll have it up by tomorrow sometime
  20. So, uh...should I just do a random thing, then? :/
  21. Er, I, uh... I dunno. I usually just make the pony in a random pose, then from that random pose, I have them do a random thing. XD Maybe Blast with a blast box? Or at Sweet Apple Acres? Or maybe Blast with a blast box at sweet apple acres? StarGazer; yay! glad I was able to help ya'
  22. So Blast, wachhu want a picture for? Is it just because my 'drawing style is cute'? XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rocket


      And no, it's not a bad thing, I just think the way that you phrased it was funny :P

    3. Blast Box

      Blast Box

      I didn't mean to phrase it funny. D: I think your style is cute. I'm not an artist so >_>

    4. Rocket


      Sorry, didn't mean to offend your wording >.< Forgive me for being rude?

  23. Of course! Anything for a friend Any particular thing you want in the picture, rather than just Blast?
  24. Rocket

    request shop *Signatures*

    Ok, thanks dude!
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