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Everything posted by Cimarronboy

  1. Reminds me of a recent conversation where a facebook friend objected to something you'd think most people would also be against. Turns out he, attempting to do good, needed help too. Funny how that works. Riddle me this, since morale is now a part of the question; Why is it those seeing a wrong and trying to fix it by pointing it out, or those who see a possibly volatile situation, step in seeing a way to compromise that's beneficial to both parties, end up being sentenced? And why for the love of faust is it so hard for "it may or may not have happened, with or without logical proof" so hard an end for this discussion to reach? Yes science and logic proves the severely low chance of probability, on the other hand, none of us were there and we don't know the exact details of what actually happened, thus proving why it may. It's not like some movie you can rewind and rewatch i order to prove a percepted scene, it's life. We can only go with what where given and try finding the answers, whether alone, or as a group. It's like finding a song knowing nothing but a few words. Sometimes searching those words will end in finding the exact song. Other times there's a dead end or a million other songs with similar lyrics and we ave to dig deeper and try different routes, even if that means having to try different words than the ones we thought were part of the lyrics.
  2. Think of it as a decent observational comparison to a popular cat in a box related meme that speaks in proverbs about thinking in correlation to a box. My theory is correct because as little as we know about the universe, possibilities and what may or may not exist, it's the most sensible theory out there given all the unexplainible things that do and have happened without logic or reason to explain them and because more times than not sometimes the best solution/answer is the easiest. I agree it's better to be safe than sorry but sometimes that's the exact opposite of what should be done.
  3. I'm just going to go out and say it; You two remind me of a teacher I once had. She was the best as training us for the meaningless jobs that'd be fun for zombies or the emotionless. Always boosting our confidence with things like "Adults don't have imaginations", "Everything revolves around jobs, not things you want to do", and the ever popular "you dream of doing this? That's unrealistic, you need to find a real job". She was a fun one. You two sound like a couple of government paid rocket scientists.. or cat's with decent sized cardboard cubes (There is enough space so I'll occupy it)..... Anywho, I agree that my theories among others make no sense. That's not a problem though, that's the solution. Some of the greatest problems have the most obvious/simple solutions. Think about it this way' adding all the theories together more or less states that anything can and will happen. Maybe that's because anything does happen, but in ways so mundane on attention deflecting that it's near impossible for us to realize everything that goes on, especially counting the amount of information that would be added to our mind at a near instant rate. Something like that happening would make "mind blowing" impossibly literal. We discover facts slowly for a reason; self preservation. Take premonitory dreams for example. The info in them is often sketchy, the vividness often unnerving. Sometimes one will contain a story about one person, informing about another, and it won't be realized until events happen, whether or not related to the info presented in the dream. Others will be too straight forward, enough so that the dreaming is forced into either action, deniability through fear. or loss of sanity. Sometimes one will believe and things will go as seen. Other times dreamers berate themselves for not paying more attention. This goes especially for anyone the dreamer may tell. As for making sense, that's more akin to paranormal research. Things have happened that no one can explain, stuff moving, people knowing about things they couldn't otherwise, etc. Just because it's illogical, or without proof doesn't mean it isn't possible or true.
  4. Sod on all you neighsayers, Yes they suck compared to the newer versions tech wise, but I don't believe they were released for people to complain about having to hit start, be slow, grind, etc. They were released for people young and old to experience where pokemon all began, the very four (unfortunately green is country exclusive, sodding lovers get four games and a limited ed box set while we only get the three and nothing else) games that spawned continuous iterations of journeys into the pokemon world. To go back to the roots and enjoy the things you loved and remake the memories we all loved about the first games. Slag, you know what the best thing for me personally about this announcement was? That thursday Nov 12th, months after direct was halted in effect of the passing of one of the most brilliant minds in the industry, a nintendo direct randomly pops up, announcing a virtual re-release of three games I'd gotten for my birthday, on the 16th anniversary of the day I'd received them, popped them open and ultimately began my love for pokemon. Talk about an uber present for my 26th birthday than the company that made the games I go for my 10th birthday announcing a re-release of those very games. Yeah I could always grab either my special yellow ed. bundle gbc or the special ed. g/s/c gbc, or my gba/gbasp, or my n64 and slap them in and play them that way (n64 makes dex filling impossibly easy), or hop on to a site like vizzed and rom the sod out of 'em, but I'd rather see what'd be like to play something from my childhood on something I'm more familiar with as an adult. Yes I plan on getting all three. For nostalgia's sake as to see what the difference of 16 yr tech wise is with playing.
  5. Cimarronboy

