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Shadowed Watcher

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Everything posted by Shadowed Watcher

  1. Day after turning 21: Trims down beard and slicks back hair and pulls into ponytail. I like where this is headed ^_^

  2. Whelp, that was a birthday... 2 am? Time for sleep. WOOT!

  3. 3 months since last status update? Perfect time to say I'M GOIN TA BED!! nighty nights!

  4. Another pillow. *screen shakes* pillowception. Did I do that right? IDK if i did or not... cuz I've never done that before. bluh. No but underneath THAT pillow is a backup chameleon. Because I freaking love chameleons. Maybe more than ponies! Wow. Breakthrough in 3....2....1..................... ohp nevermind. Chameleons rule, ponies rule, kings rule, queens rule... am I missing anything? Yes? Well alrighty then! Woo! Fun fact: 98% of chameleons are serial killers. Another fun fact: 100% of serial killer chameleons are chameleons. WOW. WHAT? AMAZING! okay i'm done i'm out byesies!!!
  5. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake. I would have one piece, as at that time I shall not be in the mood for cake, even less than usual I mean, so more cake for Celestia! MOAR CAKES!! I shall eat one slice, and she shall eat one slice. Only her slice will look like pacman. What fun we shall have.
  6. Yes, yes I would. I mean its not much different than my setup now... sleeping with an incredibly rude chameleon who may or may not be a serial killer. (((my bets on may))) but uhh I do kinda flop a bit. Like uhh in asdfmovie how they do the flop? I kinda do that... when I'm sleeping... or trying to fall asleep... so as long as I don't break the pony into pieces then sure! But odds are they'd kick me outa bed lol "Uhhh why are you sleeping on the couch?" "Twilight kicked me out of bed." "...What the fuck?"
  7. Give Celestia a belly rub? Yeah. Sure. Am I supposed to be intimidated that she's a Princess? (((and pretty much a god ~_~))) No! not at all. I'd rub that belly. Just ask around I totes give the best belly rubs. *glares at person reading this* Don't you DARE make this weird. woo.
  8. Pretty sure I used to be pretty well known back then.. in the early days of my account. But now? Fuck pretty sure no one knows who I am at all. True, I don't really know who they are either... probably because of the people I used to talk to left... I think they are all gone heh... except Chaotic Discord... but he goes by a different name now... ~~pretty sure?~~ But blah to bluh I'd rate myself at a 0/10 on the "famous" scale.
  9. I'm feeling...? Pretty pathetic. Helpless. Really foriegn feelings for me. Really anxious... really worried. Feeling pretty damned shadowed, being as I dug myself into a hole that I can't seem to get out of.
  10. People just... don't get why I'd prefer to be blind (eyes removed, not just eyes not working)... also why I'd want to have my left hand amputated. I mean really, is that so weird? Of fucking course it is, says someone from a not-me-standpoint. Also people don't get why I have such an affinity with wanting to operate on people's wounds/problems... yeah that one makes me sound a bit over the edge. Hey, its not like I'm trying to hurt you I'm trying to help you! LET ME STERILIZE THE WOUND DAMMIT! (That I caused trying to fix something else but really now, whose paying attention to what caused what heheh!) Shit I sound like a freak. Oh.. right ~~~I am. Also I don't like children-but I want desperately to be a father. Fucking clashing, ain't it?
  11. I'd head right over to Twilight's castle and we can get to work on figurin' out how to keep me in Equestria permanently. And if for some reason she's not home, out saving the world or some shit, I will be like totally pissed. So in other words, I'd take full advantage of her facilities for myself, Twi or no Twi. No royal guard gonna stop me. Wait... does she even have royal guard in her castle? I can't remember... Well anyways, With or without Twi I'm gonna figure out a way to stay in Equestria. But seriously Twilight better be there or the day will just be RUINED! Unless I can y'know, figure out how to stay there... in which case the day won't be AS ruined. But its still a day I could have spent working side by side with Princess Twi. Bluh.
  12. Pretty sure my past self would be more interested in how I ended up with the knowledge to relay a time-bending message back to him... and I'm pretty sure I'd be damn pissed and confused if my future self (me) used this amazing power or whatever to tell me (past self) that I become a brony... Like really, I would be so mad that I wasted such a thing on telling my younger self I'd be a brony... who does that?! Me. I do that. Because I like to fuck with people. Even that people happens to be a younger me. Like seriously? Fuck that guy, I mean, me. Wait... that sounded wrong. Eh, who cares. Bluh.
  13. It doesn't matter how genuine it is, I would take it as bullshittery. And probably get mad. JK I'd run and get the fuck outa there. Unless it was one of my online friends. Then I'd be like... uhh... hmm... lets think.... Oh, I'd be like "Fuck you." But on the inside I'd be like "...fuck you..." ~_~ Its a lie! It doesn't matter how true it is, its still a lie! I am not cute. Adorabloodthirsty? Maybe. Cute? No. Bah.
  14. General insanity, edging towards the "crazy" line but still not quite there. General insanity? Really? There is NOTHING general about this insanity whatsoever. Fuckitall!
  15. I don't really have patience. Might explain also why I can go from calm to "going for the throat" with a finger snap. <------------------- Finger snap. Hah. After-the-fact-joke... Calm to breaking your fingers and going for the throat in an instant... heh. I totally did not plan that joke. Seriously, I didn't. Don't look at me like that. I'll bite you ~_~
  16. Errr... how can one improve on something that doesn't exist? Simple, you can't~but you CAN create it. Woo social life ftw. *misplaced laughter*
  17. Welp, I'm gonna go sleep. What will dreamland show me tonight? Hopefully not more potato shopping.

  18. DAMNIT I KNEW IT!!!!!! Potatoes in my near future... this is what the dream was warning me about!!!!! Still waiting on that one true love being a potato thing, though. Potatoes are #1 fruit, vegetable, and meat. Potatoes make the world go round. Potatoes ARE the world. The moon is made of potatoes. A potato in the hand is worth 2 potatoes in the bush. When in doubt, potato. My vote's still on the hotdog vendors, though.
  19. No status update since December 25, 2014? Allow me to rectify this problem: Nyeh. That will be all.

    1. Shadowed Watcher

      Shadowed Watcher

      Oh, also I'm going to bed. Yeah, suppose I coulda said that too.

    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      hi =) good night =)

  20. Homestuck. I don't really need to say any more on the subject because that one word alone branches off into billions of little obsessions.
  21. Dangerous as hell, but not for us, for them. Humans are fucking cold-blooded.
  22. Last night I dreamed that I was at the store, buying potatoes... you know, like 5 lb, 10 lb bags... I was just standing there debating on which to get. Dafuq is up with that? Maybe its a sign, maybe I'm going do something involving potatoes in the near future... or maybe my one true love is a potato! YES! That MUST be it! It makes SO MUCH SENSE!
  23. Lying is a requirement in my line of being. Hell, I'm so good at lying and tricking people that I do it to myself all the time. Well now if people read this they'll question that everything I've ever posted is a lie... crap. Well I ain't backspacing this, so whatevs. ^FYI totally not a lie.
  24. Lifelong sociophobe/severe anxiety/panic attacks reporting in! Fuck you brain, just... fuck you.
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