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@Blitz Boom Sorry I've taken so long to reply like I said I would. Life has absolutely been hectic over January but it should be slowing down now. Throughout the month I was preparing for a card tournament called Disney Lorcana Championship for the Oceania region. Did I get far? No, but I'm in the top 500 Lorcana players in Australia! Was it expensive? Incredibly so. Did I have fun? The first day, not really but my enjoyment grew the second day once I was away from the main competition event.
@Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Okay, since my sister has decided to stay behind," Twilight paused while they waited for the train at the station outside Sanctuary. The forest spread out behind them and the path into the forest ended up being dark and ominous the further it wound its way through the trees. She was still getting used to the idea of having an actual older sister but believed writing letters to each other would have to suffice. "Drone, I would like to meet with your Queen, hopefully to establish relations between the Manetids and Ponies," she told the buzzing insect creature. She knew Last wouldn't take kindly to the option but believed it to be good for the moment. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Most of the house was clear of dust by now and the group has found various scales and pieces of fur amongst the sand particles. With each piece they recovered, Dazzle grew more and more fearful her parents may have actually been forced out of their home rather than simply deciding to leave. "Why would they leave the furniture and not leave a note for me in case I somehow returned?" Dazzle asked out loud, her face a picture of fear, panic, and cluelessness all rolled into one. "Maybe they were taken. There's a lot of discarded scales around here," Dawn commented, poking at the jar full of blue dragon scales from Dazzle's father. She had no idea what was even going on beyond knowing she had to help Dazzle find her parents. "Is there a way for us to view the past with magic?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I had no idea there were kinder ways to feed," Aurora commented, now sitting on her haunches in front of Queen Cheshire. They had retired to the Queen's chambers and were all seated quite comfortable within. Aurora was wrapping her head around the fact that there was more than one way to feed off of emotions and it was blowing her mind. So much that she forgot she was in new company and wasn't nervous about it at all. "I thought it was just forcefully taking love but ... I guess Chry ... Chrys ... her. That one. She wanted to do her own thing?" @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "The fish could be rotten, the fireworks explode blowing limbs off," Karmic muttered, seemingly stuck in her vision loop. Her eyes were a stark white and Atzy winced. "I'm sorry about this, Karmic," Atzy winced and solidly punched Karmic's face with her gem-studded hoof. Karmic gave a jolt and the light left her eyes before she gasped and shook her head. "Wh-wha ... what happened?" Karmic muttered, wincing and holding a hoof to the lump forming on her jaw.
@Blitz Boom i know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. It’s been hard trying to get back into writing anything for this fandom and I’ve been struggling with that kind of thinking since 2016. I thought this would be great to do for a while but clearly I’m still struggling with inspiration and such. I would like to keep doing stuff in this RP but I don’t have a clear goal in mind and if I had them previously, I’ve definitely forgotten them. If you could refresh my memory of what our characters are up to, that would be great. It might give me a clearer picture of what to do.
@Blitz Boom & @Cheerilee TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Oh, uh, alright," Twilight said in a flustered tone at being suddenly removed from the premises. At the very least they had managed to finish eating before getting interrupted. Once the group had gotten beyond the town's boundaries and were on their way to the train station, the Alicorn cleared her throat. She had no idea what was happening with Macabre and would have very much liked to stick around but at the same time, she had to respect the customs of the townsfolk. "Remind me to give that place a review at some point ... since it doesn't seem like we have nowhere else to go, it's back to Ponyville for us, right?" @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK "What could have happened here?" Dawn thought out loud, helping Scarcity clear away some dust by beating her wings and sort of funnelling the loose debris towards her. "It's not like there was a battle or anything, right?" "I wish I knew," Dazzle said, continuing to stare at the broken off scale that had been given to her. It was definitely blue, like her draconic father, and it bore signs of having been scratched off. She had managed to pull herself together and gotten out of her funk to try and be of some help to her new friends. "It could be a molted scale but something tells me this is different. Maybe ... I don't know," she ultimately sighed and watched the mounds slowly get cleared away. Over at Long Stare's corner, more bruised and scratched blue scales caught her attention underneath the mound she was working on. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Mainly some tips on being a budding queen," Aurora eventually admitted and swallowed. She wasn't sure how Cheshire would take it so her first question would be a wild one, one that might not sit well with other Changelings. Nevertheless, she knew what Onache thought of her so why not give Cheshire a shot too? Amidst her nervousness, she nodded a bit to make sure she was ready and spoke to Cheshire. "What ... uh ... I do have a question that I want to get out of the way. How do you feel about a surviving daughter of Queen Chrysalis?" @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "This feels familiar," Atzy commented, sitting back while watching Enzo and Blitz fret over Karmic. She didn't want to blab her origins to Blitz and Molotov but whatever Karmic was seeing, it could go either way. Karmic was gasping softly, her eyes glowing a pure white as she watched visions pass by her eyes. One was of Molotov falling off the pier they were going towards. Another was of fireworks exploding for no apparent reason and setting the pier on fire. Yet another was of the Gemling queen approaching Atzy while they watched fireworks and whisking her freshly made princess away. She didn't like any of them and yet more kept coming, with each rolling into one another. She couldn't explain what she was seeing because the words were catching in her throat and because she couldn't speak, she began to tear up and wet tracks rolled down each side of her face. "Then again, she was nothing like the last time," Atzy said worriedly, now approaching Karmic to see if she could figure out how to snap her out of it.
