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Everything posted by Scribblegroove

  1. Runedawn dragged himself into the circle, where he was shielded from the cold. "Screw it, grell, patch me up quickly. Don't worry about bein' careful, just hurry. I'm bleedin' to death!" Runedawn coughed, and he tasted blood in his mouth. He could see the pile of dog corpses that he had created. he muttered somethimg about not yet having lost his fighting skill.
  2. Scribblegroove struggled with this strange feeling he had. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." He looked around to see if there were any studio rooms around. "I think I'm going to have a look upstairs. I believe they had some recording equipment around here somswhere. Care to join me?" Scribblegroove asked. "Otherwise we could grab a drink and talk some more."
  3. Runedawn smiled at lost. He tried to sound as 'well educated' as possible. "My friend, you have no need to apologise. You were absolutely right and I simpy request the we may act it never happened..." Runedawn then looked a bit concerned. "How'd that sound... Bit too much maybe?" Runedawn stepped towards the exit of the room. "I feel really stupid about what I said. Usually I 'ain't this full 'o meself... Anyway, I want to try to 'fit in' a bit more. I once were a bit of a gentlecolt, but I don't have a clue how to act around these ponies now... It's been so long." @@Alex Kennedy, @, Runedawn turned to the bard, but kept adressing lost as well. "You two both seem sophisticated. You with yer manners and you with your speech... Do you fellas mind helping me out a bit? I feel like a fool... How am I supposed to act classy." Runedawn smelled himself. "Maybe a bath would be a good idea... And a suit perhaps." The giant, ash covered, unwashed stallion plead for help at the two other ones. "Hell, maybe I could do somethin' for you in return! Anythin' really" It was only then that he realised he had adressed the bard out of nowhere... "Hold on, I was rambling again, I apologize. Mr bardic, my name is Runedawn and I could really use some help, I hope ye don't mind..."
  4. I didn't realize that i couldnt talk to chilly, so please make the second thing happen :3
  5. "I apologise for beimg rude towards you and "the mare" of course, I did not mean to upset you. I let my emotions carry me away. Yet you still have to admit that for a princess of love she was awfully cold to us. And besides, what I was really worried about is my usefulness in a diplomatic task. You are right, I am insensible and rude, I always have been! What possible purpose do I have in a mission like this. My thoughts are that I would only stand in the way." Runedawn turned to both Slaes and Lost now. "I have overreacted, and I apologise. And I guess cadence has her reasons for sending a blacksmith along with a diplomatic negotiations party... Yet I still believe that all of us deserved a better treatment. Didn't Celestia always say that everypony is equal?" Runedawn turned to loveless. "And again, I apologise for me rude behaviour. I do not get out a lot as a blacksmith, so my senses for social interaction in general have been numbed a bit." Runedawn felt ashamed. How could he have been so arrogant and stupid to say somethimg like that... He was never arrogant, only a bit proud. He hoped that this first impression didn't ruin his chances at these other ponies. He decided that he should do something nice the first instance he saw the oppertunity...
  6. Runedawn felt the heat in his body cool down. He could hear thousands of voices calling to him from miles below the surface of the world. They were screaming for help. As he grew colder their screams grew more desperate. All runedawn could see was a bright orange light slowly dying out. "your kind will never forge again" Runedawn opened his eyes. There was blood all around him. He could feel the cuts in his skin that the dogs had made. He stood up, and felt tremendous paim. A thousand hot pins were piercing his skin, that hurt because of how cold it was. But runedawn could feel the heat of the core still burning in his chest. It gave him the strength he needed to grab his hammer and strap it on his back. (edited out the chilly part, since he wasn't around...)
  7. "I haven't got much planned. I was hoping to jam and record a bit with other musicians, but since there's only DJ's beside you I guess that is not going to happen." Scribblegroove checked to see if anyone else had entered. Not yet it seemed. "Oh, and I'm going to perform live of course. I don't do that a lot. It is not very entertaining to look at a pony standing still, making music with magic. That is why I usually sign alongsidw the music, or I play the actual instrument during a solo. It shows that I can actually play most instruments quite well, and do not only rely on my magic..." Scribblegroove looked into diamond's eyes. He almost felt like he could drown in them. Suddenly the music he was playing started to faulter. Strange distorting noises were added. He quickly deactivated the spell. "Wow that hasn't happened to me before." He said, putting his hoof to his head. "I guess I lost my concentration for a sec...". Yet again he tried to changs the subject. "H...how about you? What are you going to do the next 2 days?" For some reason he felt attracted and at the same time repulsed by this mare. It was a strange feeling and he couldn't keep his emotions at bay anymore. ""What the buck is going on with me?"" he thought.
