A couple of days ago, a team of geographical surveyors disappeared in the Everfree Forest. Nopony has heard from them since that day and Princess Celestia is getting worried. I know this may seem like a menial task but I need volunteers to look for the missing surveyors. There's no need for a large group so three ponies would suffice. According to the information I gathered, the group consisted of three unicorns, three pegasi, and three earth ponies. I'll attach their information to your notebooks so you can refer to them during your mission. Their survey area is at the southeast end of the forest where they'll be surveying the area for a suitable place to build our new hydroelectric dam. Look at this old map. There used to be a village near the area where the surveyors were supposed to survey. About 150 years ago, the village vanished along with all its residents. I have no idea what happened and Princess Celestia was very reluctant to talk about it. Anyway, that's not too important. What's important that you rescue the surveyors. I need three volunteers for this task.
- Shining Armour
Your task is to look for the surveyors and find out what happened to them. They were supposed to report in two days ago.
Same as any other RP rules. No godmodding, no Mary Sues, and do keep grammar mistakes to a minimum. Remember to be respectful to your comrades. Swearing is not allowed. I will be controlling the NPCs and events that occur in the game. There is no levelling in this game and each pony species has a constant stat. It is imperative that you look after your team mates.
Earth Pony
HP: 20 (how much damage you can take before you die)
MP: 0 (for casting spells)
SP: 10 (for heavy object interaction and sprinting)
Abilities: Has more health, has more stamina, can interact with heavy objects for lesser stamina
Unicorn Pony
HP: 10
MP: 20
SP: 7
Abilities: Can cast spells, can use Teleportation ability to bypass obstacles, can heal without the use of medicines
Pegasus Pony
HP: 15
MP: 0
SP: 10
Abilities: Can move further distance per turn, can fly, can sprint for lesser stamina
The success or failure of an action will be decided by a d100 dice which I will roll. This is how it works. If the player attempts to break a chest, the dice will roll for both the player and chest. If the lands a higher value that the chest (80 vs. 75 for example), the player will break the chest. If vice versa, the player is unsuccessful. There will be no modifiers so as to keep the game simple.
Character Creation (provide artwork if you have any)
Pony Species:
Cutie Mark:
Strengths (name at least two):
Weaknesses (name at least two):
Starting Equipments
You may bring only one starting equipment with you. You may find more equipments during your quest.
1. Herbal Powder (recovers 10 health)
2. Magic Extract (recovers 10 magic)
3. Bandage (stops bleeding)
It's only a search and rescue mission. What's the worst that could happen, right?