@Blitz Boom & @PerlsteinProps It shall suffice for me. It works well enough to move things along. Having said that, the one having the visions isn't Atzy. Atzy is a gemling from what I remember us doing and Karmic, the white mare with a ying yang symbol, is the one having the visions because that's her cutie mark. Seeing every future at once and trying to determine what fate has in store for ponies and other creatures.
@Blitz Boom & @PerlsteinProps Hi you two. It's been quite a while since I've posted. Oops? Depression and searching for work got the better of me for the last six months so I am truly sorry about leaving you both in the lurch. I believe I remember most of the story beats for the ones we've got going. I just hope none of them have been impacted by anything else that's happened in the roleplay. If @PerlsteinProps has stopped writing on this because of me, I am incredibly sorry for doing that.
@PerlsteinProps & @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Be glad you haven't. They sprout out vines and tentacles that ensnare whatever comes their way," Twilight told Magnolia with a slight shudder of remembrance. She hadn't liked Plunderseeds then and she didn't like them now. As for the food, she would have some of the stew and bread, which tasted absolutely delectable, and ended up savouring her bowl, even with garlic added. "Oh my, the garlic adds an amazing touch to the dish, this is amazing!" @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dazzle couldn't tear her eyes away from the torn scale. Her breathing had slowed as she inspected it and then carefully took it with her own hoof. "This ... is ... definitely dad's," Dazzle whispered, unable to believe it. There had been something left in the home after all! This might mean her parents didn't truly abandon her out of spite but out of necessity and simply vanished somewhere. "Ohmigosh they didn't actually leave because I took too long answering! This is amazing! Troublesome about the way it was torn ... why would it be torn off? Were they fleeing? Being attacked? Ugh, new questions need answering~!" "I'm sure we'll find those answers somewhere. Maybe more things are buried under the dust," Dawn suggested, gesturing to the mounds of dust around them. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "You're so joyful," Aurora said in amazement, her nervousness fled the minute she was basked with the elder Queen's joy. "How are you doing this? Is it just joy you feed off of?" she questioned but then the hesitancy came back. She spotted the outstretched hoof. She nodded to herself and licked her lips before reaching out to shake it. "I-I uh ... heh. I'm just ... not used to talking to o-o-other changelings in general, much less q-Queens, erm, Your Majesty." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "Surely nothing would attack us out here," Atzy the gemling buzzed curiously. She had flown up to be with Blitz and had settled alongside the filly on Enzo's back with Karmic. "We're with a giant sphynx creature so nothing will want to attack something most definitely larger than them, right?" "You know you're tempting fate with that, right?" Karmic hissed at Atzy. She was getting seriously annoyed by the constant questioning of her sister's and didn't want her visions to be activ- oh dear. There they go. Her eyes glowed white and she appeared to enter a dream like state. Visions of possibly futures collided within her mind and showed an array of changelings attacking them to other sphynx's to even other ponies protesting the very existence of a sphynx. Then there was a vision of a swashbuckling adventure trying to hack at their beloved Enzo but one she tried to stick with. This one meant they would pass through the forest, unharmed, and able to be without worry for the rest of their outing. "Karmic? Yo? you good?" Atzy said nervously and waved her hoof in front of her sister's face and was soon showing early signs of panic. "She's ... not responding? She's in a trance? What's going on?"