  8. Runedawn was heavily offended now. "Mr slaes, I would like you to tell our dear princess that she can forget about me commiting to any form of strange and dangerous mission without adressing me..." Runedawn pointed to the others. "And them, in a proper way! I cannot be expected to leave my work, run over here as fast as I can, not be properly informed about anything, to then be talked down to and frowned upon whem I ask a simple question." Runedawn started to speak more angrily and loudly! "She may be the princess of 'love', but I will not be bothered to help anyone who treats me like this!" Runedawn was roaring now. "And on another note, I have not spent my entire life training to be a proper warrior and blacksmith to be sent on some sort of diplomatical mission. My talents would be wasted like this!" Runedawn walked up to Slaes and pushed aside the pretty mare. He breezed through his nose, and lowered his head so it would be at Slaes' height. "This 'earthstriker' would like to know why I am treated like filth, and am then expected to travel to an unknown land without any explanation about my purpose there... I would be happy to help save Luna and Celestia, but I owe nothing to Cadence, and she does't rule over me either! She should be ashamed of herself! Celestia would never force anypony to do anything! She is going to either treat me..." He pointed to the others in the room again. "And the others with respect, or she can look for a different blacksmith to help her!" Runedawn stepped back a little. "And close the door on us fair ponies before we can even react, it's just rude!" He looked around the room, hoping to gain some support. (just pretend I typed the accent xoxo :3)
  9. Runedawn saw all the other ponies approach the diamond dogs all of the sudden. Steel also stood next to him, which he didn't like at all. "I thought I told you ponies to retreat in the circle. It is warm in there, and in this cold you could die. And on a second note..." Runedawn said as he turned to steel. "We don't want that demon to break out. I don't want to have to kill it... The risk is too large. Stand back in the circle and protect the others." Runedawn jumped back up on his hindlegs again and screamed again "COME ON YE OVERSISED RATS! WHAT ARE YE WAITIN' FOR! I 'AIN'T DEAD YET!" He uppercutted the nearest dog with his hammer, which flew up into the sky, howling. Before runedawn fell down on his forelegs again, the dogs took their chance at him. The two remaining dogs jumped at his hindlegs. The already out-of-balance runedawn was knocked down. With a powrefull "Thump" he fell down. Runedawn was wrestling with the dogs that were right on top of him. He couldn't take it for much longer. Their bites tore open his skin and he started to bleed. "Come on doggies!" He said as he punched one in the face. "You'll have to do better than that if ye want to best an earthstriker!" He bucked the other of his chest. The dogs were seriously scared. The blood covered giant stallion started roaring again. "BY ME MIGHTY BEARD, I WILL NOT LET YOU PASS!" He then continued with a slightly less loud voice. "Tell yer alpha there's still an earthstriker walking in the surface, and his name is Runedawn!" The fury of battle fueled him. He did not feel his wounds or his tiredness... The dogs were now more afraid of Runedawn then they were afraid of their alpha's rage. They growled one more time and then ran off. They had something to tell their alpha. Runedawn then picked up his hammer, walked towards the spectre and had a swing at it. But he had lost too much blood and lost consciousness mid swing. The hammer still hit the spectre, but runedawn fell to the ground. (chilly, you can decide what the hammer does, or if it even does anything...)
  10. Runedawn grinned at the horde of dogs. "Then they will meet something far worse than a demon!" Runedawn stepped out of the circle again, standing between starstruck and the dogs. "Everypony behind me! This vermin scum is mine!" Runedawn was not only a smith. He used to be part of the guards special forces. He was just as well-trained with his hammer at fightimg as smithing. Runedawn roared as loud as he could. He jumped up and balanced on his two hindlegs for a secomd, towering over the dogs. With both his forelegs, he swung his hammer with a devastating strike, putting the force of his arm and leg muscles, as well as weight to perfect use as he lunged forward, and cracked the skulls of two diamond dogs in one swing. Blood flung around in all directions. He roared at the dogs again. "COWARDS! WEAKLINGS! YOU LIVE IN THE EARTH BUT DO NOT HONOUR IT!" He prepared to deal another devastating strike again, and was about to jump back up his hindlegs again. He then quickly changed direction as he turned a full 360 degrees and flung his hammer from one side to the other. 4 of the 5 dogs managed to dodge the deadly weight. The one who got hit flew a few metres through the sky. The 4 remaining diamond dogs growled. Runedawn had just brutally slaughtered 3 of their friends in a few seconds... The heat of the core kept him going, but the cold was getting too strong. He stepped back a bit, and stood at the edge of the circle. "Leave, or you will all die!" He told them.
