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Sunny Fox

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Sunny Fox

  1. Aw, shucks! Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. They are the night! They are vengeance! They are @Batbrony! It's great to see that they are still doing so much for MLPForums!
  3. What say we take this little lady to her 1000th page? Gorgeous, Generous, Great!
  4. "You Didn't Know" and "Hell is Forever" are probably my 2nd and 3rd favorites.
  5. Many happy-happies on your special day! One more year survived, one more level gained!

  6. Ahoy there! Fellow Rarity fan here! Call me Sunny, SF, Fox, or Foxy or anything you like, really! I'm sure glad you decided to join the forum. It's a great site with great people.
  7. Y'all can like what you like, but for me, this was the peak: Later, 'gators! PS: Lucifer is a total DILF. Go off, Short King!
  8. Just as a friendly note of warning, if you are currently watching or aiming to watch Hazbin Hotel, now on Amazon Prime Video, the following addendums apply... #1: Um, what are you waiting for? Go see it, it's awesome, support the official release and all that good stuff, just be aware it is for mature audiences only, if you didn't know already. #B: You won't want to read any further, because this is the section of the old-timey-blog-map that bears the legend, HERE THERE BE SPOILERS. and Point the Third: Comedy comes in threes, baby! So you have been warned. If you get spoiled from here on out, that's on you, dawg. (Note to commentors, please use spoiler tags, just in case I ain't gonna, cause this here is my bloggity-blog, see?) Here's my thoughts.... Lucifer is the original Fallen Angel... no one in Hell can kill an angel, so Lucifer is de facto the strongest being in Hell because he is invulnerable, not necessarily because he has the most power. Although, yeah, he probably has power out the wazoo too, given that he has existed since the dawn of time... but that's a discussion for a different happy day in Hell. Even Sinners as powerful as Alastor has shown himself would be unable to take Lucifer out... except now we know there is a way to kill an angel. More importantly Alastor now knows it as well. He might see a way to get all the way to the top of the foodchain, as it were. A chaotic situation like an all-out war with Heaven would be his best chance to kill Lucifer and pin it on Heaven and the angels during the confusion. Thus he takes the throne and keeps himself safe from any reprisal from, say, a certain Princess of Hell... He wants to end the Status Quo, after all, and what better way than to take out the Big Little Man himself. (You'll get it if you watch the show ) It also might be why he told Mimsy to beat it, to keep Charlie thinking he's there to keep the Hotel's Redemption Project going, and prevent interference. So, waddaya think? Do you think Alastor is scheming what I think he is scheming? That he is scheming something is without question. He's had a hidden agenda since the start, and now he might have set his goals even higher since gaining this new intelligence. Stay sunny side up, everyone!
  9. I'm currently waiting for the next episode of Frieren: Beyond the Journey's End. Absolutely gorgeous animation, really compelling characters, and some of the best action scenes in the business courtesy of Madhouse. If you're an anime watcher, I highly recommend trying it if you haven't yet. Giving even a brief summary of the plot would rob a new viewer of some of the enjoyment of going in fresh, so I will say no more. Might blog it in the near future, though.
  10. Fun Fact: It's only 20 days until Christmas! Y'know, if you celebrate that.

  11. All your thoughts are belong to me...

    1. Megas


      Oh hey you’re back!

  12. I had known of Jeric for a while... I believe we were staff members together, once long ago... but I never really knew Jeric personally... and now I never will have the opportunity to do so. But clearly, Jeric has touched the lives of many here... A fellow staff-member, a fellow Rarity fan, and undeniably a central pillar of the MLP Fourms community... Jeric, you will be missed more than you can know; more than words can express. My deepest sympathy goes to Jeric's family, and I hope they will have some solace in knowing that our MLP Forums family grieves as well. Farewell, Jeric.
  13. I get some Black Rabbit of Inlé vibes (plus Death of the Endless) I guess some people see creating an alicorn OC as a "putting on airs" kind of deal, but more power to you! I think there's a nicely tragic tinge to the character that prevents him from being pure self-insert wish fulfilment. I am intrigued to see how you develop your anthology. Let me know if you need a proof-reader, I'm pretty good at picking up on details!
  14. Ah, Rarity, to this day, you still hold my heart in your hooves... Let's aim to get our special lady-horse a thousand pages!
  15. Hi guys and gals!

    Anyone else here playing "Peridot"? It's a virtual pet sim I've been enjoying recently.

    1. Espy Vibe

      Espy Vibe

      I've never heard of it but it sounds cool. What's it like?

    2. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      It's created by the same company as Pokémon Go, and you get a virtual pet you can use AR to play with. You can feed them and play fetch, as well as teach them tricks. They go from Babies to Teens to Adults, and once they are adults, you can Hatch a new creature that has the genetic attributes of its "parents". Not that different from Pokémon in the end. :grin:

    3. Espy Vibe

      Espy Vibe

      Ooh okay, I may check it out sometime! :fluttershy:

  16. Do I get an award for most negative score?
  17. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlord administrator... Good luck and congratulations, @Sir Hugsalotl! Also, new page! Woot!
  18. Happy Chaos Day, y'all!

    1. Astralshy


      Thanks! Same to you :discord_balloon:

  19. So, when browsing threads, sometimes there's a big gap (years) between one reply and the next, and there's a little caption stating the time passed. Does anyone automatically hear the Spongebob narrator's voice when they read them? No? Just me? 

    1. ExplosionMare


      Now that’s all I’m gonna hear :ButtercupLaugh:

  20. Sunny Fox

    movies/tv Lighthearted Animes?

    It's a thread from 2014, so might not be relevant now, but I'd recommend: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Full Metal Panic Fumoffu (only Fumoffu, though, the rest of the Full Metal Panic series can get pretty serious) Konosuba (God's Blessing on this Wonderful World) And of course, Azumanga Daioh. But you already knew that. Duh!
  21. Personally, I think it's okay. I enjoyed the episodes I watched (admittedly, in a very surface level way), but I didn't really feel compelled to watch all of it. Then again, I haven't even watched all of Friendship is Magic, either, so maybe it's just my short attention span again.
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