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "While it is true ponies can have meat, we can't exactly digest it properly," Twilight told Magnolia and then stared at Last like she grew a second head. Her description of what shrine maidens had to fight against in the forest sounded eerily similar to what she and her friends had fought against in Ponyville some years back. "What did you just describe Last? Drone? That plant that was in the forest? There was a brief infestation in Ponyville a while ago by blue plants called Plunderseeds. What you described sounds like what the Plunderseeds did." @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dazzle did her best to look around the empty bedroom and lifted a hoof to brush some dust off the wall. "... I don't think anything was left here. No indication of them having ever lived here," Dazzle told her and walked out of the bedroom. It wasn't much but she ducked into the empty room next door. It was relatively the same size as the other one and she did a slow spin in the middle. She stared at the bare walls and then looked out the window overlooking the Everfree Forest. "Why ... why aren't you here? Where did you go?" Dawn moved her head from side to side, watching the dust get funneled out and then the magic working away at cleaning the front room. On the fifth dust cloud being removed she approached the magic tube and dug around in the dust. "I think I see something," Dawn said and cautiously sifted through the sand before lifting out a dark blue dragon scale with her teeth and showed it to Scarcity. "Howd dis look?" she asked through her mouthful. She wasn't sure if it was from Dazzle's dad but at the very least it sort of matched her coat. It was slightly jagged and upon closer inspection, it had the markings of being torn off rather than naturally shed. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "A fully pacifist hive. I know I keep saying it but it's kinda hard to think about," Aurora admitted. She took a breath as she watched the changelings work for a bit and approached. She was tall like a Changeling Queen should be but at the very least she didn't hold herself regally like most did. Her most prominent features though was that she looked almost like Chrysalis with none of the fear factor or over-inflated ego. She still held herself in a demure fashion in spite of the confidence boost. She took another breath after spotting a changeling on the ground, the one in the old-fashioned dress, and went to them. "Uh, escuse me? Hi, s-sorry to interrupt," Aurora said nervously. "I would like to talk to the queen? If that's possible. I'm Aurora Lights and I'm new to this queen changeling business." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "You like Pinkie more than Rarity because she is chaotic like you?" Atzy guessed, still feeling sick from the amount of joy Blitz was exuding. At the very least she is getting used to the bloated feeling rather quickly. "That makes a lot of sense. Do you two go around and explode things?" "Atzy, Blitz, you two coming!? We're going to the ocean!" Karmic called out to the pair from beside Molotov and in front of Enzo. If those two kept going they'd probably not stop for anything.
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I don't think I've heard of a pony eating meat before," Twilight admitted, taking a seat at the table, opposite Magnolia and between Last and the Drone. She had no idea what to make of Chow now being here but she supposed he had to make a living somehow. Why not in a place like this? It didn't seem right to her but if Magnolia was fine with it then who was she to judge but that wasn't going to stop her from trying to find out more. "What's it like? Can you digest it properly? Do you have it regularly or do you have it sometimes like a treat for something special?" @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK "I don't know how to even feel about all this. It'll probably come to me when I'm away from here," Dazzle told her new friend, th electricity she had zapped away seemingly took away her emotions for the time being too and cautiously stepped through the unknown dusty room and into the hallway beyond. It was bare like the first room, devoid of furniture and pictures, and completely caked in dust. "Down here ... I think it was bedrooms," she said quietly and glanced at Long Stare. "That sound right? Bedrooms being here?" "I will probably want to explore this between world state further but for now, we're here for that dragon hybrid," Dawn told Scarcity, reluctantly looking away from the portal and heading for the home. It wasn't for lack of curiosity but she knew if given the choice, she would stare at the ever shifting landscape in between worlds possibly forever. "At least we could try and help her find something here, right?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "No," Aurora shook her head at Happy. She loved the sight of the double layered town and couldn't wait to see what it had in store for them. "There's no arcades in Griffonstone but shouldn't we get the hive out of the way?" @Blitz Boom ATZY & KARMIC FATE "You're not making me feel bloated, persay, but uh, you are definitely making me feel nauseous with the amount of love you're giving off," Atzy told Blitz as she followed the foal's movements. "As for what I like, explosives, stargazing, reading, and eating gems," she giggled, managing to keep up with the rapid fire questions but it wasn't easy, trying to think through her personal nausea wave. "Fish?" Karmic said in surprise. She wasn't sure what to think of it but if fishing was in his mind, it might help. "That's a maybe. He was alone for years in a cave by himself ... fishing is done out in the ocean so it could be a sense of freedom he truly desires? Like the little things in life? Anything like that make something happen in that brain of yours?"
