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Everything posted by Warbalist

  1. Because there's a lack of reggae I made a really silly song for all you out there who assume things about our favorite characters. Headcanon can be dangerous. Beware, pony-folk...
  2. Hey, everypony. Been a while since I've posted. Super-busy year, right? Hope you all have been having a great Hearth Warming. Here's something I made to keep you warm this season, silly title and all:
  3. Thanks a bunch, dude. I love playing and my wife can freakin' sing like crazy. I don't know how she does it!
  4. Hey everypony, As you might know, Faithful and Strong is out now and raising a bunch of money for an orphanage in Africa (isn't this fandom amazing?). Anyway, the songs on this album are fantastic. Replacer, Baschfire, Makkon, etc., a whole host of incredible musicians donated to this cause. If you have the ability, please consider donating to this awesome cause: http://broniesforgood.org/seeds-of-kindness-2/ Here's my track. I wrote a little 80's cheese, because that's what I eat with inspiration! Have fun, and take the donation request seriously, not this song.
  5. Dude, you did such a good job on this song. Really, this album is pretty much liquid fantastic.
  6. Hey peeps! The second day of Remix War V was today, weeee! It's been a load of fun synctubing, and you all should join us next weekend: http://mylittleremix.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4943 Anyway mine was played today and I can reveal it, yay! Here you are: http://youtu.be/ccgKnbBTVfY
  7. Thanks. Yeah, Art of the Dress is next, all thanks to Djenty. It'll take a while, though, 'cause that one's no walk in the park.
  8. Thank you! That's awesome. You gonna record it and put it up on YouTube? That's awesome. You visual artists and your abilities. I swear, what you guys do is mystical sorcery to me.
  9. Thank you. It looks like your OC's been eating the baked bads again. You know not everypony can digest them, right?
  10. Have you ever seen Weird Al live? One of the greatest performers ever, and he has perfect pitch, obviously. All around fantastic. As far as others like him? He's one of a kind, but you can find other parody artists.... http://youtu.be/3VL-PtV_44Q
  11. I'm glad @Cupcake Ice Cream, brought up Genesis, because Peter Gabriel!!! LOOOOOOVE Peter Gabriel, thanks for reminding me. And Billy effing Idol (my first concert, when I was 8....he came out onstage from a giant middle finger, LOL!), and The Cure, and Depeche Mode, and Sisters of Mercy, and Big Country, and Midnight oil, and.....
  12. Thanks, bruthah! One of these days I'll use my classical and it'll be really nice sounding, but until then, CONVENIENCE REIGNS SUPREME!!!
  13. Thank you Berry Punch! Thanks. You should try playing it! The link to download the sheet music/tabs is in the video description. I don't know how you're making up this math, but I like the idea. When're we gonna collab, bruthah?!
  14. No nails, that's one of the issues. The strings tend to stick to me, but you can't play hardcore piano or Lute with nails, HA! Trust me dude, everyone who plays that guitar gets buzzed. It desperately needs a new nut. Truss is good, frets are good, no bumps anywhere, nice give in the neck....DAT NUT! It's just too screwed up. I use this guitar because I don't want to break out the classical and mic. So much more hassle; I'd rather live with the buzz for this kind of thing. I mostly just do these so other people can try the arrangements. GOGOGO! Thanks dude. Looks like Djent is right. Art of the Dress it is! Yikes! I'll be playing it at 50 BPM!
  15. Thank you very much! Check out mah YouTubes if you're wanting to hear the other 4: http://www.youtube.com/user/warbalist Heheh. Plunky sound? Yeah, it needs a new nut and has needed one since I got the thing, but alas, I don't want to go through the ordeal of changing and filing the nut, especially when I want a graphite one and to pay someone else to work on my guitars? HA! Art of the dress? Another fast Rarity one? Yikes! Maybe I'll shelve that one and do a couple easy ones first...like Smile, Smile, Smile! DOH! Becoming Popular I already did (check the link above, yo!). Find a Pet? Maybe.... Super-Speedy-Cider-Squeezy?! No way, they talk through almost the whole thing! Art of the Dress, huh? Hmmm..... Also, Djenty, it plays far more like an electric because it's an unmodded Variax Acoustic 300. Yeah, it needs work, but suggesting that I might be hooking my fingers under the strings? That's fairly presumptuous, though understandable by the way it sounds.
