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Comet Starflash

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Posts posted by Comet Starflash

  1. @,

    "Well I guess I was wrong earlier. By the sounds of it this place, Beacon especially, has quite the night life. So I guess we head there now?"



    "Can't forget you now can we Ammy? If it wasn't for you I'd have a dent in my head right now. Thank you again for that miss. And lucky for you it seems as though your wish is coming true."

  2. @,

    "Hey, we're a team now. You won't have to face her alone, we got your back. You can handle yourself in a scruff, and you adapted well to the situation. Therefore I believe that you will be fit to lead us. Every team needs a leader, and I vote you. Anyone in opposition to this?"


    He asked, turning and looking at all of them with an eyebrow slightly raised.

  3. @,


    "Aye, a hunter is my chosen path. To Beacon Academy it is then. I would assume that we cannot simply walk in at this time, however. Perhaps we should go there in the morning. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not in Beacon yet, and I assume not just anyone can get in. How would I apply?"


    Jake slipped his weapons back into his sleeves and straightened his tie from the fight.

  4. @,

    "Cheers for the save miss, I'll try harder next time to deal with it myself."




    Jake turned to Elsis and held out his hand for a handshake.


    "I'm Jake. And yes, you are a bit late. You missed all the fun. Oh well. From what I can tell, this will be happening elsewhere too. Do you have any idea what this was all about? Obviously this was not just some simple robbery. This was planned. I have a feeling we may just bump into that dark lass again."

  5. "HA! It's as though she wants us to give up after having this much fun!"


    Jake flicked the small switches on the sides of his guns, causing the magazines to drop to the floor. He reached into his coat, taking two extended magazines out, and loading both guns one at a time.


    "In case you didn't see, you're outnumbered three to one. What's your plan here miss?"

  6. "Ay, I'm Jake. I see we aren't holding back any tricks, so I might as well join in."


    Jake flicked his wrists, throwing two matte black machine pistols into his hands. He turned to his right, then his left. There were two coming at him from either side, so he pushed off against the wall, flipping backwards out of their way pointing the guns out to his sides and pulling the triggers. It sprayed them down in their tracks. Jake stomped the ground, kicking one high into the air, before sliding underneath and kicking him as he fell. Using the dust in his boots, he ran and jumped on to a dust platform. The platform flipped over, and he leaped off of it directly downwards on to another thug. This time it was his knee that connected with jaw, breaking it and knocking the thug out.


    "I suppose you're going to send in more cannon fodder?"

  7. "I can see you can handle yourself, and tou have earned the right to not be called boy. However I am not going to let you have all the fun!"


    The young man began to run towards one of the many men who had stopped carrying the crates to deal with the current situation. His heart began to beat faster and faster, as everything around him seemed to slow down. He jumped up at the wall, and ran along the wall for a few steps before leaping off and planting his foot firmly into the man's jaw. The dust in his boots activated and froze the top half of his body as the young man used him as a springboard. He rolled to break his fall, landing close to the student that he was now fighting beside.

  8. The young man went about his normal business. He had nothing better to do, and he had slept most of the day, so he was wide awake. He leaned against the wall and checked his boots. He had some dust vials, however he would need to get more fairly soon. He had nothing else to do, and he knew of a dust shop close by that would still be open at such a time. It was an easy decision to make, so he made it. Starting to walk down the road, he memorised thr route to the store, and remembered it was just a few blocks down, and then a right turn. He heard a slight commotion, then saw a bright flash. Either someone had dropped a dust vial, or something else was going on.


    He ran to the corner, and peeked from behind. Definitely not an accident. There was a young boy, with weapon in hand. He was outnumbered, and looked young. Too young to be a huntsman, but definitely not a civilian with a weapon like that. He must be a student at beacon.


    He stepped out from behind the corner, preparing himself for a confrontation that probably wouldn't be friendly.


    "I see you can't even spare a wee boy and his dust. You really must be sick in the head to attempt to mug someone like him. Don't worry kid, I've got your back on this one, even if you have got it under control."

  9. "I can't see any of this stuff making anything that would be to military standards, but I'm sure you could make something out of these materials. If my tools could be of any use at all, please use them. I could never use them to their full potential."


    Comet rummaged through his bag, checking for other items that may be of use, and remembered his potion.


    "I have a few drops of rhis potion left, it should give me enough of a boost to give me a few bolts of magic... I suppose I should conserve what magic I have now too."


