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Posts posted by Thepumpkinking

  1. Blake kicked a the PACE member that was activating the fleetcom. Completely obliterating the soldier. Just as he did that he turned around to only get his mech punched by another mech, damaging his center haul. Blake quickly used his only arm to punch the mech back. But not inflicting the damage he wanted the bastard to take. With that, Blake was hit again in the haul only to be completely ripped out of his mech. "YOU WANT SOME TO?" he said taking his pistol out to shoot the hydrolics in the arm to disable it, making it let him go. Then he pulled out a grenade pulled the pin and jumped on its back. The mech frantically tried to remove Blake off, but Blake ripped a hole in the core and threw the grenade in. With that he teleported to the neighboring building as the mech, exploded from the inside.

  2. Allison frowns "blake! Hank has a weapon for you!" Dhe smiled and tosses him an emp gun "I hope yhid fits thr situation! Meet us back at the castle.. please.. come back alive."


    She looks at lydia. "Should we stay or should we go? " she asked as the doors close "please pick"

    Lydia grabs Ben's arm and tries to drag him to the tardis, "Please Ben... We have to go! We can debate the morality of giving me large quantities of experimental drugs with no idea what will happen." She insistently pulls him along with her.

    Lydia shakes her head, "Blake wants to stay and fight, but everyone else is coming..." she collapses on the steps of the tardis, looking around helplessly.

    The mechs stand in front of Blake, calmly reloading their weapons. As the process completes, they level their guns at him as the action cycles with an ominous click.

    Blake caught the gun, and quickly put it on his back and stayed with his pistol. He cautiously watched the mechs as their guns powered on. Blake picked up the tablet and threw it in his backpack. He then hopped over the barrier and ran to new cover. He grabbed the EMP gun and shot a mech. Making it go into a kneeling position, and knocking the pilot out of the seat. Quickly Blake ran into the open. Dodging bullets as they flew by almost hitting him. He ran past the pilot and shot him in the head as he past by him. And then he jumped into the mech, shut the doors and reactivated the mech.


    He stood up and shot at the other soldiers decimating soldiers after soldiers. Taking them out of cover and killing them with a pull of the heavy guns trigger. The other mech took cover as Blake shot at him. "COME ON, is that all you got!" He shouted, another mech shot Blake's in the back a couple times. Blake spun around "huh, you want a piece of me" he said ramming the gun into the mechs chest unloading bullets into the cockpit destroying it instantly. and just as he did that a heavy mech grabbed onto him from behind, ripping off Blake's mechs arm, taking away his gun and arm, "you want some to!" He said turning around and using the hydraulics to make his mech jump and deliver a drop kick to the heavy mechs chest, crushing the cockpit and the pilot. Blake in his mech, rolled around to get up. He then took cover again and picked up a pillar to use it as a melee weapon to any opposing threat.

  3. allison frowns as she tried to help lydia "lydia.. you can relax in the tardis. you will be safe okay?" she smiles as she made sure that she has everything ready for her to go and relax. "so is everyone else coming? you all will be fine." she smiles and giggles as she gestures to the tardis more

    Lydia nods sadly, "Alright, but if you don't come back I'll drag you back from hell myself, ok? Good luck." She puts a hand on his shoulder and releases the rest of her energy into his shield, supercharging it.


    Lydia nods, "The bomb was single use, so we should be ok... You're right, we should go."


    Lydia nods sadly, "Let's figure out what happened... But for now, we should go." She indicates the tardis and staggers weakly into the door.

    (Hey the song the end in mass effect 3 soundtrack goes well with this part lol)

    "See you in hell then" Blake said firing the last of his assault rifles ammo, throwing the gun to the ground, the pulling out the pistol and using it to take out two more pace soldiers. He threw a grenade, blowing the cover away from the pace members.


    Two mechs walked into view and started firing at the supports of the building they were in "GET OUT OF HERE" he shouted back to the group as he flinched from the shell shock of the mechs heavy rounds.

  4. Lydia nods, "Let's go everyone. Let's just get out so we can fight on our home turf."

    Lydia shakes her head, "I'm not leaving you. I may be weaker than usual, and my powers are refusing to work, but I'm still a decent shot. I'm counting about 20 soldiers moving in on us, what about you?"

    Lydia smiles, "Problem solved. Go, get to the tardis..."

    "No your leaving, someone has to stay behind and look after the rest of these ponies, hell they're having trouble trying to take them out. Ill be fine, I got the fire power. Now go, all your doing here is just waisting time. I got this" he said popping over the corner. Shooting in quick bursts taking out a pace member. His radar showed at least 25- no wait 33 pace members closing in.


