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Best Username Ever

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Posts posted by Best Username Ever

  1. Gaming, television and the real timewaster, HOMEWORK.

    I wish i could be bothered to waste time on homework

    Playing Soulsiver again


    MLP Forums


    Cookie Clicker


    Twitch plays Pokemon




    Know Your Meme


    Reading fanfiction


    Want me to go on?

    How far are you into cookie clicker i stopped playing recently but i have a few thousand heavenly chips from resets and and maybe 100 prisms

  2. Amazing stomped solo queue in League of Legends today, watched new episode and saw/played with friends so all in all i had  a superfantasticallyfablariffic day what that ain't a word it is now  B)

  3. As boring as it might seem, I've used up a lot of time pouring through articles about various college courses. It's never really that productive because at the end of the day, there would always be some measure of angst remaining concerning my career choices and whatnot. 


    I do get to learn about what different people do in their lives, but the ultimate goal of finally making college decisions hasn't really been achieved.  >_>

    I know that feeling (i am just about to finish high school) and i haven't a clue in the world where i am heading

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Oh, I'm quickly coming back here to take an opportunity to say something stupid and immature!


    What do I waste my time on?


    Your mom.


    Fite me. :P

    K behind chickos after school (well thats where all the fights at my school happen)

    Okay, lets face it, most of us were thinking masturbation! :3 :blush:

    Well if someone spent more time on that then the internet or games i think an intervention would be required  :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 1. Playing Pokemon on my 3DS for hours on end.


    2. Watching completely random YouTube videos. Videos from MLP FiM episodes, surgery videos, videos of people popping cysts, people getting hurt, funny videos, etc. Pretty much anything.


    3. Looking for things to buy on Amazon.com even though I can't afford any of the things.


    4. Watching TV.


    5. Napping.

    I love Pokemon (who doesn't) but i don't have any Nintendo hand held devices so i play the emulator ones

    • Brohoof 1
  6. "Watch as I work my gypsy magic

    Eye of a newt and cinnamon

    Watch as the matter turns to batter

    open the portal, jump in!"

    Can't. Stop. Listening.

    IT'S A TRAP you will be stuck on youtube FOREVER!!! :okiedokielokie:

    Thinking....I do a lot of thinking....But that's not really "unproductive"....Ok Daydreaming is more like the word I'm looking for...Yeah Daydreaming ^_^  

    Today i stared at the floor for 40 minutes straight i know pretty productive

    Playing video games definitely, and lately watching videos and shows and whatnot more than I used to... :wacko:

    I like to think I spend enough time on productive things too though... I hope. :derp:

    This seems like a common interest many of us here share lots of gamers here i wonder if anyone plays the games i play  :huh:

    Video games...According to Raptr, I played 1,300 hours of games in 2013. That's not counting my Non-Steam games. which I probably have another 500+ hours in.


    My most played game had 517 hours.

    Damn i only have 175ish in my two most played steam games hoping to get them both to 200 soon even if that isn't a real achievement LOL

    Reading, attempting to learn how to draw while failing horribly, watching anime, playing my 3DS, 

    Me whenever i have a pen in class and spare time  :lol:

    Playing games and watching TV, just your basic stuff, but it's totally PRODUCTIVE. 


    That's what life is for right?...RIGHT?

    I am going to get a job as a game tester and TV critic then i can have fun be productive

    • Brohoof 1
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