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Everything posted by TwilightDreamer

  1. I have to agree with you at some point about it, the movie did pretty well for what it is but it doesn't help that was something of a real flop and it bombed for being something of a commercial for toys; it was a pain to watch. It could be better if it was revamped just like the show and given a much stronger story plot, have the voice talents for the show today, use flash as the signature type of animation because of how smooth it is, has more memorable songs and a more powerful score written for it and utilize a strong friendship lesson that we bronies and pegasisters can take away from it as well as making great, if not, perfect use of the character from G4. All of the elements from G4 would've made quite a difference to the movie if it had them from the start. I'd give them movie the benefit of a doubt but I don't hold high hopes for it as it is right now until something can be done to change it. G1 was just meh to me and it was nothing special but G3 and 3.5............Oh my god, that was seriously rock bottom for the franchise and the show when I saw it. It REALLY sucked balls when I saw clips of them, that's all I'm going to say about them.
  2. Hmm........titles for the episodes with keys........... I think it's pretty much of a stretch for me to figure them out but if there are going to be titles for them, these are the ones that I'd suggest: Twilight Sparkle: Everlasting Magic; Pinkie Pie: Happy Ever Laughter; Rarity: Boundless Generosity; Fluttershy: Kindness of Others; Applejack: Honest to Goodness; Rainbow Dash: A Question of Loyalty. Pretty much, the titles I suggested would center around the elements of Twilight and her friends and have their elements of friendship tested and pushed to their limits so that they prove themselves worthy of the gift that the Tree of Harmony gave to them in the season 4 premiere for returning the Elements of Harmony to their rightful birthplace and have them be rewarded with the keys to the mystery chest for the lessons they learned from those tests.
  3. You know, that is strange. It did grow after that first attempt to shoo away the fruit bats, as she grows stronger with her magic undergoing changes, her physical appearance changes as well from her body due to her horn and her size. And I agree with Denim&Venom, if it is made into an actual episode or a 2 or 3-part story arc in the show or in season 4 by any means, it should definitely be about Twilight suddenly realizes that her magic as it changes and grows stronger along with her body and forbids herself to use her magic to find new ways of solving issues in life, leading her to become alienated and being temporary cut off from society from the changes made to her and that should show Celestia that her change might be more of a curse rather than a blessing and she has to admit to Twilight that she never thought of something as horrific as that could happen as well as telling her that it doesn't matter if she's being treated the opposite of what others wanted her to treat them, it still can't be said the same for her friends who have been with her by her side ever since she met them. This should be something of a longer story-arc as a new season premiere or finale sometime later in the near future. Growing up and facing your own changes with a little help from your friends is definitely something that Twilight is going to take into account sometime later in season 4 or later on in the next few seasons coming up should the episode get off the ground somehow.
  4. And that, in my case, can present a serious threat to everypony no matter what the type. If the amulet is able to act on Trixie's darkest thoughts like showing Twilight the pain and humiliation she felt after she was shown off as a fraud last time before turning them into her greatest sins committed: exiling Twilight from Ponyville and torturing her friends to no end and thus, leaving her with an insane amount of guilt for her to deal with after it was removed, then who knows what it'll do to the next pony that comes across it, either by accident or by coincidence? This is what I'm hoping for in season 4 or in any of the other seasons in the near future, we find out about the truth behind the Alicorn Amulet or we discover from the Princesses themselves how the amulet came to be. When the amulet is found by another pony, the Princesses were suddeny alerted to it's re-appearance ever since the first amulet incident in Ponyville and are questioned by Twilight about it's return. You know, that's hard to say. The pony/ponies who come across the amulet by accident, sheer curiosity or coincidence can be anypony: Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, or maybe even the god of chaos, Discord, who knows? The amulet, if found, can influence the wearer's darkest intentions/wishes, even though it was by accident or curiosity. Pretty much, anypony who comes across or either a certain purpose or no reason at all and just stumble upon it.
  5. I was wondering what'll happen in the human world with the human Mane 6. Hard to believe that they would share the same things as our world. Very nice there.
  6. That was the one thing that trips me up a bit in the episode sadly, Discord may have had a hand in helping Twilight learn one of her lessons on her new position as a princess but he seemed to have taken it in stupid and crazy way that makes me still wry of him and the other tricks he probably has up his sleeves still. He was pretty great in the episode but I'm still not trusting him completely since the whole shenanigan with the seeds of doom attacking Equestria was all his doing 1000 years ago before his first imprisonment. Just this once, I'll give him the benefit of a doubt since he did do some good in it and he did do his part in saving the entire land from being lost forever but if he gets up to his old self again, I'm never trusting him again. And about Fluttershy, I totally agree with you on that one. I think she is just using her friendship with him as a method of control over him which somehow didn't really help matters either in keeping the chaos-crazed Discord in his place despite his intentions, both good and bad. In my mind, I think she doesn't fully know that despite her efforts, chaos couldn't be fully reformed since it doesn't rely on either light or darkness and is definitely a wild card in life, which Discord can be either a force of good or a force of evil. Just like you, I'm really hoping for an episode, two-parter or at least a trilogy centered around them so that Fluttershy and Discord can learn the TRUE meaning of friendship instead of her spitting out orders and threats to dismiss the bond between them to maintain his good image, which I think probably the rest of Equestria are still getting on with in the beginning stages in my case. She needs to learn that just because Discord is now a good guy thanks to her doesn't mean that he's going to fully be friends with her and the others.