    Lydia reaches up and touches the burn on Allison's face, "I know I can't kill you again, but I killed you the first time, and you looked so hurt when I was attacking the shield... I'm sorry..." Her eyes become more lively for a moment, slowly normalizing again, "Can you? If you could that would be excellent."

    Lydia gasps, "Blake! Are you ok?" She takes the PDW from next to Blake and fires a quick burst at the sniper, trying to suppress him.

    The muffled sounds of Lydia's voice could be heard. He then watched as she took the PDW and used it to shoot at the sniper. He laid on the ground, trying regain his strength. And then he heard another gunshot followed by an explosion. That got Blake back to reality. With that, he picked up his five-seven and a assault rifle from one of the previous dead pace member. He ran and slammed into the wall, he checked the rifle for ammo, the clip was half full. He then loaded it back into the gun. And listened as Lydia and Ben with that hologram thing talk about going into the tardis. "Guys go, I'll keep them at bay while you guys make your escape" he said popping out around the corner shooting back at a soldier. The pace members were slowly moving up, his radar was starting to read more and more soldiers. The question was, how many of them got through before the shield closed. "Guys come on go, I'll cover you"

  6. Lydia hugs Allison tighter, small charges of electricity arcing off of her, "Thank you... I thought that we were going to die... I... I've never felt so helpless... I was so scared when I saw that gun... Thank you so much Allison. I wish I had never hurt you..."

    Lydia looks around worriedly and Blake, "I can't... I can't move..."

    Blake shook his head. He popped his head out to see what was out there. He then took cover again and shook his head, "I'm going to regret this" he said running for Lydia right in the open. And just as he did that, a sniper hit him in the shoulder, 50.cal explosive round. Making his shields go off, and making Blake do a cart wheel in mid air and smashed through a wall into the building that Lydia and the group were in front of.


    He laid on the ground in the building, completely shook up, from the shell shock. Out of breathe and his ears ringing from the blast. His armor was untouched, the shield warnings were beeping letting Blake no he had no shields at the moment. Through the ringing he could hear the beeping faintly, then his shields recharged.

  7. Blake's armor then unlocked. His body unfrozen. He then reacted as if he was in a falling dream. "AHHHH" he said kicking and screaming. But then he realized he was already on the ground. He completely destroyed his carbine, broke it in half on impacted. The only thing left was his five-seven pistol and his backpack full of ammo for the pistol. He slung the backpack on his back and cocked back the hammer on the gun, loading a bullet in the chamber. He headed for the gun fire.


    Once back on the street, he noticed Lydia and Ben with Allison and hank on one side, and he was on the other. Still a couple of soldiers popping in and out of cover trying to take quick shots at the group. Blake popped around the corner and shot his weapon at a PACE soldier, not hitting the target but hitting the barrier he was behind. Thus making Blake a target for the PACE members. He stood behind a wall as bullets flung by, and hit the wall chipping pieces off the corner of the wall making Blake flinch and such. Every now and then he stuck his hand out to blindly fire his gun, not hitting anything but making the soldiers cautious. "Guys we need to move now!" He shouted jumping back as bullets flew by.

  8. hank waited til rain left the throne room as he ran back in the tardis as he turned back into a pony and made sure the tardis connection to the device is still connected. when he found out the device wasnt running he walked out back as a human and pulled out his sonic screwdriver to fix the device to turn the shield back on. after tampering with the device it soon started to run again as hank put a little protective shield around it to protect it from harm as he looks outside



    Ben stared into Lydia's eyes, his filled with fear. "What did that adrenaline do to you?!" Ben screamed. A bullet whizzed past his face, flying off. He pulled Lydia down, getting horribly electrocuted, as a ship shot a wave of bullets down on them. Ben held Lydia down, his hands searing with pain. "Lydia, what have I done to you?!"

    Blake looked up as the ship came in. Then the shield went up. Now all they had to do was kill the troops on the inside. He shot down the ship and dashed to the side as it crashed down. "HAHA" he said. And just as the words came out of his mouth a robotic arm ripped through the back of his mech, going into the cockpit and pulling Blake out, destroying Blake's mech. Blake looked back as the mech held him. "oh fuck...." He said. And in a instinctual reaction. Blake teleported him and the mech into the air. They were 50 yards away from the shield.