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE From the way the doors had been blown off made Twilight worry but she didn't get long to dwell upon it. The next thing she knew she was in a cafeteria with their group and she was listening to the old pet feed shop owner from Ponyville. She remembered him the few times she had gone to him for help with her pet owl, Owlowiscious. At least the poor ting had been frightened off by Tirek's attack on her old tree library, never to be seen again. She will have to question Magnolia once they had some food and she would have to check in on Cherish, Last, and the Drone to make sure they were still fine now that their little ... soul problem had been fixed. For now, she wanted to question Double Chow a tiny bit. "Double Chow? What are you doing here!?" Twilight asked the stallion in abject surprise, clearly taken aback by seeing him here of all places. "I thought you were still running your store." @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dazzle stared into the empty house, continuing to shake until she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She quickly built up electricity to zap the offender away but it died down just as fast when she recognised Stare's voice. "S-Sorry, Stare. I guess I'm just lost in my own head," Dazzle babbled, not exactly paying attention to Stare's words but at least she knew they were comforting. "Into the old ... home. Three, two, one," she counted down and swallowing, heading into the home with a couple of steps. The home was bare with a solid layer of dust on the floor. It looked like no one had been here in years. With the amount of dust disturbed from their walk, Dazzle sneezed and rubbed her nose. In the first room beyond the door, windows looked out over the desert. "This room, it was, I think, where we sat and talked while reading. I guess I forgot what it was called," Dazzle told them in her best steady voice she could manage but she was clearly still shaken up by the house being abandoned. Dawn, meanwhile, was still looking into the shadows and sticking near Hammond. "I am not sure if I would make a good carer. I can barely take care of myself." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I was originally simply touring around Equestria before all this happened," Aurora told them, gesturing to herself. She had no idea what tourist traps were but they sounded fascinating. Coming to terms with what Onache just told her about mind control would take some getting used to. "I didn't think I would get wrapped up in any of this and I'd be either in Klugetown or Vanhoover by this point. So if there's no rush, can we go and find some things to do before seeing the queen you want us to visit? Actually, would you care to remind me why we're seeing this hive? Everything is jumbled up in my head at the moment." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY Atzy was laughing at the foal running around her. The amount of love and happiness she felt from her was very sickly sweet to the point where she felt like she would throw up. "Ooo, wow, you are just a bundle of joy at the moment, huh?" Karmic hummed as she watched Enzo's expression subtly change at the fireworks and headed over to the older sibling. She pulled him to the side, away from the other ponies, and talked to him with a smile. "I think I have an idea on what we can do for the next while. Help this giant winged kitty explore happy things. What do you think of that?"
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I believe I'm ready to leave now. It sounds like Cherish can meet up with someone," Twilight told the group. She was still recovering somewhat from the soul separation so she'd rather stay on Magnolia's back. "I'm happy you survived the separation, Cherish and yes, Magnolia. We'll have to catch up when there's less excitement going on." @Blitz Boom DAWN STREAK & DAZZLE GLEAM "They wouldn't just leave without leaving a note ... maybe. I don't even know when this could have happened beyond it being after I started my journey," Dazzle said quietly, sounding distant but shook her head. She tried to get the tears shaken out but was unsuccessful and they fell down her face. "I can't just ... stay out here. I have to go ... go into the empty house b-but ... I ... it's hard," she whispered, her legs shaking a bit as she stared through the open door. Dawn, though, would look back through the portal at some of the shifting blob creatures in the shadows. "They all look so ... weirdly cute?" Dawn said in confusion, staring at a group of similar looking blobs from the safety of the group. "I think? It's hard to tell." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I did not think your mind powers would be this strong," Aurora said in amazement, surveying the mostly empty cart. "Is being a Changeling Queen this ..." she trailed off and her gaze settled on Happy while he explained Las Pegasus to her. She nodded along, taking in the information and blinked a few times. "Cloud walking can be done by non-Pegasus!? That's awesome! But ... one thing bothers me. Tourist traps? Do they trap the tourists in a jail cell?" @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "WHOA! THIS IS SO COOL!" Atzy cheered excitedly. She had never seen so many colours burst to life before and to make pictures out of them in the sky? It was simply amazing to her! "Oh, oh oh, maybe ..." she thought about a trick with gems and lit her horn. From what appeared to be instinct, a dull gray magic field disappeared into the ground in front of Atzy. A second later a clear gem popped out of the ground and she threw it up into the sky. It ended up in the middle of the colourful exploding field. As an errant firework hit the gem, colours blasted out in all directions. "Haha, yes!" "I did not expect that," Karmic said in complete surprise at the display.