  11. The sudden cold wind hit runedawn like a real punch in the face. This was a magical force, he immeadiately recognised that. He knew he had to act quickly to protect himself and the others from the supernatural cold. Without warning and hesitation, rumedawn grabbed his hammer and imbued it with the rune of fire. He then slammed the pointy counterweight of the hammerhead in the ground and turned a full circle, dragging the hammer through the dirt and instantly making a perfect circle. He then stepped back, pulled his hammer out of the ground and slammed the ground in the centre of the circle with the flat side of his hammer. All this was done in one perfect smooth and agile motion. A bright flash, orginating from where rundawn had slammed the ground, blinded him and the ponies around. Inside the circle it was suddendly warm, as if they were in an isolated room with a fire burning in it. Wind nor cold could reach him there. The circle was about 4 metres wide. "Quickly, enter the circle!" He yelled through the howling wind. "I don't care how tough you are, if you stay in this cold you will die!" He tried to convince everyone to stand close to eachother. The strange spectre frightened him, and he wanted everyone close to him IF it attacked. He just hoped it was a friendly spirit. He put the rune of spirits on his hammer just to be sure. You can't harm spirits without a spirit weapon.
  12. Runedawn did not understand a thing about whay was happening. It seemed that everypony except him knew what was going on. "Excuse me everypony, bu I think I have missed a memo or something... What's all this about?" Runedawn had noticed that the princess was somehow mad at the foreign looking pony and his companion, and everypony else seemed to understand understand why. He was looking at the others in the group hoping that somepony would explain. It was kind of obvious to see that he had no idea what was going on, and he wouldn't dare ask the princess, afraid that he might look stupid.
  13. Runedawn looked at the mountain ahead. "If we want to get up the mountainside I guess we can do two things. One, well attach a rope to eachother, and i'll be at the end of it. Then I'll be able to use some daggers or my hammers backside to hit in the wall when it gets too steep and pull you al up. A better idea is probably if the pegasi flew the other up the mountain one by one. I'll have to climb though, I think I am too heavy for you to lift..." Runedawn then saw that embers had fallen. "oh for bucks sake somepony help him..." (sleepytime nao... Cya 2morro, btw, I had the same idea as well with the flyinf, nut you ninja'd me)
  14. I DON'T KNOW HOW I AM DOING IT EITHER TORRENT save meee, im going to die of sleepyness. By the way, I have over 6 pages of stuff for the "core spirits" stuff. It is not going to end up lie "you are the one pong to save us all." It going to be awsome, I promise.
  15. Runedawn had taken a fair while to fully consume his good drink, while listening to all the converstions around him. He had eventually finished the entire bottle. "Well seth, if you are going to be a diplomat againg, make sure you supply the tavern with enough of this stuff. It is amazing!" Runedawn stood up and banged his head agains't the roof. "OW!" He screamed, stumbling back onto a table, which broke in half when he hit it. Runedawn looked around confused, and eventually realized what happened. "Oops, that drink was heavier than I thought." He exclaimed. He tried to stand up again, but decided to keep lying dowm for a few seconds instead. "Don't worry, I'll pay for this..." He said gruntingly.
  16. Runedawn walked steadily at the head of the group. "I am not waiting for anypony from now on. The ones who fall behind will find us again eventually." Runedawn could feel the cold around him. The heat of the core countered it, but he could still register it was cold. "Are you ponies cold?" He asked he lowered his head to willow. "Are you cold willow? Please tell me if you are..." Runedawn looked ahead at the mountain. I am afraid that the railbridge up to canterlot has broken. We'll have to scale the mountain to get up in the city... It will only be colder up there..." He thought out loud. "What do you ponies think?" (leaving in an hour, it will be 4 am here by then...)
  17. "You are right with saying that it all dependa on taste, but i only feel like some genres are simply harder to compose and play, since they all have different rules, jazz being thr one with the most complex systems. I'm not saying that jazz is really better, it is just another level of music. But I guess thas is kinda my weird view on the subject." Scribblegroove explained. "And rambling simply shows you are passionate about what you are saying you know..." Scribblegroove was tired of talking about music preferences. It was an argument that could not be won by anyone. "Do you have any idea who those ponies on the other sofa are? I know one of them is rythm, but I don't know the other two. Do you recognise them by chance?" Scribblegroove asked diamond. "They all seem to be dj's"
  18. Runedawn was a little bit offended. "come now, just because I am a blacksmith doesn't mean I do everything by crushing things with my hammer. Feeling fhe earth is a very delicate procedure..." Runedawn picked up his hammer again, but accidently dropped it before he could strap it to his saddlebags again. The weight of the hammer alone made a huge hole in the crystal floor. Shards went flying into the air. Runedawn's jaw dropped and he quickly looked around the room. "Oops..." he exclaimed.