    The mech let go of Blake as the fell to the earth reaching terminal velocity. And that's when Blake's armor went into lock down, a safety mechanism. Basically Blake's armor froze, into a almost indestructible rock. But not only did it freeze, but so did Blake, the spinal implants sent a signal to his body that froze all functions. None of his cells reproduced, worked. They all froze as if he was frozen in time. It was like he was dead, but his body didn't go under the dying processes like decay.


    His locked body fell through the shield as the mech crashed into the shield blowing up. Blake's hit the ground leaving a crater. His body didn't move from the falling pose.



    Lydia traces a path through the PACE armoured column and a particularly large bolt of lightning follows it, cutting through any tank or dropship unfortunate to come into its path. She turns to Ben, a brilliant anger in her eyes, "Give me something big to kill! These toys keep breaking before I get a chance to really cut loose!"

    (I wonder what Rain is doing at the moment... Has she tried to kidnap Celestia yet?)

    (I would say rain is still searching, but I can't do much since I'm pretty sure celestia is in the tardis)
  9. Blake went over next to a building. He was two stories high, the building was three. So the building gave him cover. He popped out and shot down the shuttles in the air, stopping them from dropping troops. But he quickly took cover as a tank shot at him. After that he popped out destroying the tank. "they just keep coming man"

  10. Blake dashed to the left fidgeting some fire from a mech. He shot the giant gun, ripping a mech apart, then turning to the other to completely destroy it with cluster rockets. After that another got close, trying to swing for a punch. But Blake quickly reacted by stopping the metal fist with his, then he swung the mech onto its back and ripped the arm off and threw it right through the cockpit "WHOOO WANTS SOME" right then a bullet hit the back of his mech. Just slightly damaging the back hull. He turned around and shot the mech several times before it exploded. The mechs on the battle field were done. And Blake's mech stood triumphant.

  11. Blake had the mech jump out into the street. Holding the gun in front aiming down at the group of soldiers "lets see how well this thing runs" said Blake through the speaker. And just as he said that. Four more mechs landed with pilots inside. "I-I.....I got the mechs" he sighed as the mechs stood up on top of the buildings.

  12. (LEL, TITANFALL :3)


    Ben smiled. "Now, that thing looks pretty expensive, so don't get it destroyed!" He turned to Lydia. "Want to command these soldiers? Their leaders were all killed at the gates. They'll fight with their lives." Ben said. He loaded the gun that Blake had given him, and then looked through his bag. "Oh, great, I left my body armor at the TARDIS..."

    Blake jumped Into the mech and landed in the seat. The doors closed and then the screen powered on to show the frontal view of the mech. "Nice" his voice came from a speaker outside the machine. He then stood up destroying the rest of the second floor and then pulled the heavy machine gun out.





    As the shield falls Lydia's eyes go wide, "That's... No way... That bitch! She used me to knock out the shield. If she wants to play rough, then I'll play rough all right." She takes the syringes and touches them to her bracelet, which drains the liquid and injects it into her body.

    Rain looked around for the princesses.....and then she found Luna. With that she zip tied her and a pod fell from the sky. Capturing her. "One down another to go" she said as a jet flew by catching the cord of the pod pulling it far away.



    "Lydia! We've got a whole PACE platoon coming up the street!" Some equestrian soldiers formed a group next to Ben. "We're outnumbered, three to one!" He took two syringes out of his bag filled with red liquid. "Here, this'll help you do things faster!" Ben said. He searched through his bag and found another device. He pressed some buttons, and then, almost immediately, a squadron of equestrian soldiers arrived.

    "Ok how di-" he was interrupted by a huge mech crashing through the building in front of Blake Lydia and Ben. The mech had no glass view for the cockpit. It was a humanoid mech, with a heavy gun on its back, resembling a light machine gun only this had 90.cal bullets for the gun. It was in a kneeling position with on fist in the ground and the other to its side. The cockpit was a four piece doorway. "MINE MINE MINE MINE" said Blake going for the cockpit.



    (YES, Titanfall reference....Rp is now complete, you can thank me later XD)

  14. So the device for the shield is down. But the tardis isn't. Cause.. its not euning on anything electrical really.


    WELL I figured the shield was a form of energy so the bomb took that out.

    That sounds cool. I'd definitely play it, then see if I can horribly break it.

    You should edit your post, the bomb went off before you defused it. But it was a EMP bomb targeted only for the shield....so the shields down.