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I have been through a lot in the past few years. More than any pony would ever dare dream of. So I'm quite used to the weird and wacky sights this world has to offer," Twilight told Soul with a wan smile. She didn't exactly think any less of him for the way he looked. After going up against Discord, anything in comparison was an everyday occurence. No, scratch that. Being friends with Pinkie Pie makes a pony embrace the weird. Even at the cost of one's own sanity in Twilight's case. "It's good to meet you but if you have something you'd rather do, I'd rather not keep you from it." She hoped he'd have a good chat with his mother as for now, she'd rather try to recuperate with the help of Last, Drone, Cherish, and her new-found sister. That last one she knew they had to talk a lot and catch up with but there'd be time for that once she figures out what Cherish wants to do. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK "Oh, right, the door. That pesky wooden object," Dazzle said nervously. It had been so long since she had seen her home she almost forgot just how arid the desert air was. Dazzle stared at the front door to her old home and rest a hoof on it. "There's a lot of memories here ..." the draconic hybrid said softly, obviously steeling herself to open the door. Her hoof slid along the grain and caught on the doorknob so she turned it, and opened it. From what they could see once the door had swung open entirely, it banged against the wall and echoed around an empty home. There was nothing left, a good amount of dust had settled on the floor. Almost as if it had been abandoned if it weren't for the obviously missing furniture. "Maybe my parents ... uh ..." Dazzle faltered, unable to believe what she saw. While Dawn cautiously and slowly walked through the black void to get to the group after realizing she'd be left behind otherwise, she looked around and thought she spotted eyes and creatures moving about in the blackness. Just before crossing over and joining the group, Dawn paused and peered into the darkness, maybe half a step out of the dark place she found herself in. Some of the dwellers became more obvious before fading into the black but the eyes that watched her never seemed to go away, not even when they blink. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "How far away is Las Pegasus? What will we find there beyond this hive and the gamblor?" Aurora asked the pair, settling into a seat opposite Onache and Happy. She had no idea what she getting into with all this hive business but she had to start somewhere, right? If this will help her figure out what to do with her life then she's going to take it. No more hiding behind being wimpy or cowardly and ... well, maybe some hiding would be nice. It would at least offer a sense of privacy if nothing else. Despite this, the still-new Changeling queen couldn't stop questioning what would happen in Las Pegasus. "I think something to do with happy drinks maybe? I don't know, only rumors from my village really is all that I know about Las Pegasus." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "Colours!? Explosions give colours! OOOO I want to see!" Atzy said excitedly, her wings buzzing with joy. She had no idea so many amazing things could be done with explosives and she wanted to know more. "Colours! Colours! Explosions give colours!" "I think you set her off and she isn't coming back until she sees the fireworks," Karmic giggled as she followed with Enzo. She had no idea Atzy would get this excited about colours. Maybe it's because she was bereft of colour before attaching herself to Karmic? But that wouldn't make sense unless this new form she got given finally gave her coloured sight. But that didn't make sense either. Atzy hadn't commented on the colours she could potentially now see so maybe it was something else entirely. Regardless, she shook her head out of her thoughts and looked up at Enzo. "Did you have a nice nap while we were inside the death trap of a warehouse?"
@Props Valroa & @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Thanks for the help, Magnolia," Twilight told her appreciatively. She settled in on top of her newly-found sister and then watched a serious-looking ... strange pegasus with bone wings approach them. She was going to say something but paused, being stopped by her stomach growling upon seeing the box of licorice. "It's to help with giving back energy and is usually a good thing after a large bout of magic. Licorice is very welcome," she nodded. "Uh, thanks," Twilight added with a nervous chuckle and lit her horn up. Her magic fizzled a bit but thankfully stayed in place. Once her magic field was stable enough, Twilight levitated a few pieces of licorice into the air and began to eat them. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dazzle regarded the black opening warily. Flashes of tumbling down into dark caves and the sunlight getting swallowed by the Everfree ran through her head before she snorted air out of her nose. "Fine. If it's safe then I have no choice but to trust you," Dazzle told Scarcity before taking off through the void only to slide to a stop, feeling the sand beneath her hooves. "... I'm here," she gasped in disbelief and looked back at the void. "But nothing happened in there?" "For a pony so hesitant about going in there, she really gave it her all," Dawn commented, standing near Long Stare as they looked into the void. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I wouldn't even know how to start with finding other drones, Queen Onache," Aurora admitted before shaking her head. She had no idea what to think for the moment and decided to go along with things for the time being. "To think all this started with a holiday from home," she chuckled and began walking after Happy. "I guess we'd better follow him otherwise we'll miss the train." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "Hey big guy," Karmic said, looking up at Enzo. She hummed and then smiled a bit before gently nudging his paw with her head. "If you're sleepy, try lying down." "So how'd you make the fireworks? What are fireworks? Fire hazards are a thing? I don't even know what this is for," Atzy said rather excitedly, spouting off question after question and going between the explosive sibling duo. She did skid to a halt before the spider robots though and blinked at them. "Eh heh, I uh ... too many questions?" she guessed as she looked at the group.
