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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Znex

  1. It sounds silly I suppose. However, Germans do that sort of thing with 13.
  2. The Beatles wrote a song about 8 days a week.
  3. Granted, but the shredder jams in such a way that it ignites all the random propane tanks you have around your room and creates a large explosion. I wish that IRL horses looked a lot more like MLP ponies.
  4. No I have not Have you ever been so mad that you kicked a rhino in the balls while playing a guitar in front of a nuclear explosion? </copypaste>
  5. Granted, but you find out that we're all being watched by a race of fat, prepubescent aliens who fondle figurines of each of us. I wish that time skipped forward three or four years.
  6. The last one sounds sciency so I'll go with that one. Do you hope she made lotsa spaghetti, or are you so hungry you could eat an octorok?
  7. had rare muffin cancer that
  8. Pork - I've never had venison D; Desert or arctic?
  9. Sandvich! Would you rather eat or drink (excessively that is)
  10. Znex


    Hey fellow bronies! I'm Znex, and I've been a brony since the gap between season 1 & season 2. Throughout the months I have thoroughly enjoyed much of the stuff that both the series and the fandom has to offer, and this forum seems to be a path to enjoy more of it. /)(^3^)(\
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