    With that, he stopped using his magic to keep up his pegasi appearance, and reverted back to his changeling self. He knew it wasn't the best face to look at, but it could save him a few more blasts of magic, which could save his or another's life. And that was what was most important in this situation. Staying alive. He let out his long tongue, licking the last few drops of the potion, to be eeady for anything that could be happening imminently. He knew it wouldn't take long for those monsters to break in once they were in numbers, and they would be completely outnumbered and cornered.

  10. @,


    "Hey, I'm Comet. I got a wrap of tools in my bag, if we dismantle a door or something we can use the wood and my hammer to board up the window."


    Comet said taking the tools out of his bag and starting to remove an internal door to nail over the window. It was a good job that he decided to go out today, and that he always had spare tools in his bag. He placed a chisel in the middle of the door and hammered down on it, which split the wood slightly. He hammered a few more times until the door was in two long planks. He began nailing one board across the window diagonally, firmly nailing three nails either side. He wasn't a trained handyman, nor did he have any job in the field of fixing things, but it was manual work, and it was easy to do that. He figured that he may not be very smart, but if he can lift heavy objects he would be fine.


    He had finished nailing one board on, and was well on his way to the second. He placed a nail in the wood, with a few in his mouth.


    "I've got this covered, but that doesn't stop those... Things... Outside from knowing that we are here. I suggeat that we deal with that problem before they attract more... Not that more would change that fact that there are LOTS out there..."

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Comet rarely left his house. He rarely saw anyone. After everypony found out he was a changeling he felt he couldn't show his face. Either of his faces. This was one of those rare occasions, when he had to venture out into the world to obtain vital supplies of food and water. He never drained the love from others, and so he used a potion to restore his powers. He was running low, and assumed that ponies would hate him more for keeping up the facade after he was discovered, so he kept the potion drops remaining in his bag, along with a bag of bits and a few gems. He kept a wrap of tools in his bag, just in case he could help fix something or build something. He was fairly good with that sort of thing, and he figured he could make a friend if he helped them.

    Comet stepped outside and looked around. Everything seemed normal. The market was a bit crowded, but he expected that. He began trotting toward the hustle and bustle. When he neared the market, everypony seemed to stop what they were doing, and stare at him. He was about to start walking through the crowd to procure some food and maybe some ingredients for another potion, when the crowd seemed to nonchalantly shuffle towards him. He stopped, and thought it would be best to go around. However as he turned and began to walk away, the shuffles turned into limps, and then into irregular running. He was being chased. This wasn't normal, even if he was hated. They never tried to hurt him before. He noticed something strange about them too. He looked closely into the crowd as he galloped and saw that most, if not all of them were partially devoured. This definitely was not normal. As he ran past one, it went to bite him. He narrowly avoided it and continued to run. Comet heard the echoed call coming from the town hall. He took off in flight and headed straight for it. He practically crashed through the doors and rolled along the ground. He got up after a second or two of recovery, and stared at the two ponies already there, a look of genuine fear on his face.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Name: Comet Starflash

    Gender: male changeling

    Age: 23

    personality: somewhat of a hermit, doesn't easily socialise, when around those he trusts he can be quite open and cheerful

    Links: none to canon characters, old friends with Void Crawler

    Fighting skills: Handy with a bolt action rifle, capable of hoof combat, though prefers to keep his distance.

    Extras: missing one main changeling tooth, real name is Itovir Hemata, has his conscience as an imaginary friend.



  13. Why has no one else responded yet? I love RWBY! I guess I'll try and make a character.

    So, a name: Jake Aiken

    Age: 19

    Gender: male

    Race: humam

    Appearance: backward pointing spiked hair (black), grey suit with red tie, wears an overcoat, black shoes.

    weapon(s): automatic pistols up his sleeves, regular ammunition on the inside of his coat, dust chambers in his shoes (to go with his main melee fighting style, kicks)

    Semblance(I guess?): speed. When using his ability his reaction speed is increased and his heart beats faster. This allows for an adrenaline rush for speed boosts, pain killers and increased stamina.

    Extras: Strong Scottish accent, keeps sentences short unless the situation requires extended conversation.

    Hope this is alright, tell me if anything isn't.

  14. @@Rainbow Eclipse,

    Sun grit his teeth and spoke quietly but angrily into the radio.


    "You sent an unarmed officer to a gunfight?"


    He turned to Anala and spoke quite unlike he normally would. He didn't request anything, or remain calm. He gave an order, and he expected it to be done, to the letter.


    "I'm going out there, now you watch that pillar over there and you cover my ass, clear?"

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