  19. Runedawn had been cautiously watching the ponies do their thing for a few hours. It had been quite amusing to see them struggle with little pathethic problems constantly, as if they were trying to be sad... But it had been enough. "I believe I had said 'drama sessions over', but apparently you ponies didn't get the memo. Quit faffin 'round over nothin'. There's no time for your little problems now. There are entire civilizations at risk here, and we have no time to let depression, or love, or whatver blinds us from our goal. We need to move... Now!" Runedawn picked up his hammer and strapped it to his saddlebags. He also kicked a keg of apple's on his back. "I'm gonna do what I did last time when somethin' had to be done... I am goin' to canterlot, and you ponies can choose if you come with me..." Runedawn hoped that Willow would follow him, but he would continue even without her. He started slowly walking away. (action guys, the rp is dying)
  20. Runedawn laughed loudly, and he put down the hammer in front of the fancy pants pony with a loud 'ka-dunk'. The hammer was so big that, even with its knob on the floor, the hammerhead was at the height of the merchants head. The hammer shimmered strange colors, and was obviously magical. "Runedawn 'ere is an earthstriker you see. And alongside runesmithimg it brings a lot of other strange perks. It's quite hard to explain really. I can show you and Glory what I mean outside. I need some fresh soil for it to work." Runedawn looked around the room. I guess it could work here too, but that would mess up the floor a bit, and it would be a sin to damage such a beautifully polished floor." Runedawn looked at the door leading outside. "Either we go outside real quick before the princess opens her doors, or we do it after meeting the princess..." Runedawn hoped that had spoken clearly and sophisticated, so thst this small stallion would understand him without much trouble. You could hear he was forcing away his accent.
  21. Scribblegroove sat down nexf to diamond. "Well, in a nutshell... When I was young I had a talent for magic. My passion lied with music and art, but I couldn't express the music that I came up with correctly. Eventually my magical talent saved the day. One of the elders tought me this spell when I was a scholar. It is considered to be a hard spell, as it requires you to concentrate perfectly on the sound you want to convert from thought to sonic waves. Since I had a talent for 'imagining' music, the spell was fairly easy to me. I graduated from the magic schools by perfecting the spells use with certaim techniques. Now I can basicly compose anything, and play it immeadiately with just a thought. No need for equipment, or practice in an instrument. Not having to learn to actually produce music, I had a lot of time studying the actual creation of music. That is why I can now analyze and break down every music piece I hear. I had more time to study the theories behins composition than anyone else..." Scribblegroove smiled at diamond. "From there on it was pretty easy. My nephew has a sound editing cutie mark, so he created a custom mic and recorded me. Since then a small team of talented jazz muscisians has formed a group around me. Together we write the most complicated and innovatie songs of these days, since there is no limit to what I can play." Scribblegroove suddendly burst out in laughter. "They once tried to pull a joke on me by putting as many notes on a music sheet as possible, but I could still manage to play it after a few days of practice. It sounded like shit but I played it for hours just for revenge! I have a lot of fun with those guys. We're good friends." Scribblegroove looked back at diamond. "You could say that the only sad part about this story is that the audience for Jazz musiv is pretty small compared to... A lot of genres that are in my opinion simply below jazz in general." He said while looking at Rythm on the opposite side of the room. "That is why I always say that jazz is the most intellectual genre. It is the most difficult to compose. It would just be so nice if more ponies would appreciate jazz."
  22. Runedawn listened curiously, as he truly found the idea of listening to nature fascinating. "Right, very interesting. Remind me to show you somethin' when we get outside. I am sure you'll find that interestin' to see... Very similiar to how you listen ta nature, I can feel the earth if I want to. I can make you feel it too. It is quite a strange experience... But please, tell me now. How do ye listen to what nature has to tell? Does it speak a strange language?" Runedawn was honestly very interested, and was trying to use his proposal as leverage to make her tell more. (on phone atm, there might be some typo's, sorry for that...)