    movies/tv Movie trilogy

    Either (despite the first/original being the best and the others falling way short of it's legacy) Jurassic Park, or LOTRO/HOBBIT, or because I love vehicles and explosions Transformers.
  6. As messed up as things are today I can't really blame the lost for wanting to be. Allow me to blow your mind with a crazy theory. What if everything we've seen in our minds, whether fictional or otherwise isn't? What if, because we see them, the words fictional and any other "fake" meaning words lose definition, as have words like peace and good will? What if the answer to our questions about the universe are actually in our unconsciousness and imaginations? Those two mental faculties acting like a tv satelite dish broadcasting the universe to our minds. Add in time/space theories and multiverse theories and suddenly a lot of sense is made. A plane for each person, from their point of view, where the slightest change in anything is a plane unto itself. Infinite bubbles connected to each person and each other by what each has in common with others. Each person's infinite planes connecting to others by commonalities or interactions the people have with others. What if that was what made up the universe? Not just the plane we live and breath in but for each slight variation that is connected with an alternate plane, each version of us following the same variant plane formula? Also how and why luna would cross planes to visit people here? What if it isn't always a physical trip but a spiritual one? I'mma quote a fanfic by the name of Knight In Faded Armor; Dream Sky. My interpretation from the story was of a spiritual plane where balls of light symbolized a living being, similar to twilight princess wolf link's view of the twilight hyrule. We all know she controls the moon, who's not to say her connection to both the celestial body and the dreamscape do not allow her to see into other planes? Ad if so who's to say she won't feel a connection, through her duty, to any dreamers she encounters through interplaner travel, or become curious as to how their minds work/think, or about the dreamer's world/species/etc in general?
  7. Cimarronboy

    general media Nintendo Direct Today

    Oh they are findable, in toysrus, gamestops, and random video game store it's the price that's the hard part. Most (if not all) of the gba-3ds (and even the gbc versions) are usually around the price of a brand new copy, around $30 to $40, even used copies. I've been looking to replace my ss and white since the save files got corrupt and with those prices it's better to get another copy of the latest gen, especially with the dex filling and other uses I could get out of an extra copy.
  8. Slag the moon would be paradise compared to being sent to the dungeons, at least a better view. The death thing is possibly a minus (Lulu servived in an environment known for not having oxygen for 1000 yrs, so maybe it has oxygen or mybe Equestrians can survive on magic only, who knows, maybe we could survive on the moon).
  9. Cimarronboy

