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Posts posted by --Rainbow-Dash--

  1. Seeing as how you're an aspiring artist, I took some time out of my day here to make this tutorial for you right now. I apologize if it appears "rushed" I was trying to make it in like 25 minutes.



    Just a guess, you have adobe illustrator or some similar product, also a tablet on which you can draw with?

  2. Oh no I'm saying it will help with proportions. That tracing is a good way to fine tune what you are already capable of doing.

    I didn't trace this time, but I think this one did better, partly because I made her smile and didn't do the wierd grr thing


    • Brohoof 1
  3. There is no shame in tracing. It will help you get the shape of things as well as the proportions down. Once it's like a second nature you can easily move into free styling.

    I can't draw and ever art friend I have tells me that.

    I didnt trace, I just looked at the image.

  4. Ya I would advise against using a mechanical pencil for an entire drawing, only use it for tiny details that need a really really sharp pencil to draw. It makes it look.....scratchy. This drawing is bad, but not just for that reason. If you're goal is to match the reference image, than you'll want it to look as much like the reference image as possible. I'm sure you can see that it's very very off overall in terms of accuracy.


    One trick to help is to look at the drawing in a mirror, because a mirrored view will show you proportional problems that you may not have been able to see otherwise, so even if you think it's right, it could be wrong. Though, if you're being completely honest with yourself when you judge your piece, you should be able to tell, without having to look in the mirror, that it's wrong. Something will seem off, the mirror will make it much easier to see. Eventually you should be able to train yourself to not need the mirror anymore (either it's a matter of needing to train your eye to see what the mirror can see without having to look in the mirror, or to stop lying to yourself that there's nothing wrong when there is).


    Also, when drawing, look at the reference image as frequently as you can, in order to keep the memory fresh in your mind. Like every 1-2 seconds look at the reference.


    So ya basically keep trying until your drawing looks exactly like the reference image, proportions are the one thing in art that needs to be perfect (unless it's not meant to look perfectly proportionate....but than perfection would be imperfection in that case).

    I do not have many (any) drawing pencils so my mechanical pencil is all I have. I tried doing the thing I saw in some tutorials and drew circles for the head the chest and flank, on this picture, on my other one, however (http://mlpforums.com/topic/84994-rainbow-dash-sketch/) I didnt notice how elongated I had made it until after I was done, but I'm sure even the best artists had trouble at first.

  5. The main thing you need to work on is drawing snouts.... And curves... It's not BAD bad but.. I'm scared of it.

    xD I said in my previous post of rainbow dash, that I was bad at drawing, I just tried to draw something I'm familiar with. Also it might look bad because I'm using a mechanical pencil and a not so good eraser.

  6. I am pretty bad at drawing and this picture would have been worse if I didnt have a reference picture.


    Of course, I used a reference image. img-2206232-2-rainbow_dash_vector___angr


    I realize the head is a bit stretched on mine, but I'm not good with drawing, and didnt quite notice till the end :/ so its not just messed up photo, thats what it looks like. I had trouble with the eyes mostly, the hair was fairly easy, but anyways, Tell me what you think!

    I'll try fluttershy instead I guess

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Many people choose their favorite pony without researching or analyzing their choices. I know that many peoples' choices are background, secondary, and very rarely appearing ponies, but in this topic I will research one pony of your choice decided by a google survey at the end of this post. I will go in the order of their elements in the first episode, starting with Applejack.



    This is going to be the hardest one to analyze, knowing that she does not get as much screen time as the other 5. It will also maybe be the shortest, knowing that Applejack is the most "straight-line" pony. Now, to the point of the topic. Applejack, at first was my favorite pony. I'm southern and used to work on a farm of sorts myself. Noted, I don't have the signature 'Southern' accent, I have had a few similar instances as her. For instance, I really wanted to live the city life, so I took a trip to Manhattan, to scope the place out for myself. Turns out, I really didn't like the place, and when I returned from my trip, I was as content as could be. Now, lets get to who she is, and what she does


    Who She is:

    Weaknesses: Stubborn, On occasion: does a job too well.


    Strengths: Strong, Persistent,


    She is very hard working and helpful to anypony who needs help. She is slightly stubborn and has a hard time accepting help from people when she really needs it.


