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Fire Lily

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Everything posted by Fire Lily

  1. "I'm givin' up on love, cause love's given up on me."

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      What makes you say that, man?

    2. Fire Lily

      Fire Lily

      "I gave it everything I had and everything I got was bad." from the same song, Kerosene by Miranda Lambert.

      Seriously though, everytime I find someone something always goes wrong somewhere. The big three are, I get cheated on, I'm too high maintenence, or they missed the memo that I'm a guy then want nothing to do with me. So I've decided to give up completely.

    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      i've been there man. Honestly, i've been a bitter ball of "fuck it. no one's for me". eventually it'll pass :) and you'll laugh at yourself for thinking this way ^^

  2. Well I'm not going to hold my breath, especially since having more powerful hardware than a ps4 probably doesn't take much anymore since the ps4 was released a couple years ago. I would like a reason to get a nintendo console again though, especially if they end up getting some of those third party games. I couldn't really justify getting a Wii U just for Splatoon and a couple other games.
  3. Not sure why getting people to play a game with me that they already have is so hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fire Lily

      Fire Lily

      Destiny for PS4. I want to get the DLC but have nobody to play it with so I can't get it. All my friends already have it.

    3. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      I have it on XboxOne. I don't have a PS4. If I did I would play it with you.

    4. Fire Lily

      Fire Lily

      well that doesn't help me at all..

  4. I feel like I should probably update mine since it's been a while. After doing some soul searching i feel mine got quite messy. Turns out gender fluid, demi-bi sexual is really hard to explain to the majority of people. Basicly the I'm really fluid when it comes to me feeling like a guy/girl. I tend to lean towards girl but sometimes guy hits me like a train. And to explain the demi-sexual thing, it basically means I need a lot of attention/bonding to make the relationship work before it goes to any other level. Urbandictionary does a really good job of explaining it actualy. I pretty much need to friendzone people to decide if I want to date them or not.
  5. I've been interested in playing Destiny again...but I don't have Taken King yet because I don't have a fireteam to play it with and I don't feel like going through the whole story alone.
  6. I have it on ps4, don't really play it much anymore though since I don't really have anyone to play with.
  7. "Yeah well you're full bat, so at least you can hang out with other bat ponies, being half and half is just kind of...different I guess. And I'm not that pretty." She added in that last part with a blush and quickly took a bite to try to hide it. "What do you mean about being in my hooves?" She said looking more interested. "Well it doesn't really increase my flying ability more than any other bat ponies I'd say. It's more or less that I can stand on clouds for a while, not long enough for a proper nap like most pegasi like to do but long enough to keep things fun at least."
  8. I think it's pretty safe to say I'm dropping out at this point, I've missed way too much and it looks like Dashian was throwing in another one of his characters so you guys still have 4, thanks anyway.
  9. might have to drop out. I had to be off for a day because of personal reasons and everything happened while I was gone.
  10. I'm not going to go this year unless my cousins invite me. in the event they do however I'll proably wear my Sweetie Belle cosplay because 1. nobody around here has heard of bronies and 2. I was unable to go to any cons this year so it has gone completely unused.
  11. "Well I mostly wear it because a lot of ponies around here don't like bat ponies very much. i also got made fun of a lot when I was little, so I try to hide it." She said while still staring at the table. She much prefered to tell ponies in her own way. She moved a little in her seat looking like she was going to go but sat back down. "I prefer to tell ponies myself though usually. It's kind of hard to explain. I'm half pegasus and half bat. I just look like my mother." She hesitantly took a bite of her food. She looked up at Cresent "I guess it comes down to the whole I never really fit in anywhere thing. "
  12. Finally figured out my port forwarding issues. Now if only I had people on steam to play with.

