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Blank Flank
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Blank Flank

Blank Flank (1/23)


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  1. If we take James' information and combine it with mine (I didn't fact check his statement of how many hours are in a day, I'll just take his word for it) we get there are about 100 days in an Equestrian year, with approximately 16 hours in each day. this means there are 1600 hours each Equestrian year. There are 365.25 days in an Earth year, and 24 hours each day. This means there are 8766 hours in an Earth year. So an Equestrian year is approximately 18.25% of an Earth year. This is about 66-67 Earth days in case anyone is curious. This means that for every hundred years that pass in Equestria, only 18 and a quarter years pass on Earth. So if Ponyville was founded 300 Equestrian years ago, Granny Smith would be 54.75 Earth years. If it was founded 400 Equestrian years ago, Granny Smith would be 73 Earth years. This makes the stories much more believable. I really like the cultural observations you made that easily make just as much sense as Math (probably more sense to other people). It's amazing how our minds can work so differently even though they are created of the same elements.
  2. The timing for discord includes the square root of -1, which is an imaginary number. The creator of the chart was just making a joke. Half of the ages seem as if they are there simply for humor, not to be taken seriously. Obviously Celestia and Luna are much older than 1000 as well, since Luna was banished for 1000 years and she certainly was banished the same year she was born. My best guess is that years in Equestria are significantly shorter than years in the real world. My reason for saying this is that in season 3 episode 8 (the 60th episode) Granny smith says "I can't believe it's been almost 100 moons since the last family reunion." The last episode that even resembles a family reunion is episode 1, when Twilight first meets the entire apple family. Those ponies don't really seem to show up at the apple farm during any other episode, which leads me to believe that it may have been a family reunion. So that means that over the course of AT LEAST 60 episodes less than 100 days pass. Now if we do the math on it 100 days divided up into 60 episodes means that each episode is approximately 1.67 days. only 6 more episodes pass until Twilight has been in Ponyville for 1 year. This means only another 10 days (approximately) have passed. Which means 1 year in Equestria would only be somewhere around 110 days, making it less than 1/3 the length of a human year (approximately 30% actually). So when it says Ponyville was founded 100's of years ago it would be safe to assume that for every 100 equestrian years that have passed, 30 human years passed. So Granny could very well only be 60 or 90. Maybe even 120. It all depends on how many "hundreds of years ago" it was created. My best bet is that she's close to 90. Another logical conclusion that can be drawn from Granny Smith saying "almost 100 moons" is that, a lot of family's have a family reunion once a year, around the same time every year. So her saying it's been almost 100 moons could be her saying it's almost been a whole year, which would mean there are about 100 days in the equestrian year. This wouldn't change the math a whole lot, the percentage would only drop down to 27%. Which would make her age be approximately 81 if 3 centuries had passed since the founding of Ponyville. I posted this on facebook recently when Equestrian Mental Institution posted a picture concerning this problem. This would also mean Luna was only banished to the Moon for roughly 300 of our years. While this is a very good point, the math is done wrong. If the days are 16 hours long, that means they are 2/3 the length of an Earth year. That being said, an Equestrian year (assuming it would have the same number of days, which I don't think it does) would be 2/3 the length of an Earth year. This means 1.5 Equestrian years equals 1 Earth year, not the other way around. So 150 years in Equestria would only be 100 years on Earth, not the other way around. Also, 125 and 130 years aren't even close to 2 centuries. Just sayin'...
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