    general media Nintendo Direct Today

    Talk about an unexpected possim grade event. They announced zelda games and 3ds upgrades of pokemon r,b,y, on the 16th anniversary of receiving them for my tenth birthday of all days! I was kinda hoping they'd up and announce the next main pokemon game or at least some actual receivable events, like the shiny gen 6 leggies. When they started the music for hyrule heros I lost it, possim grade charging music right there.
  10. Okay you two. Delarobia go play fech with kiwi or piss off X or something or I'll call jim. Nidra go hang from a ceiling and chill. Yeah sometimes the things were love the most can turn out to be nightmares irl, whether behavior wise or looks wise. The main thing is perspective. Take ants for example. Harmless (or at least those in my area aren't more than a little bitey) because of their size yet what they do to intruders into their colony would make stephen king cringe. Maybe the experience did happen to nidra, maybe it didn't. we'll never know because we weren't there to experience it for ourselves. It's like ghosts, some people believe, others will experience a haunting for themselves and still stubbornly deny their existence, despite having it happen to them. All that can be done is a compromise where it's talked about as if real for everyone in general, a what if kind of chat where for those who have had experiences can say "I'm pretty darn sure mine would happen like this and I'd feel this way" and those who wish can say "I'd want mine to happen like this and I'd want to feel like this during it"
  11. would anyone believe astroprojection or out of body based dreams? Been having those since 12-13. It's the main source for my blogs/fanfic chapters. They seem so real, despite a bit of the fictional stuff, which I attribute to being a spirit, that I'd swear on carousel boutique that they're real experiences
  12. The fable series. You're a character in a world full of interactions and every action has an effect on everyone around you, just like it'd be as a pony or an H.I.E, having to make yourself as friendly as possible to earn trust, or make the people cower in fear at your presence.
  13. s1 e1/e2. I watched them for less than friendly purposes. I always say that it was bloom's pouty face, pinkie's gasp/gone and song, and Rare's canterlot eyes that hooked me but in truth they are one small part. It was actually the story, that gotta see what happens next thing everyone gets with shows or books. I watched the first episode then had to watch the next thanks to the cliffhanger, soon enough I was one of the people I'd despised, and was loving it.
  14. Annoyed curiosity. Kept seeing the girls everywhere so I decided to watch an episode and find something to verbally bash fans with.... Major failure. Plan backfired, and the cat was killed. Pinkie's *overdramatic gasp and gone* had me rolling on the floor, 'Bloom's pout "aren't ya gonna stay fer brunch?" with those big puppy eyes cracked my heart, and Rare's big (talking about canterlot) blue b-e-a-utiful eyes were the proverbial nails in my coffin.
  15. Seriously done being right, my dream of ciderfest and tabby... water in the sun's core had more of a chance.... so much for getting out of the well

  16. Definitely the grimdark stuff, fallout eauestria (fallout itself may be as possim grade a plane as the haloverse but I've never experienced it and don't have a definite opionion), and the lunar/solar war (that rift is centuries old, though the story behind it may make for some great fics), socks, the overabundance of anthro/pony humans as r63.
  17. It's possible that 'bearded has no descendants for a lack of mating desires due to being so enamored with spells and wizardry, but it's also possible that his family tree is just one more thing on the list of info that is kept hidden, whether by hasbro's decision or Tia's (head cannon wise)
  18. Yeah pretty much what you said to 'clipse, though I do agree about starswhirl himself being married to his career in type. Honestly, it'd be nice to learn SOMETHING about the sodding genius (other than he was around when the sisters were "elected", built interplaner portals using a spell he discovered, banished the sirens, etc, etc). Seriously that should be like uber priority what they do next, just for that fact that he's so influential to Equestria's history and nearly nothing is known about him. The sisters personally knew him (he worked beside them running the country as the court wizard, at least going by the journal and some of the comics) so they at least should know something. Seriously we got a whole episode dedicated to the wonderbolts (through dashes prep for the exam, I still have learned nothing but some names from the episode), why not one about the greatest unicorn wizard in the history of Equestria, maybe even camoing a few of his decendants, who knows maybe Twi's one.
  19. I wouldn't know, maybe just a general attraction caused by instinct. Natural signs; dumbstruck expression, head turning, staring at potential mate, etc. See "how do I know", plus maybe a bit shy, clumsy.
  20. Well then I'd say the worst would be over (insert timmy's dad loathing voice saying "Trenderhoof" here). Now if it were the auto dislike situation well that wouldn't happen, as it was the first episode, and that one had me hooked from the moment pinkie gasped and 'Bloom pouted, and pinkie sang... Rare's gorgeous eyes getting big was the lethal dose of icing on the top.
  21. As for reforming dizzy, I don't think it really happened. Yes he's "friends" with the girls but his need for devious deeds only proves that he's willing to play along, whether doing so to look for a loophole to his situation or actually wanting to be good. The situations he keeps getting everypony into really don't seem so harmless as well, despite the more more positive outcomes. He may actually have turned good but his behavior (other than being the pony version of loki) and attitude feel way too devious (mainly the constant motive feel to his actions) to be a legit turn. Could just be me though.
  22. My existence in this plane, though at least let me pack up my room and all the stuff I wanna take with me first, just so I can continue enjoying the things I love and can remember this plane.
  23. Dear faust, the dan vs vid fluffle has of dan playing lollipop chainsaw and twi blushing, hilarious
  24. No question; Go for the gorgeous fashionista.
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