  15. Ben quickly searched through the bag, throwing out several weapons. He smiled and took a small, white, sphere out of the bag. "This is a portable energy shield! You can wear this on your arm, and it'll soak up tons of damage!" He strapped the device to Blake's left arm, and pressed a button. A glowing, blue, see-through shield emerged in front of Blake.

    Blake looked at the shield, then to Ben. "You need it more then I do" he said strapping it to bens left arm. "I have the armor for protection, you use the shield and try to make every shot count" he said handing him a Vector CQC weapon. "It has a high rate of fire so be careful"



    Rain looked at her wrist. "Time for plan A to take affect" she said pressing the detonator. The 'hydrogen' bomb went beeping like crazy. And then it went off. Only this....was just a high powered EMP bomb that was used to take out the shield around canterlot. And canterlots shield alone. Leaving every other device unphased.


    Blake saw the shield go out in the window "oh fuck..... We're screwed man..." Then the tablet device then scanned Blake. "Dropping in 30 seconds, on location" the device said "wait what?" He then dropped the device "I think it's defective" he said moving ten feet from it to go through the bag. "We need fire power"




    Ben handed her a set of pliers. "It just so happens that I do!" He then turned around and left the room after Blake. "Good luck..." Ben said, giving her a thumbs up. He walked around a bit, and then looked around a street corner for a moment, and he saw a large group of PACE soldiers marching down the street. "Blake! We have a problem!"

    "AH FUCK" he said pulling Ben across the street to the building where they found the bomb. Once in there Blake noticed a bag of weapons and junk. He went and searched through the bag. He found a tablet type of thing. He took it out and starting investigating what the thing exactly was since it caught his interest. "Ben see if you can find anything inside that bag that might help us ward off the stupid pace soldiers."


    Rain looked at hank "we need to find the princesses so they don't get hurt in the battle. Then we need to get them to Hawthorne, but first we need to find them"

  17. Lydia sighs, "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to grovel at your feet and beg you to shoot me in the head? If you really want to help me you could get me some stuff to work with. Do you have anything like forceps or a set of pliers that I can use to extract things... I can suppress the signal from the detonator, so as long as no one interrupts me there's no real chance of everything blowing up in our faces."

    Blake grunted and grabbed his carbine. "Don't worry, I won't interrupt you anymore" he said walking out of the room and shutting the door. The one thing that happened as soon as he left the door, was he had heard the gunfire of the pace troops trying to surpass the ponies. Blake just looked at the smoke clouds, and kept walking away.


    Rain looked around the room, "well first off we need to find the princesses before anything..."

  18. Lydia shrugs, "No more dangerous than letting it sit... I'm only going to use it to get past the coating, then I'm going to try and see if I can get into the detonation mechanism and defuse it."

    Lydia shakes her head, "I don't know... What do you mean I know things you don't?"

    "You should know who would have the detonator, hawthorn keeps you up to date on these things, right? As well as you knowing the other moles right?" Said Blake. Feeling very much offended by the problem. He knew she had an idea of who had it. He quietly tried to figure things out like who would plant it.


    Rain rolled her eyes and sighed "then where are they"




    Ben took out a few heavy containers from his bag. "Yeah, I still have the stuff." He handed a bottle to Lydia. "Go ahead, be my guest! Seems like a pretty... dangerous way to do this, but..." Ben shrugged. "You and Blake are the closest thing to weapon experts we have here, so this is your call, I guess."

    Lydia shrugs, "I'd prefer to capture it and just get rid of this thing... It's too much of a danger to keep around, and who do you think would have the detonator? This monster could wipe out the entire city, and if you want to help me defuse it I'd greatly appreciate the assistance."

    Blake stood still. "Well I dunno Lydia, you tell me who has the detonator. You seem to know some things we don't" said Blake putting his gun on the counter and crossing his arms standing in a mocking position. Lydia was still a threat to Blake, one that he couldn't get rid of, because of his emotions.

  20. Lydia shrugs and puts a hand on the bomb, "Wow, that's an intricate setup... They rigged it so that the bomb will go off if there is no signal from the detonator. That means I can't just jam it, and it could detonate if we try to defuse it... If we really wanted to do it the easy way we could just shoot it with something big enough to alter the shape of the detonating collar... Do you still have that armour dissolving stuff you made?"

    "WAIT" said Blake. "Why not find the detonator. If we can then it could be 'our' weapon. If worst comes to worst we could place it on the space station in orbit. Blowing it up so we can fucking end this stupid fight....unless you want to go in and clear them out so we could keep the base for ourselves?" He gave the group the decisions.

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