  13. LIly stared at mist blankly. "Well honestly I'm not quite sure how exactly I'm going to get up there. I can't fly in this coat but I can't exactly leave it behind either, because of reasons." She said while looking down with a slight blush. "I'm not sure you're strong enough to carry me up there though, so do you have any ideas?"
  14. I don't know how to act my age. I've never been this old before.

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Acting your age isn't much fun anyway. But one quote I like is "it's not the years in your life that matter, it's the life in your years."

  15. Dusk stared at him blankly for a very long, awkward while.She wasn't sure what to make of his discovery when she hadn't told him herself. "I..um...how did you know?" She asked while barely poking at her food. Suddenly feeling not as hungry and more scared than before. "Besides, I'm not exactly a bat either..It's really hard to explain. I prefer my apartment though since I have full control over how light or dark it is all the time."
  16. Lily stared back and forth at the arguing group. Without thinking she stepped forward and kissed Steel. "I really think you should go next, you're the most hurt. Besides I can't really fly with this coat so if anything I should be the last one to go anyway. Sparkle can handle herself and so can I."
  17. Lily snuggled herself under Steel's wing just happy he was safe. "Well since you two seem to think that is the best idea. And seeing as we apparently aren't exactly in the best fighting shape right now I agree with that idea." She helped Steel up to his hooves and waited for one of the other two to start leading the way.
  18. Lily looked over at Sparkle without moving away from Steel. "Hey now, I saw the way Mist was wrapped around you earlier, you can't say that monster hunting isn't at least a little romanitc. Besides other than what attacked Steel which was clearly not normal. I haven't seen any sign of anything else evil yet." She looked down the same way Sparkle was looking but couldn't see anything other than black.
  19. Lily set her drink down quickly. "Oh so you're a bat pony..?" She hesitated almost not leaving the 'too' off at the end. She still wasn't sure about revealing herself, since she wasn't a full bat either. "I've never had to live in a tree, I've always had a place of some sorts. Right now it's just a small apartment downtown, nothing to special, at least like a tree anyway."
  20. Lily immediately jumped up and kissed Steel hard as soon as he nuzzled her. She didn't care at all that the other two were there, what was important to her was that he was alive. "Thank Celestia you're alive. I was so scared." She helped him sit down and carefully wrapped herself around him protectively.
  21. Lily wiped her eyes on her hoof and stared at the ground unable to look back up. "I've had a lot too...doesn't mean he's still ok." She said starting to cry again and wrapping her tail around herself so she was hiding her head. "Are you hurt too..? What happened to you?"
  22. Dusk perked her ears up slightly when she heard Crescent mention other ponies, she quickly returned them to normal though trying to hide it. "I don't mind the cold too much myself, then again I guess I just kind of got used to it, not a big fan of the heat though, kind of makes me feel like I'm going to melt." She thanked the waiter as he brought them their food and drinks and took a small sip of her drink. snow in the house, then again that hasn't happened for a while now thankfully" "I haven't had snow in the house almost ever, except that one time I forgot to close the window. Makes a very confusing morning. You live in a tree house?" She asked casually hoping to keep the conversation going and not make it awkward.
  23. Lily barely looked up at sparkle, she could barely see anyway from the tears in her eyes. "I...I don't know..there was something big and scary in the tunnel. Looked a lot like an alicorn. I wouldn't be much good against one, and Steel told me to run..and...and..but just before..him and i..." She cut off and buried her head in Sparkle's side unable to stop crying
  24. Lily glanced breifly at Cresent's teeth. She noticed they were sharp like hers but decided not to mention it in case it might make things awkward. She ordered at the same time he did then turned back to him. "Well I don't go out into the forest much anymore myself, don't really have a good reason to except during the winter. Even then it's mostly just because it looks pretty."
  25. "Well being somepony who's used to being out at night like me I'd figured you'd be used to things biting you" Dusk replied with a small laugh. "Well I think it sounds like a good idea, then again I'm starting to get hungry enough to eat almost anything." It was too dark for her to really see his blush and she put it off as just the light.
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