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Everything posted by Macklin

  1. Yeah...life sure has been problematic. Hope you are well though!
  2. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I am not actually new I sort of randomly vanished about 5 months ago without a trace so I thought I would re-introduce myself and explain what happened. The re-introduction: My name is Macklin, I have been a MLP fan for about a three quarters of a year now and my favorite Pony is Fluttershy. I am not a huge brony because in the city I live in there is a huge blow back against bronies and fans of the show. I am not in the closet so to speak but I also don't broadcast my love loud and proud. I write, have started to do a YouTube review show for television shows (yeah I know, at this point who hasn't right? ), and love gaming of most types. Not sure what else to write here for the sake of re-introduction...oh well! For those that know me, err- well knew me allow me to explain what happened. An aunt got cancer, real bad, and it spread really badly to a lot more places, but she managed to hold on for quite a few months. That time though was so full of uncertainty, sadness and stress for the family that I kind of retreated from the online world. Then during the deep cold of winter a pipe broke, flooded the space between floors of our house and we found out when it finally found a crack to push through. Directly onto my computer (which was on) for most of the night before we found it in the morning so there was that... And finally after many months just last week the aunt passed on so I have been putting all o fthat to rest and have started to make my return to the online world. So..hi!
  3. Rarity is fantastic! Every episode she is in I just love her more adn more...though no, she is still no where near beating Fluttershy for my heart. >.<

    1. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      She will overtake Fluttershy eventually. Just let the inevitable happen. :)

    2. Macklin


      Can't wait to find out for myself! I am still only on Season 1...just finished the Diamond Dogs episode.

  4. Sweet! That's awesome! Thank you! But I don't be able to start playing till the end of this week or beginning of next because of the holiday gauntlet. I hope that is ok.
  5. There is a rigorous set of requirements to be a brony. I shall list them now. 1. Do you watch the show? 2. Do you like the show? 3. Are you now or have you ever been alive? 4. Are you willing to hang out with other fans of the show in any forum or way? If you answer yes to all 4 of these questions, congratulations you are a brony.
  6. Only 8 Rares and 9 URs from completely my CCG set! Oh why boxes did you hose me on Fluttershy cards... v.v

  7. Today my spouse travels to the otherside of the country for the holidays leaving me to be by myself on Xmas. :(

  8. Today my spouse travels to the otherside of the country for the holidays leaving me to be by myself on Xmas. :(

  9. The starters are still not in Canada.
  10. $6 for the Host..ehhhh...on one hand I may still be paying too much on the other Jake Abel...

  11. I predict that Batman vs Superman (Man of Steel 2) will flop.
  12. Just so everyone knows if you go behind the scenes Jason X was supposed to be more comedy than horror. They expected the franchise to be dead and were spoofing themselves and the horror genre in general. The reason it was ins space was because the old joke from the 80s and 90s was; "Didn't know what to do with your franchise? Send it to space!" That is also why they had so many direct and blatant homages to things such as Aliens, and the Matrix. They were parodying themselves as a fun last hurrah for fans. You didn't think they were serious when they had the two female characters representing "typical 80's" teenagers say the lines they did, did you? Again they were making fun of themselves for entertainments sake.
  13. The worst horror movie I have ever seen well unfortunately there are too many vying for that spot so uh I'll name a couple. Jeepers Creepers, The Hills Have Eyes (The remake), Hostel part 1, and...No Vacancy
  14. Percy Jackson & The Sea Of Monsters The parts that were better in this one are much better than the better parts of the first one but overall...this movie was still slightly worse than the first one. Though again when they do cool stuff here it is amazing! I have to admit though, the main reason I continued watching it at one point was because Jake Abel was on screen and I absolutely love the sound of his voice. I will be watching the Host because he is in it and I had forgotten that... 6/10
  15. I tend to like soft epic music such as... The Accident by Thomas Newman or Roslin and Adama by Bear McCreary Not traditional "epic" music but this is music to nail you right in the feels, or me at least.
  16. A Nightmare in Silver is the laziest, most random, pointless episode of the whole run. Yes I know Angels Take Manhattan once the halfway point hits actually no longer functions in the most simple ways but Nightmare in Silver... If one random Cyberman could move so fast to grab the second child, aside of lazy writing why didn't any others move that fast? All those times that they were outrun and really only needed to do this one thing to win it all, why didn't they run fast? How many times did they get owned because of how slow and clunky they were moving? Early on it showed they could out run the emissions of the sonic screwdriver. So that it could steal a child cause it only wants to upgrade children...minus the old guy, and when they upgrade the Doctor without knowing what he is...but you know...
  17. Bioshock Infinite, Alice the Madness Returns...hey I see Wheatley and I share some impeccable tastes. Next game I want to go through and savor is Silent Hill: Downpour!
  18. Hey welcome to the forums. Personally I believe the difference between a brony and someone who just likes the show comes down to what you do. If you like the show and watch it, your a fan of the show. Once you start to marathon things, and changing themes and actively start looking for the shows fan community you have officially moved to brony territory. Welcome aboard!
  19. Hey! Welcome to the forums! Target can't be that bad can they? Also JRPGs or their western counterparts. Which do you prefer?
  20. Welcome to the forums! I gotta ask did you get a PS4 or Xbox1 yet?
  21. Hello and welcome to the forum! As many have said this is a supportive community; I can attest to that first hand.
  22. Welcome to the forums! Aside from RPing you can always surf the most recent blogs and posts to see if something catches your eye.
  23. Macklin


    Hello and welcome to the forums! May I ask what type of blogs will you plan on writing?
  24. I was terrified at the idea of asking for pony merchandise from my spouse, friends and family. My Little Pony up till now has been a very polarizing subject in all my circles. Eventually I steeled myself up enough to ask for a Fluttershy vinyl figure which while I got created a bunch of hoopla initially. All that hoopla made me even more nervous and self conscious at the idea of a) being a brony and asking for a couple of other MLP related things I would like to have. This isn't sounding very inspiring so far is it? Believe it or not I am trying to show that things will be fine. Anyways I decided to take the leap and simply just do it, and when people asked, "Really but isn't this...?" I just confirmed that yes, that is what I want there is no obligation for anyone to get it for me but if they wanted to know then they can make peace with the answer themselves. Aside from some light hearted rib-poking the matter very quickly became rather moot as in the end they are my friends and family and it is just a television show. (This has all taken place in the last two weeks since I first found the show). If it makes you happy, you aren't rubbing it in everyone's face and it isn't affecting you in a negative way most family will just nod. Though again there may be some light teasing...
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