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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Cimarronboy

  1. My main oc is a human who has a pony form they can become at any time. Should I do all the extra work to change this so my H.I.E. story is changed to a human becomes pony story, or would it just be easier to beg/bolo for free commissions of my oc in his tiny pony form?

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      I don't have a answer to your question, but there is no need to beg for free commissions when you can just go to Requestria (here at forums) and get someone to do it to you as a request. 

  2. Just submitted a prologue to some DA groups, hope it'll get me closer to submitting to fimfiction.

  3. Just finished two chapters in a row in my sequel fic. Can't wait to do the next chapter tomorrow. #onaroll

  4. So far Jan/2018 in whole is about as fun as a room full of mouse traps with bare feet. 

  5. How much are/would you be willing to read? I ask as I have a couple tasks I could use help with; I have 4 fics I would like looked over, a main, a sequel, a side, and a journal version of the main. I also would like someone (if not multiple people) read both first chapters of my main and it's journal counterpart, and tell me which is the more preferable format. I'm flexible and willing to work on as much or as little as you want to/can handle, whether it's just one fic or both tasks. I can also link you to the story(ies) you choose and give you the password, or send them over in another format if it's easier for you.
  6. I don't have the first Horizon but I do have the 3rd and Motorsport 5, would anyone know of any designers known for their pony skins or be able to help me find skins for current and future cars on either game?
  7. Way too much stress for as little sleep as I'm on today. Really need a flankhole fishing session via advanced warfare

  8. Switching counselors once again, just waiting for certain gov't programs to tear after me for my poor attendance (can't attend if rides never show/are on time) and the "constant" switching (second time due to the counselors' life choices) .BML 

  9. I'm looking for the above to replace/sub for my usual free mlp comic provider since they've gotten a bit behind in posting vids of the comics. That's not to say they aren't reliable, it's more impatience and excitement on my part. I'm hoping to catch up on the guardians of harmony annual and the deviations series. I'd buy them but with the lack of funds, and no actual comic book sources within 20 miles, it's kinda hard to keep up with physical copies. Anywho does anyone/pony know of a legit online source for reading comics for free? Kisscartoon's comic site doesn't have them and my usual, Chronoshenron and his youtube comic vids, is again behind, otherwise I'd have used them.
  10. Either morphing or generating items in my mind into reality. I'd definitely use either ability to disappear and maybe start playing hero after a while (though also use them for devious/evil purposes at first through repay for some stolen things later).
  11. Really tired of all the hits I'm taking.

  12. Finally found a pokemon WORSE than magikarp..... and it evolves into legendaries. Pathetic

  13. had a crazy idea for a story involving discord and having the waifu of your dreams falling in love with the character

  14. Top three worst for me are smb, for obvious reasons, the fall of reach (below) and doom. They only thing that made it doom was the fps scenes. They're decent movies for being just films but video game adaptations they are trash. On the flip side the halo films, while two being more of a series, another being barely more than a cgi half book, and the last being more of a character intro, were somewhat good. Out of the four/five (legends, fall of reach, foreward unto dawn, and nightfall) I'd have to say foreward is the best. Love how accurate they were with the covies, even though the aliens were all cgi. Nightfall was a web series turned film that intro'd spartan lock and had mainly hunter worms. Legends was just a series of short stories in various animation styles. Reach was a total crap shot. They skipped a lot of events in the story, and it was all cgi. Reach could've been done with the full story and as a live action like foreward was.
  15. Got two ideas for new stories, realistic take on H.I.E. and a P.O.E. story with a twist inspired by death battle

  16. Just thought of a pony related meme inspired by skyrim

  17. Alright I think I made word count, the story page says 800 something words that doesn't change while the chapter has a number over 1000 next to it that does so I'm kinda confused on whether or not I made word count, anywho I've begun chapter 2 and hit a snag. I'm trying to describe a valley surrounded by mountains. By valley I mean a specific HOMELAND for a herd and their leader and his mate. I know the place by heart but it's beauty kinda makes speechless a bit more literal in my case.
  18. Thank you-you two I really Appreciate this. I think I can answer your confusion; The flashbacks/thoughts about the past are just thoughts that occur as the character is running. Although that does give me an idea for the word count deficit. As for the species I do have to be more specific, especially since the only identifier I'd used was a horn, otherwise relationships and such were going to be revealed in later chapters (possibly the second chapter), if it got that far. @Alicorn: Your summary has some truth, he did see his dad fall to darkness, but it's supposed to be more of a next gen/kid led by fate/destiny follows parents heroic hoofsteps story. @Hazard Time: Gem would be the female protagonists name, Rock is the correct one. Think of it as a double meaning; rock being both music genre and gem/geologically related at the same time. It's cool though, we've all been victim to the effects of being awake when we shouldn't.
  19. December 31st 2015 my willies predicted a bad year.... they have yet to be proven wrong. December 31st 2016 will be the end of a step from icy cold waters (or slowly increasing currents, depending on one's proverb preferences) onto the very water lapped edge of a cold and condemning iceberg of doom (or into a destructive and consuming whirlpool straight to tartarus). Either way I can only hope 2017 proves to be the year I'm finally wrong about something and otherwise prepare to be eaten alive.
  20. Got hit hard by a thought that should have been obvious, perfect way to change up a previous fic chapter just like I was thinking to

  21. wishing someone would look at my new story and tell me if it's something worth continuing

  22. All part of how I became a brony. Wanted to burn every piece of merch I encountered becuase it was so "un-horse like" and didn't look anything like a real horse. Got tired of being proverbially boxed in so I decided to research and use said research to be a jerk. 3 jabs to the heart later from episode 1 and all resistence had become futile.
  23. woot just sos'd my first shiny, a cutiefly

    1. AmarisNsane


      Oh, nice! Congrats. I had to look it up as I was curious of what its shiny form looks like, and what an adorable shiny it is!

    2. Cimarronboy


      It's cute, can't wait to start goin for the other non ha gen 7's the hardest ones are gonna be the ub/leggies

  24. Randomly thought up the premise for a new story and typed up the first chapter/prologue and I'm looking someone to go over it and tell me whether or not it's something I should keep going with, worthwhile wise. It's about a colt who discovers the subject of his fathers research and uses it to follow in his dads' heroic footsteps. It's supposed to be a more toned down (and less male mary sue) character doing somewhat the same feats as my previous character but in a better, more acceptable form (again being less male mary sue). It is in the same headcannon 'verse as my previous story but later in time. Anecdotally it somehow came to me during a sleepless night and managed to bust through my creativity block enough to keep me conscious til it was done being typed. Again though just looking for opinions on the PURSUIT of the story not whether it stinks or not, and I am willing to hear some ideas on some changes or maybe additions to the story. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/356178/rock-hero
  25. Oi am I done suffering tonight. First time in a while I've been the victim of my own negative event predicting perceptions

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