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Derpy MacMuffin

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About Derpy MacMuffin

  • Birthday 1995-10-26

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  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Ohio, USA
  • Personal Motto
    "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard
  • Interests
    Drawing (both traditionally and electronically), gaming (FPS's, sandboxes, and racing), parkour (still in training sadly), music (Hip-Hop, Hard Rock, and Electronic genres). I'm interested in making music and animations in the future.

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Empire Roleplay

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. I got a Rarity Wallet, an white Octavia shirt, and a pink Pinkie Pie shirt. Pinkie Pie: http://www.welovefine.com/3605-cherrychimichanga.html#.Urx0ZrTlMmA Octavia: http://www.welovefine.com/4184-out-of-chalk.html#.Urx0qLTlMmA Rarity Wallet: http://www.welovefine.com/5124-rarity-nouveau-wallet.html#.Urx1ArTlMmA
  2. Well, the whole point of this post was for me to recieve tips, but if you feel I helped you with my brainstorming then you're welcome. BTW is that avatar a drawing of yours? I do love Pinkamena, more than I do Pinkie Pie actually. If you haven't before, check out some of the work on this tumblr page for inspiration: http://askpinkaminadianepie.tumblr.com Good luck to you.
  3. Errr, I would ask for one but I see I'm not a high priority and there are others waiting. I'll come back when you've taken care of business and I can say I'm worthy of it. That'll give me plenty of time to think of what I'd want (probably Derpy... and muffins).
  4. Hello everyone, I've recently bought a graphics tablet and I find it much more difficult to draw on than pencil and paper. Anyone have any useful tips? Here are a few tips/suggestions I learned about, some from my head as well, I'd like your feedback on if they're a good idea and how I should implement them: 1. - Draw from your elbow (Wrist does not rest on surface). 2. - Improve drawing from imagination by drawing things from memory. 3. - Learn the anatomy of a real horse (To draw ponies better). 4. - It takes six months to become proficient with your work. 5. - Draw confident lines (No to and fro motions). 6. - Copy, whilst not tracing, other's artwork. 7. - Repetitively drawing basic shapes goes a long way. 8. - Draw towards yourself instead of away. 9. - You should practice with your opposite hand. 10. - Listening to music helps your creativity flow through your work. 11. - More than one rough sketch is best. 12. - No matter how frustrated you are with your current skill level, it will only get better as you go. 13. - Showing people your work is always a good idea. If you guys could review these and help me add to it I'd much appreciate it. Again, leave me your tips and motivational words below please! Thanks!
  5. Not when you're with this community! I'll be your friend, but if you want a soul mate you'd likely find a pegasister, you know?
  6. I found you again. It seems the recurring trend is to be a pony before starting a relationship (even though the OP stated this to begin with). I would have a relationship regardless of my race. If you truly love someone/pony there should be nothing holding you back. On the topic of who I'd date, it'd have to be Trixie. I feel she is misunderstood by others, and she misunderstands others herself. I'd love to help her with her problems while roleplaying as her servant from time to time
  7. I need to meet some new people :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wayzer



      ;) hi there!

    3. Derpy MacMuffin

      Derpy MacMuffin

      Hi Wayzer, hope you're enjoying yourself on TF2!

    4. Wayzer


      @Derpy I definitely was thanks ^^. I have to go now though :C

  8. Thanks guys, I will try to get out some drawings in the near future! Unfortunately I'll have to mess with my tablet for awhile before I get the hang of it. :/ Also, I became a brony completely on my own with nobody telling me to or suggesting it. I had always occasionally seen some pony things but until February this year I didn't think anything of it, but I noticed it was popular. I've always been a sucker for cute things so I checked out the first two episodes... I didn't watch it again until spring break in April. At that point I ended up watching all the episodes they had available! I've been hooked since then. So in theory I'm still a baby foal in the community.
  9. Personally I don't like him being a mash-up of different animals. I'd prefer he was a pony and occasionaly he takes on his orginal form to cause chaos. Like most would think, he probably can turn into a pony and even imitate certain characters much like a changeling. From what I've heard and seen, Discord seems to be the most popular villain and I'd enjoy it if he were to be pulling stunts like messing with Ponyville as one of them leading the mane six on a wild goose chase.
  10. Hello everybody reading this, I'm new to the forum as you see. However I'm not new to the fandom. It's funny because I'm mostly an introvert, so I stay away from forums regularly. But knowing how kind and loving the brony community truly is I decided to put my fears aside. It's my hope to find a place here, make meaningful relationships, and learn everything there is to be learned for I aspire to be a man of many talents. If I'm not on the computer, you'll most certainly find me on Xbox LIVE. My Gamertag is something special to me: it's none other than 'Trixie Lulamoon'. As of late I play CoD: Ghosts, GTA V, and pretty soon Minecraft (my friend is buying it for me). I'd love to play with some of you in the future! If you take a look at my profile page you can read aboout my interests in whole, but I mostly focus on drawing and gaming. I recently got a hundred dollar graphics tablet and it's a lot harder than traditional drawing for me! On a side note it doesn't help that it's winter and my hands are frozen... I'm having trouble typing this correctly too. Anyway, thanks for your time! Hope we meet again.
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