    What she does:

    She has worked on the apple farm her whole life, and apples have become her whole 'thing.' To fans and even non-fans, all they have to go off of is that she really loves apples. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxAJqvslV7M

    She is one of the least explained ponies in the mane cast, and for a good reason. She, unlike the other five, has no aspirations, or goals. her cutie mark is apples, and she works on an apple farm. What could you possibly want if you are right where you want to be?


    Anyways, moving on to


    Whew, already a long post, by my standards anyways. Fluttershy also used to be my favorite pony because I am usually shy around people I haven't been around a whole lot. I have an example of this. I went to a star trek convention in Orlando, FL. Patrick Stewart, of course, was there. I went into the trivia room, and his photo op room was separated next door by a cloth wall. he peeked his head in, and asked a question about a Shakespearean play, and in the back of my head, I knew the answer was Hamlet, but because the only other people there, were other celebrities and Patrick, I got real shy, and didnt answer. That was the answer.  :angry:


    Who she is:

    Weaknesses: Shyness, Overly nice (The episode "putting your hoof down" will be discussed)


    Strengths: The Stare, Can befriend nearly any animal.


    She went to the same school as Rainbow dash but during a race, she fell off a cloud, and being a not very good flyer, she could not recover. she was saved, however, by a flock (herd?) of butterflies. she finds that she flies much better close to the ground and loves the animals.


    What she does:

    She is head of pretty much anything animal related in Ponyville. This includes, but is not limited to: music at the summer sun celebration, and waking up animals in the winter wrap up.


    I find that her introverted personality goes perfectly with her element being kindness. I don't know if it is just because I live around these people, but most shy people I know, are much nicer than most extroverts. Another thing about her, is that she really HAS to be shy, because it helps her with her animals, and when she tries to be more assertive in "Putting your hoof down" she seems to go a might overboard. She then settles the conflict by using the stare, instead of being aggressive and mean.


    And now, the one and only,

    Pinkie Pie:

    She tends to break the fourth wall, so... yeah


    With pinkie, we were actually introduced to her parents in her cutiemark story. though we do not know their names, we know that pinkie pie's name is really "Pinkamena Diane Pie." the fandom tends to call her that when she goes into her crazy mode. when she gets really depressed, and before she got her cutie mark, she had straight hair and is mopey not bouncy.


    Who she is:

    Strengths: Not really afraid of anything, The ability to break the fourth wall, throwing parties within a moments notice. 


    Weakness: Pinkamena Diane Pie


    Although it is not explained how this came to be, she moved from her family's rock farm to ponyville and is currently the apprentice of Mr. and Mrs. Cake. She is head of nearly all parties in Ponyville. she can make anypony smile, and seems to break the fourth wall a lot.


    Now, the majestic and beautiful


    Many People LOVE rarity, such as http://mlpforums.com/user/20419-ghostfacekiller39/, many people HATE rarity, same goes for tom.


    Rarity is a self-proclaimed dress designer. she, at some points, ignores and abuses her friends for fame and glory. but in the end she always comes around.


    Who she is:

    Strengths: Nice to everypony (example would be "Rarity Takes Manehattan")


    Weaknesses: Sometimes overwhelmed by pride and self worth, takes on jobs too much for her.


    Her parents dont get much screen time, but as we saw, they are very much different from rarity, and her dad might not even be a(n) unicorn. in her cutie mark story, she was a designer from a young age. she now takes a job as a dress and dress accessories pony in Ponyville. she does her job for passion, not always for fame. if she wanted to do it for fame, she could easily go to canterlot, or manehattan, but she doesn't. she seems to have a severe case of Automysophobia, or the fear of getting dirty.


    The fastest Flyer in all of equestria,

    Rainbow Dash:

    Based on birthstones, RD was either born in January or November, becuase those stones represent Loyalty and Faithfulness, in that order.


    Who she is:

    Weaknesses: Overly self-confident, milks being loved too much, shows off.

    Strengths: Perseveres, Fast, Agile.


    She never lets her friends be in danger for her own personal gain. From a young age, she never wanted to be the fastest pony, but when she  went to race to bullies in her school, she found a need for speed and preformed the first ever Sonic rainboom. She preforms this a few other times in the show, once to save rarity, and once at princess cadence and Shining Armor's wedding. in a fan made work "Double Rainboom" she preforms a double rainboom and gets transported to the world of powerpuff girls. once again pinkie pie breaks the fourth wall out of the ball park in this one. Rainbow dash, is my current Favorite Pony.


