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Everything posted by Conred

  1. Im afraid FiM animators ship Dr Whooves with Roseluck. They appeared walking together in Breezies episode as well they sit next to eachother at Equestria Games. It would probably meaningless if not the fact that Roseluck probably symbolise Rose from Dr Who franchise
  2. I think if they knew he is Starswirl they would try to reform him earlier than after 1000 years. It seem that Celestia reformed Discord only becasue she knew that one day Elements may lose their magic or new Elements Bearers might not appear after mane6. So she wanted for Discord to behave on his own will. Beside AKR probably confirmed that Discord is not Starswirl since she said that Discord was stoned before Tirek and Scorpan came to Equestria in one of her panels. And Starswirl was already there befriending Scorpan (also Discords first friend is Fluttershy, not Scorpan)
  3. I think only most powerfull Unicorns and alicorns are able to master this spell for immortality purpose. If Staswirl is going to show up is probably because of that spell
  4. I dont think you understand how little girls are working. Playing "home" with infant dolls or Ken and Barbie dolls is basically an introducing to relationship since their early years. Every girls cartoon and even previous Generations of ponies except G1 were also about getting boyfriends. Hell Flash wasnt even Meghan idea, Hasbro wanted some love interest and they forced him into the show too. If anything mane6 having boyfriends in S5 would be Hasbro dream for their toy sell. Its only for Meghan effort that show keep away from shipping becasue they have no idea how to introduce love interests yet(Or maybe Meghan have an idea but we may never know). Hasbro always allow for shipping in official comics, they wanted to see if Celestia/Sombra would be liked and they test the waters for future pairings.
  5. Twilight deserve better that this. Prince of Saddle Arabia or Starswirl descendant would be more fitted for her personality. Someone who either understand magic or know how to rule a kingdom would be more likely for her than generic guard.
  6. Discord will probably be nerfed in future seasons, since he seem too strong and they need villains to battle. Im expecting that every villain will now use some kind of anti-magic bubble that they will use to trap Discord and make him useless. Or just mind control him or turn him into stone or whatever.
  7. Well i had a headcanon that Aj parents were dead but it turns out it wasnt a headcanon at all. I figure that Fluttershy's parents are dissapointed in her and angry that she decided to left Cloudsdale (maybe they were former Wonderbolts and wanted to have a daughter as Wonderbolt too) for earth animals. Its interesting that she really may truly understand Discord (as he said in TaC) as she would be also somewhat of an outcast, especially with her timid personality. Just like him she she only depends on few friends who understand her and before she met them she only seek friendship with animals. Dash and Twilight parents are still there but we just dont see them visiting eachother. Rarity parents are seen pretty often in the background. Pinkie Pie suppose to have entire episode in S5 with her entire family.
  8. Based on the rumors he recorded at least one episode with Fluttershy centered
  9. If Twilight Kingdom doesnt destroy the stereotype of this show then i don't know what else can.
  10. Heart and Hoof Day Episode: Scootaloo: Sweetie Belle is right. Big McIntosh is the perfect match for Miss Cheerilee. He's really nice, super hard-working. Apple Bloom: Hmm... but he's also pretty shy. He's never gonna ask Miss Cheerilee to be his very special somepony So here you have it. According to his sister who should know him Big Mac is shy and is canon. (and hinted toward Cheerilee you silly fluttermac shippers)
  11. Im pretty sure Flutter Ponies being basically "fairy ponies" are Breezies that were based on them in G3 and were used in G4. Flutter Ponies didnt had marchendise purpose since big horses dont look good with fairy wings so they remade by making them smaller in G3
  12. Smooze was defeated by G1 version of Breezies. I dont think Discord has any weakness other than his pride and deus ex machina of rainbows
  13. Actually since Fluttershy writes to him, those letters need to have an address. Which mean Fluttershy is the only one who know where he lives and didnt mention that fact to Princess Twilight nor the fact that they write to eachother. Very clever little pegasus...
  14. Those were pretty cool villains. They would be perfect for Fluttershy episode where they would took advantage of her kindness just like they did with Posey in G1. They used ponies to defend them from forces of giant crabs who were actually prison wardens/police. They destroyed their gardens and grow into giant man eating monsters. It was pretty awesome for a little girls cartoon.
  15. Because most of the episode in every season tend to be a "Hit and Miss". The show really need less writers and more talented one. Only MA Larson, Meghan and Amy Keating Rogers raise the level of this show beyond mediocre.
  16. Its a preview sketch presented by Brenda herself on her tumblr
  17. Amy Keating Rogers said on her panel that Discord was conquering Equestria before Tirek and Scorpan came. So when Scorpan was befriending Starswirl, Discord was aready in stone and Tirek knew that day that he was imprisoned. Thus why he asked him "You are free?" in Twilights Kingdom. Starswirl theory at this point is totally destroyed.
  18. True love require friendship. So love is a higher power. And yes shippers. In this show only good friends are more likely to get shipped
  19. Discord and Cheese Sandwich because it would be the most crazy episode ever other than that Discord and Fluttershy but i heard is already planned in S5
  20. He surely cant be Starswirl. That theory is long time dead. 1) In Twilights Kingdom, Starswirl befriended Scorpan, Discord never had a friend beside Fluttershy. Other than that Starswirl and other ponies just didnt understand Friendship as Twilight did, thats why she was turned into princess of friendship. Discord didnt understand friendship at all and was just a plain villain like Tirek.. 2) In comics Starswirl was around Celestia when Luna started to slowly change into Nightmare Moon, which mean that Discord was already imprisoned. Hasbro check for such details to make sure they dont interfere with tv series canon. Beside Meghan approved Reflections arc too.
  21. They sell meat and fish to gryphons while use chikens and cows for eggs. Although cows are probably not raised as domestic creatures since they have civil rights and more likely work for themselves and they sell their own milk for bits. No matter what they will say about Gryphons. They cant be vegetarian. Birds nature depend on their beaks. If they are flat like ducks then they are herbivores and if they are shaped like hooks (eagles,vultures,owls) then they were designed to rip apart meat. Im afraid that based on Gilda, all gryphons are carnivores or at least omnivores. Even based in AKR books, manticores were hunting zebras. So we can assume that not all races are vegetarian. Remeber that in one scene(inspiration manifestation) ponies were eating shrimps which is still an animal meat. There was also a a scene where Aj was trying to eat a sandwich with ham but it could be just an animation mistake. Of course the more family friendly version for kids will be probably state that Aj use pigs to hunt for truffles or other nonsense. (there isnt a single farmer who would raise domestic pigs for just truffles, cost of fodder and time and effort to raise them compared to profit would ruin her farm)
  22. Well she do love animals. If they would ever match her in canon then it would probably someone from different race.
  23. I don't know if he will appear in S5 but we will have an update on him when his comic comes up.
  24. Give you hint for Fluttershy husband from the official comics
  25. Females except Strongheart are probably not warmongers and probably stayed in village taking care of young ones. They probably just didn't show her. Just like they still didn't show Fluttershy parents. We only know that Applejacks parents are gone.
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