  23. Scribblegroove was dissapointed, but didn't bother too much. "Oh well, maybe next time." He answered her. "But please, tell me more about yourself. Where exactly did you learn to sign, and did someone teach you, or are you self thought. Do you have a specifc genre and instrument that you favour over others? I have already told plenty of myself already, so tell me more about you! Unless of course you want to hear a boring story about my life with everything going jolly good... I haven't really heard of you to be honest. I don't perform a lot, and I only work with a specific set of ponies that compose songs with me. My audience is not very big, and I don't get to see much of other performers, no matter how famous they are... So it's really my fault that I don't know you. What kind of music do you make?" Scribblegroove had dropped his standard act of courtsy and just wanted to get to know the mare now... Scribblegroove softly started playing a song called 'when it rains' to comfort them as they spoke. A little background jazz always helped the conversational atmosphere. "May I suggest we find us a seat? I do not feel like standing around the entire evening..." Scribblegroove looked around to see that the sofa was currently occupied by three ponies. The sofa on the opposite side of it was unoccupied however. Scribblegroove l stepped forward to the piece of furniture, past diamond. Then he turned around again. "Unless you wish to stand over here for now... I don't mind" (see grooveshark list I posted earlier for the song. It's rythm is really weird, cause the drums play in 4/4 and the piano plays 3/4... I love it a lot!)
  24. @, Scribblegroove's jaw dropped. He expected the mare to slowly ease into liking him, not to tell the story of her life immeadiately. "Mysterious, and unpredicatable... Geez, I think I am falling in love with this mare!" He didn't know what to say at first. He quickly tried to assume his witty attitude again. "Well, that story is quite depressing. You kinda caught me off guard here, I didn't think you'd open up this quickly... Still, it seemed that it has only done you good. If you look at who you've become now, I'd say life has worked its way over the bumps in the round for you. Since you opened up, I could tell you how I ended up here as well, but that is quite a boring story really. My life has gone perfectly up until now. I am actually quite lucky. I've been lucky my entire life..." Scribblegroove tried to change the subject. "I believe you were about to choose a song for me to play for you. I think I have a good proposal. How about we both show off in front of these ponies. Choose a song that you can sing, and I'll play it for you. I don't sing a lot, so we could make a good team! Unless you want to keep playing with star of course. I am not forcing you. But how about just this song." Scribblegroove smiled. Then he thought of one song that he had wanted to try, but had never found a vocalist for. "Hold on for just a second." He said while he went for his bags that were in the hall. He got out the papers for it. He walked back to diamond and showed her the music sheet. "I could use a mare vocalist for this... you think you can sing it? It is too high for me, and I can only produce the sound of instruments and my own voice. I'll do the five side vocals, you can do the lead!" ((http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKUttYs5ow, I know that some of the side vocals are actually higher than the lead, but just pretend that this would work out ))
  25. (( I am sorry, I am on my phone most of the time, so there will be a shit ton of mistakes and typo's... I use colors when I am on PC... but I try. And as I said, Scribblegroove is a dick to anyone he doesn't respect, and dupstep is the exact opposite of music in his opinion. IRL I don't really care for dubstep, so he doesn't even care what you have to say about not playing dubstep, listening to dubstep is enough for him to lose interest. but I don't hate it...)) Scribblegroove was happily surprised "Mysterious, has a taste for class, music and musicians... I am beginning to like this mare... Time to impress her" Scribblegroove grinned at Diamond. "Some of my songs? Filly, you tell me any genre, you give me a name of a song, you give me a mere melody, and I will compose any song you would like and play it here on the spot. That is one of the perks of being able to create music magically!" Scribblegroove tapped his horn. "You might not know this, but all my records haven't got any real instruments in them! My talent is imagining music in extreme detail. I turned this seemingly useless talent into a glorious one with one little spell! I'm not joking, try me! Which one of the songs I composed would you like to hear? Covers are not a problem either, as long as I have heard the song at least once in my life. I might even give it a groovy turn!" (this list is going to be longer, but this is it for now. Consider this one or two of Scribblegroove's albums http://grooveshark.com/#!/playlist/All+My+Songs+D/93823663. "The groove" is Scribblegroove's personal favourite.) Scribblegroove then suddenly altered his approach. "Oh, but excuse me, I haven't been very polite to you only rambling on about myself. Please excuse my boasting, I can't control myself." Scribblegroove brought up some fake red cheeks and tried to look ashamed "Thank you acting classes..." He then pulled his coup de grace. "Tell me about yourself. You seem very interesting. The way you act, look and talk. You must have quite the story to tell!" Scribblegroove gave her his best smile. "I can be a good listener you know!" Scribblegroove exclaimed with a bit of a cynical tone in his voice, ridiculing his previous behavior. "Bingo. Impressing, Apologizing, Listening and Self-deprecating. The four -ing's to success! You got her in the bag" He thought.
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