    The Student of Princess Celestia

    Twilight Sparkle:

    Besides the sort-of obvious joke that vampires in twilight sparkle, she is pretty much an open book (pun intended) she always helps her friends and looks out for them.


    Who she is:

    Strengths: Smart, Organized, Best magic pony.

    Weaknesses: Goes a bit insane when something might be late. over-prepares for stuff.


    She is the student of princess Celestia, and now has been turned into Princess Twilight, after learning everything and completely understanding how powerful and magical friendship really is. from the beginning of the story, she seems to not want any friends at all. but then she realizes that she really does need friends, and that friends are not only helpful, but they can help cheer you up and make your day just as sunny as on the summer sun celebration!


    That's all, Folks! if you wish to recommend a pony for me to analyze, go to this link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f-c4Vj02j_U_zUYdjDz4RZdnqMzZlLSqRQ8xEVRGWGU/viewform pick a pony that I did NOT already analyze.



    This is open for discussion below, share your opinions and tell if I did a good job or not.


    (hopefully you didn't notice how my writing got worse slowly over time) xD

  8. This could be the start thou, All great animators probably couldn't rotate at first. I takes real determination but if you stick at it im sure you'll get somewhere. Good luck man ;)

    it could be also be that the puppet im using it too complicated  :derp:

  9. Here you are man, but be warned this is a very hard program to use it takes alot of know how, to use this.


    holy wow it is hard i cant even rotate a thing


    As Gabby_Gumz said, Adobe Flash, however, it is quite expensive software (you'll get it cheaper if you're a student) and requires ALOT of know-how, and it really hard (I tried).


    Make sure you are very persistent if you're gonna try this.


    However, if you do decide to give it a shot, good luck.  ;)



    Contrary to popular belief, Flash is one of the simpler animation programs out there. It's very good for actual animation (as in making things move), and enables you to animate in several different ways, including traditional cell animation, symbol animation, and 2D rigged puppet animation. However, it's fairly limiting as far aesthetic appeal goes due to it's limited art tools, and you'll find that you'll need to use it alongside other programs if you want to create anything substantial. 


    Saying that, it's good at what it does, fairly cheap compared to some other animation software, and much easier to get that hang of compared to more advanced software such as Toonboom.


    In answer to your question, another couple of good pieces of software you can try are TVPaint, which I believe is a French Bitmap animation program if you don't like vectors, and the aforementioned Toonboom, which is kind of like a more advanced version of Flash. It has a lot more options for visual design, post-production tools, and is used by a lot of big production companies including Disney.   

    no. it's hard


    Uuuhm im a animator and im just saying adobe flash is REALLY hard to master.

    I agree.

    wait i just figured out how to rotate

  10. I always wondered about the land of Equestria and where it really is in relation to other things in their universe.

    Map_of_Equestria_April_2013.jpgAs you can see, it is laid out quite like north america, where it has Manehattan, and Neighagra falls in the top right, and Las pegasus in the bottom left, with what I'm guessing to be their version of mexico in the bottom, and canada in the top. Although, in one of the episodes, Twilight says that the princess is in 'Saddle Arabia' No doubt a play on words of Saudi Arabia. But, as you can see, Saddle Arabia, is not on the map of equestria. does this mean that there are other continents unknown to the viewers? or something else? discuss below.


    (if this is the wrong section, please inform me of this.)

    Honestly, I thought this would be a more popular topic. It doesn't even have a view yet, hmmmmm...

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I know that for animations of MLP, people use adobe flash, but I cannot find what program they are talking about, I only can find adobe reader or flash player, do you know what program I can use to make animations? if you do, please include a link.



  12. Chrysalis into Celestia and vice versa also



    I had a hard time with her hair so i made two versions

    Hey if you want I can help you out with this :) I'm quite handy with Photoshop and know how to do this. If you want some help that is since you have quite a workload ahead :)

    Sure! try doing 'caramba2654's request. Can't wait to see! I've been using GIMP myself. Used it for all my other art posts as well.

  13. How about Luna turned into Scootaloo? o:



    Scootaloo turned into Luna 



    Into chrysalis




    Chrysalis into Celestia and vice versa also




    What pony you want:Queen Chrysalis

    Turned into:Princess Luna





    There you all go! as for Okami, I will get your request completed fully soon

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