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE Twilight moved her head back a bit once Magnolia got too close but then she smiled. "My hooves and legs don't seem to want to cooperate at the moment. It's probably a side effect of the magic Madame Macabre used. Having said that, yes, the help would be very much appreciated, Magnolia," Twilight told her with a slight nod and even smiled at her. She didn't feel all that different from before the spell but at least Cherish and her were separated now. It would take a while for the feeling to come back to her legs though. She did go through a bit of trauma with the soul separation. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dawn regarded the new portal in the room nervously, having never encountered them before. She decided to move over to Long Stare and simply stood near her, taking it all in. "My home ..." Dazzle said softly, looking through both portals. She couldn't believe her eyes and she took i na shuddering breath. At least there wasn't anything dangerous on the other side but still, to suddenly see a passageway through complete darkness towards her childhood home? "That ... that can't be real. You're just trying to conjure up an image for me to be calm about, Scarcity. I know I saw what just happened but still it's ... it's unbelievable." @Blitz Boom "Meeting another hive? Didn't we just do that?" Aurora asked in confusion, waving a hoof in the vague direction of the chaotic forest they had come from. "But, no. There's nothing here holding me back. I was simply visiting and on a holiday from home before I got intercepted by changelings and gemlings and the like," Aurora sighed. She hasn't had the best time of it recently. For the moment, she's still going along with things and smiled. "I guess we're goign to Las Pegasus and I have no idea what gambling is." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "Lets hope Enzo doesn't get scared by fireworks," Karmic commented while Atzy took off the bomb disposal equipment. "Eh heh, uh, not a helmet, got it," Atzy said in an embarrassing tone. She shook her head to get her mane back into place and looked at the siblings, trying to ignore the bouncing pony around them. "That sounds like great fun! Fireworks! Boom! Psshh! oooo! aaa!" she gestured with her hooves and giggled with a couple of nods. "Which way to the edge of the town?" Karmic chuckled, looking between Blitz and Molotov. She was glad Atzy is now having a fun time without dwelling on being a gemling princess. She liked seeing her sister be happy. For herself, she was kinda concerned no images of the future have come to her recently. Maybe the shock of an entire new species being in Enzo's old home drove them off but that didn't sound right to her.
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE It most likely was as Macabre said and her magic was making her extra sensitive to the separation. Twilight took in shuddering breaths as she laid there and attempted to at least roll onto her front. She wasn't sure what was happenign other than knowing she was free of Cherish. "I think ... there's no need for me getting any remedy. I think I just need time to let it run through my system," Twilight said simply when she successfully rolled onto her front and tucked her legs under her. "Just so long as everyone is okay." @Blitz Boom DAWN STREAK & DAZZLE GLEAM Dawn wasn't sure what to make of bright blue lines lighting up underneath Dazzle's fur, outlining her scales. She did what she thought was right at the time and simply stuck near the corner, quietly watching everything going on. Dazzle though, she took in deep breaths. After a few hearty gulps the electricity she had been gathering dissipated harmlessly into the air. "Was there anything else?" Dazzle asked quietly, staring resolutely at the floor but the question was aimed at Scarcity. "Dust? Disturbed furniture? Possessions? Notes? Anything?" she asked the pony with some slight hope. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS All these different emotions she never knew changelings feasted off of swirled about her mind but soon she shook her head. "Geh. I guess I got some research to do," Aurora sighed. "Is there anything you want me to do before I go and start that? Like maybe see what that gem ... oh, no, the gemling's gone," she chuckled nervously, only just now noticing the strange creature had left them. "Sorry. I kinda got lost in my own head there." @Blitz Boom ATZY & KARMIC FATE Before they had a chance to test out explosives, Atzy grabbed the chrome dome and placed it over her head with a grin; not caring for the wires within it. She may be acting childish but it's hard to deny their enthusiasm wasn't infectious. "Lookee here! Shiny helmet for the explosives!" Atzy said giddily. Karmic wanted to say something to her but thought better of it. She turned her attention back to Blitz and smirked a bit. "I have an idea. Maybe we could lob some of those ... uh ... ball bombs you have. The ones with the pins? We could chuck those at Atzy and see how she does." Karmic suggested, pointing to some in the pile of explosives near Blitz.