  16. The community is the best, I mean what more can you really say? I've had a great time these short, few months and have met some of my favorite people. It's also helped speed up my composition/recording abilities.
  17. I'm going to agree with HylianMadness in that I also enjoyed the 90's more. That said, however, there are some things that the 80's had in spades. One, which was mentioned above, was great new movies. Every year we saw a new franchise being built, and Tim Burton was still making awesome films. I mean, Neverending Story, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Goonies, DIe Hard (as mentioned above), freakin' PeeWee, Beetlejuice, Batman, TMNT, UHF, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Back to the Future.....list goes on! The music... meh, there was some awesome music in the 80's but they rarely played any of the best stuff on any station of any kind. Though I must admit, there were a LOT of good pop songs back then, even if you had to wade through a bunch of AquaNet to hear them! Unfortunately for metal, only the really poppy stuff was really heard, until One by Metallica in 1988....really late at night.....*DROOLS* Things were about being happy versus the 90's when they were about being real and, for better or worse, the country was sick at that time. Hypercolor t-shirts, insane colors and good times. And goth was WWAAAAAAAAYYYYY cooler in the 80's! Now, I love industrial music as much as the next rivet head, but 80's goth was so much more my style. Video games in the 80's: Skate or Die and SMB2, that's all I have to say....but really, I'm a 90's kid, I mean, Sonic! Come on! Metal started in the 60's, brohams. Black Sabbath came out in '69, then the 70's were chock-full of it. It's just different by our modern standards, but if you think Sabbath wasn't metal....I don't even know how to end that sentence. Unless of course, you mean that 80's introduced metal to the mainstream, in which case, good on ya!
  18. Wow, there sure has been a big influx of new music, and I'm really happy about that, especially for all the new faces. Now all I need is a day off to listen to them all! At any rate, as per request, I made an arrangement of This Day Aria for solo acoustic guitar. If you go to the YouTube description you can download the sheet music/tabs. Please forgive the buzzes, my guitar needs a new nut.....at least.... This is my fifth arrangement. What should I do next?
  19. Thanks! Glad to know other people will try these out, too. Don't forget to try the Love is in Bloom one I did a while ago, too. Thank you so much! BBBFF is my favorite, too, but it's fairly painful to play, for reasons found below... Thank you so much. Funny you should bring up BBBFF. The reason it's slow and brooding instead of springy and happy is that I usually am the BBBFF, and I feel I've failed one of my brothers in this respect: his best friend since first grade recently committed suicide, and I, of course, feel as though I could have done more (as all people feel in the same position). So the reason it sounds the way it does is that the song might mean something a little different for me. I'm the BBBFF and I'm the one who moved away. At least I love my family and am in close contact with them at all times. So, just to let everyone know: don't commit suicide. It's selfish and leaves everyone around you baffled and needing to clean up what you left behind. Well, thank you so much! I think I'd like to get another, nicer Variax so I don't have all those buzzes everywhere, though. I'm not sure what song to do next. One person already suggested This Day Aria. What do you all suggest?
  20. Okay, now I can post the last one and go to my gig:
  21. Hey everypony, Just uploaded 3 new guitar arrangements. Hopefully you enjoy them. The sheet music/tabs are in the descriptions of each video. Beware of mistakes and rhythm hiccups! And you'll have to wait for the 3rd one, because of video limit posts:
  22. Yeah, I don't have an acoustic-electric nylon string, otherwise I would have used that. Lot easier to get your fingers in there. Low notes drowned out? I didn't notice. It's the opposite with the "Becoming Popular" one I did! Left thumb peeking out? Tell my hands to stop being so big! But seriously, the neck on that guitar is tiny and I'm more used to my extended scales. That right hand positioning takes forever to get right, huh? Keep that thumb in front, out of the way of those fingers!
  23. Thanks! It was pretty tough to get right for the wedding, ha! Good luck and keep plugging away. Thanks. Yeah, I think Fluttershy approves of the quiet, solo, acoustic guitar. Awesome, thanks. You should try playing it! After I put up Becoming Popular on YouTube, I'll throw Perfect Stallion up, too. Play 'em all!
  24. Actually, it's very similar to a guitar's highest 4 strings if you put a capo up to fret 5 and tune the low string up an octave. So, some chords would be somewhat similar. Really? Then, here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?qnmn7brligoa3v5 I put a tab on it, so you can try it out. Maybe I'll record it, when I'm feeling adventurous!
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