  7. We so need a single or more episodes for Applejack that doesn't involve her family and the apple harvest. We need episodes of her in different places like Manehatten, Los Pegasus, the Crystal Empire, Fillydelphia, etc. Seriously, is it too hard of a request for the writers to answer?
  8. Greetings, My name's TwilightDreamer and I have to say that I never expected myself to be here with others who enjoy MLP as much as I had. It's a real honor for me to see such amazing people come up with new ideas and give their own fan material and opinions on the show.
  9. Whoa, now this is something that I would kill to see. I want to help but I don't think I meet some of the following requirements; still, I'd be willing to show my support for this project somehow.
  10. Yeah, sorry to go deep there man. I'm just got myself enticed to the fanfic, I love this story out of all the alternative endings/epilogues on the season 2 finale. I'm just as annoyed as you are with the argument at hand about the finale so in that respect, I had to somehow get the nagging feeling off of my chest, you really know how to hit the high points of what the show left out, a sense of trust and betrayal and karma. "The Infamous Eight", that definitely suits the ones who shattered Twilight's heart and brought Equestria to it's near demise. I couldn't have picked a more suitable name myself but I can't think of any at the moment. I'm willing to see an animated adaptation of this fic in the near-future if anybody's will to make it, I would kill to see it because I love this fanfic. Right now, I'd give this story top marks, 10/10 but if I want to, I can give it 1,000,000,000/10. You rock.
  11. That could be the case in this sense, Twilight did learn so much about friendship and so did her friends but NOT counting the time when they just threw their lessons away during "A Canterlot Wedding". And she is the link to their friendship with each other but true harmony could be something more than just bonds and relations, it could be of something much greater than anything else can tell. Since Twilight has gone through many lessons on friendship, she could be the ambassador of harmony and the Tree of Harmony, being a great source of power and has a mind of its own since it gave the ponies a chest in gratitude for returning the Elements of Harmony to their birthplace, could very much be the main physical stable of harmony itself and that it's true source is the love and friendship that the ponies and the Mane 6 all have for each other.
  12. This episode could be in for a follow-up by the looks of that fang that Fluttershy still obtained. I think there should be one when she notices the fang and she and her friends try to trace it back to the "Flutterbat" incident and have her find out that the vampire fruitbats are not all they appear to be.
  13. If it means getting the entire debate about whose at fault for the near-downfall of Equestria the first time over with and to make those naggers who were bashing Twilight for her rushed actions at the rehearsal when she's only trying to warn her friends, brother and mentor about the danger already in Canterlot see that from the very start of the phony/fake wedding, her friends, Shining Armor and Celestia were solely the ones to blame, then we'll all be happy to put it to rest and it'll be worth it in the end cause I'm really digging this fic. It's only 5 chapters but this could easily top all of the other ACW fanfics, hands down. It's as simple as that; as you said, when we bring the invasion down to the root of the problem, it's not Twilight that should be blamed even though she's much at fault in the problem but mainly those she cared for deeply as they cast aside her warnings and berated her for her actions, all for Shining Armor's wedding. What Night Light rings at his son is definitely true, two wrongs truly don't make a right. If they were to be forgiven by all of Equestria at any point should they redeem themselves and the events of the rehearsal were released to everypony, then I guess they should not only feel the pain and torture that Twilight felt (as you've done, brilliantly by the way) but also some harsh but sensible words towards them as they were told to by someone who had a run-in with them before the called-off wedding and Chrysalis' second assault. Heck, I would give them a tongue-lashing myself just as Twilight and Cadence had for trowing away their duties and responsibilities to the greater good for the wedding Frankly, their talk with someone who dealt with the Changelings before if Equestria should still stand would remind me very much like the scenes with Karou and Megumi from Rurouni Kenshin after Kenshin Himura's departure to Kyoto and after He and his friends won the war against Makoto Shishio for the sake of Twilight should anything like the double assault that Chrysalis pulled: the first attack which failed miserably and the oncoming second invasion.
  14. This is a really amazing fan-fic. In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated MLP fics I've ever read; can't wait to read the next chapters should they come out.
  15. My god, if this gets out as an actual novel series in print, I would kill to buy it for myself and read it over and over again. This is awesome........
  16. Now, this is really one hellfire of an alternative ending to the season 2 finale. This is so much more realistic than the actual finale in part 2 my a long shot, if "A Canterlot Wedding" was made into an actual movie or maybe even a trilogy or a 4-5 part mini-series like with "Green With Evil" in Power Rangers, this would've made a lot more sense and probably the best episode in the entire show hands-down. Not having something like this in canon to the show is a real buzz kill to me; even though Twilight was at fault as much as her friends, brother and mentor during the rehearsal incident, whenever I come back to any of the alternative ending fanfics surrounding "A Canterlot Wedding" like this one, I was always thinking of those that shattered Twilight's heart as the real culprits. As for the chapter, this really had me on the edge of my seat there. Looks like Night Light and Twilight Velvet really didn't take the news about their daughter running away caused by those closet to her too well and I can only imagine how much things are going to get worse and worse with Cadence's capture. If it's what I think it is, I have lost all faith in Celestia, Shining Armor, Spike and the Mane 5 until they can redeem themselves somehow. Excellent work there, dude.
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