@Blitz Boom & @Props Valroa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "It feels like my soul had been ripped in two," Twilight gasped upon coming back to her senses. Her body felt like it was on fire and she feared no amount of rolling would ever put it out. She stayed where she was, curled up on the floor. What strength she did have, silently thanking Madame Macabre for successfully separating her and Cherish, she made an effort to look at her supposed sister. "I am happy Cherish is free ... give me a bit to recover. I don't know how long it will take but I just need to recover before I answer or ask any questions to you, Magnolia." She glanced at Last and the manetid and took in deep breaths to try and get her thoughts together but nothing came to mind due to the pain. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK "What's this guy doing?" Dawn muttered, warily eyeing Hammond and trying to dodge where his jumps would land. She didn't like the look of him one bit. "They ... aren't ... there?" Dazzle asked in a small voice, her eyes wide with her pupils shrunk. "N-No they should be ... there. They should be there. They always said that's their forever home!" she shouted at Scarcity; electricity zapping beneath her fur and outlining a mutltiude of scales hidden beneath her skin. She didn't care if the mare had asked her a question. She wasn't in the right state of mind to answer it at the moment after learning of her parents not living at the place she grew up in. She didn't care if the mare was patiently waiting for an answer, she had to get her frustration and panic out. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "A carton of milk is way scarier than you think it is," Aurora mumbled, sounding like she had experience in scarier-than-normal milk cartons. She shook ehr head and pranced in place a bit to keep her blood flowing through her body. She watched the gemling go away with whatever message she assumed Queen Onache whispered to it and went back to answering Happy's questions. "But to answer the feeding question, I usually associate warmth, happiness, safety? Those aren't exactly emotions ... well, maybe happiness is. Warmth and safety certainly aren't emotions, are they?" @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "You know, something less dangerous might be in order. I don't even know how long we have to get to a mountain in order to blow it up," Karmic told Blitz but was certainly getting fascinated by the amount of explosives the filly had lying around, much less tucked away into various nooks and crannies of the warehouse. "Maybe uh .... throw an explosive at a target range, perhaps?" "Oh that is so so cool!" Atzy said excitedly. She stared up in wonderment at the night sky and then back at Molotov when it had finished timing out. She pranced in place and began to excitedly ask Molotov a bunch of rapidfire questions. "How many more do you have? Can you throw them all at once? How many have you thrown at once? Do they connect to each other and make one super giant night sky!?"
@Blitz Boom & @Empress Magloria TWILIGHT SPARKLE When the scythe cut through the connection Twilight shared with Cherish, time seemed to freeze for a moment and the force of a dozen Tirek blasts hit her all at once. She screamed in total agony for the half dozen seconds the pain lasted and when it was over, she found herself lying on the floor and panting hard. Twilight found it hard to speak so she chose to stay silent and let the pain subside even if it took a while. She did manage to move her head and tried to find Cherish upon hearing her speak. "Is ... Cherish ... okay?" Twilight wheezed through the pain she felt deep in her core. @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dawn gave a nod to the guard and stood to the side, choosing to remain silent as she checked on their surroundings while Dazzle herself walked up to Scarcity with a soft pleading expression. All she wanted to know was about Scarcity's trip to the desert on the other side of the Everfree. She hoped the mare had brought good news rather than bad. "I don't know if you have the answer to this, Scarcity, but I know Stare asked you to find my parents on the other side of the Everfree. So my question to you is, please, do you have any information about them? Are they alive? Still living there?" Dazzle asked Scarcity in what she hoped was a calm voice but desperation did leak through it. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I've been a Griffin all this time and haven't needed to? I ate what the gfriffins ate and that kept me going?" Aurora said in complete confusion, staring back at Onache. She'd have to take Happy up on his offer to go to Las Pegasus later if it meant actual trying to be a changeling for real instead of being what she has been for most of her life. For now though, asking all these questions that she knew were meant for babies made her feel like she was lost in an ocean of untasted emotions. Maybe they thought differently of her now that she's trying to get more knowledge about her original species? @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "As long as ... no, it seems like your brother is fine keeping Atzy occupied so I guess I could come with you to figure out bombs," Karmic told Blitz hesitantly before shaking her head with a smile. "Sure. Why not. It's fun to learn something new. I just hope my cutie mark doesn't activate while we do this." "Exploding hexagon containment cube!? Metallic watchamacallit!? Let's go see them!" Atzy said excitedly before hopping up and down in place. She couldn't believe what she was hearing about the many different inventions these two ponies have made and it was all so exciting to learn about them. She hoped they weren't too scared by her excitedness mainly because she hasn't been this is excited since ... well, since as long as she could remember. "Oh this is so much fun!"
@Blitz Boom & @Props ValRoa TWILIGHT SPARKLE "This all sounds reasonable," Twilight told them a small nod of her head, letting things collect in her mind so she can sort them out later. "I will have to talk with you two after Madame Macabre has helped me and my ghostly friend out," she spoke with a firm tone to Alluria and Magnolia. "I am so curious about why you two are not on the family tree when you very clearly should be. Magnolia, I am sorry to hear about what our parents did to you and I really want to know why they didn't keep you. You probably want to know that answer as well." She wasn't sure how she'd get to the bottome of this mystery but once she had been separated from Cherish and recovered, she would love to gain some new knowledge about her family. It was previously unknown to her but now that she's in the thick of it, Twilight wanted to know more. The princess faced Macabre and smiled nervously. "So how do we go about getting separated, Madame Macabre?" @Blitz Boom DAZZLE GLEAM & DAWN STREAK Dazzle kept watch around them as they wandered to the Bubblehearth Inn. While being nondescript, she gagged a bit at just how obvious an inn it is. While the dragonpony could see peace in the simple things, given what she's seen of the town so far, it wasn't exactly up to par with, say, Circle Pop's candy shop. She put it out of her mind though and eyed the squirrel before it disappeared. "Questions ... how direct is she?" Dazzle asked her new friend. "I haven't spoken to her much other than her saying she'd try to find my parents." "What is she like, this sister of yours?" Dawn asked cautiously, keeping close to the pair and not exactly paying attention to their surroundings. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Emotions have different flavours? That's news to me," Aurora said in complete surprise, ignoring the reactions they all gave her to her lack of knowledge. "I don't exactly know who my mother was. I've been a griffin for basically all my life until now. Yes, I did change back ot myself when I was home but most of the time I've been a griffin. So any help you lot can give me would be great. It might have to wait if the gemling queen is impatient to meet though." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "This place is so cool!" Atzy cheered, her wings fluttering excitedly as she went from workbench, examining all the different items and gizmos. "What do you do here? Do you work on the spiders here? AI? Forge? What is all this!?" "And thus she is very excited about technology. Weird," Karmic commented, sticking near the entrance and watching her sister go around. "Well, hopefully Felicia and Charlotte can keep Atzy from destroying anything. Not like I can do anything about it."
@Props ValRoa & @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Sorry about the misunderstanding. This feels like a place where a lot of ghosts would gather and so ... don't worry," Twilight shook her head quickly. It came as a shock that Magnolia and Alluria were both actually living but it was a comfort to learn about. "Usually when a name is stricken from the family tree, it means they're dead or something ghastly has happened to them and don't want to be associated with the family anymore," she told Alluria and Magnolia. Upon hearing Madame Macabre's voice, she looked to the source and flicked her ears a bit. Just the pony they had intended to find in the first place. However her words gave Twilight pause and some nervousness about her current situation. "Madame Macabre? What's going to happen to Cherish when ... when the 'ties are cut'?" @Blitz Boom DAWN STREAK & DAZZLE GLEAM "Yeah, we're both ready," Dazzle nodded at this while Dawn stayed silent, glancing behind them at the candy shop. "Although I think Dawn in particular is worried about something," she chuckled. "Huh? No I'm not," Dawn said quickly and shook her head, returning her gaze to Stare. "So, ahem, what are we doing here?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS Aurora's mind was reeling with what the gemling spoke of and was only brought back by Happy's questioning. "Bwah? Uh? What?" she questioned and shook her head a few times. "Flavour? As in favourite ice cream? That uh ... I don't see how that's relevant right now." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE & ATZY "I don't think this will go well if we continue talking about this," Karmic sighed, taking her hoof away from Atzy's mouth. The gemling licked her lips and glared lightly at Karmic. "They're trustworthy and seem like the crazy sort of scientists ponies often shrug off as nothing worth mentioning. I feel like we can tell them about this and I need to talk about it with sompony other than you and Enzo," Atzy said quickly and then trotted to the workshop entrance. "... fine, that's what I get for being a sister, I guess. We'd like a tour," Karmic eventually sighed and turned her gaze to the stallion scientist. She didn't think much of him or Blitz but if it meant trying to protect Atzy from herself she'd have to go along with it. "Your spiders are ... interesting ..."