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Empress Pinkamena

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  1. Even when they had the elements, they still broke them quite often. Also, Rarity was being extremely generous at the beginning of Rarity Takes Manehattan, and only became demanding after it got taken advantage of, which is a very realistic reaction. Even some nice people won't want to ever do a good deed again if they get backstabbed like Rarity, no matter how much development she went through. Rainbow was also being very in touch with her element in the beginning of Rainbow Falls. She was fully supportive of Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy, despite being bad flyers, and stuck with them. Later she was being torn between loyalties, which happened slowly, hesitant at first, and more accepting later. To her knowledge, if she went for Ponyville, then Cloudsdale, her former home, would be screwed without a teammate, but if she went for Cloudsdale, Ponyville and her friends would be screwed. Of course it was a challenge, and she has been shown before to try to get out of her problem if it's too hard to deal with, so she faked her injuries. ...Did we watch the same episode? At first, Pinkie was very welcoming of Cheese Sandwich, and was eagerly trying to join in. She only started getting upset after she kept on getting left out and ignored again and again during the song, then literally trampled on, and then completely forgotten about. She still followed them, and only left after Rainbow basically said her parties weren't as good. And it has been shown before, like in Party of One, that Pinkie feels depressed if her parties aren't being appreciated. After all, her mission is to make others smile through parties, but if they don't like her parties anymore, she feels useless and unloved. In Party of One, she went crazy after just assuming her friends didn't love her. Now, they still loved her here, but at this point, they abandoned her for somepony they didn't know, praised him, said his parties were "superior" and better than Pinkie's, and never noticed she was getting distressed, so now she had actually somewhat valid proof they didn't love her as much, which again, as shown, makes her feel completely worthless. You're acting like she instantly was hostile and has never gotten upset like this before, when this is completely untrue.
  2. Sorry for the late reply But, what happens when you take away Fluttershy's shyness and love of animals? What happens when you take away Pinkie's craziness and wanting to make others smile? Pretty much any character could be seriously hurt by taking away two traits. Besides, Scootaloo would still be the tough one who hates girly things (Even if, again, her character HAS developed so she doesn't have as much of a problem anymore). And while this does kinda tie in with her love of Dash and her obsession with cutie marks, it is still a personality trait that would likely still be there: Scootaloo has a very hard time accepting herself. She can't accept her special talent, as obvious as it is, she tried to hide her true self from Rainbow Dash, and in Flight to the Finish, she couldn't accept she couldn't fly. Yes, I realize that comment was made before that episode, but the point still stands without it, that this trait pretty much applies to her as a whole.
  3. Um, no. She hasn't been shown to have that trope in excess until recently. Before she was willing to watch paint dry even with all the chaos around her. In the earlier seasons, she was sometimes prone to this, but hardly embodying it.
  4. ...The point about Pinkie not being stupid was my point. And how was I supposed to know you would never say that? I don't even know you, and a lot of people would say that. It's not even like I said you said that, I was just asking if that's what you meant. And is asking a question deserving of getting "How dare you" and "What you said was a huge slap to the face"?
  5. Are you saying Pinkie Pie is stupid? Because she hardly is. She's not the most intelligent character in the show, but she is not an idiot.
  6. Like I said before, Rainbow may be more blunt, but she's a lot less genuine, and hides behind bravado. She puts herself on a high pedestal, and masks her insecurities and weakness with boasting. She is also a lot more willing to cheat than Applejack, who only started cheating after being tired of Rainbow's antics. That doesn't seem like a very honest mare to me. Applejack is horrible at lying, and is a lot more genuine, not constantly hiding behind an inflated ego, not constantly lying about her true feelings. She's not always honest this way, but even then, she breaks her element no more than anypony else. Also, when she lies, she's either horrible at it, lies by omission, or is making logical loopholes so it's technically the truth, which is how honest people like her lie.
  7. Really? Because I've seen A LOT of people saying that was the best episode of season 4, or one of the best in the series. Meanwhile, while Bats did get a lot of love, I've also seen a lot more criticisms launched towards it than Rarity Takes Manehattan (Mostly with how the conflict was portrayed and people disagreeing with Fluttershy). Meanwhile, do you know how many people I've seen saying RTM was one of the most realistic episodes in the show? The only complaints I really see are about the heavy handed Generosity song and Twilight's alicornhood not being noticed, but I haven't seen people write the episode off due to those complaints.
  8. ...How? Pinkie was acting much, much better than she was in Party of One, being able to pick herself up. Seriously, what did she do that proves she needs to be put into an asylum? She was throwing a party for her friends birthday, then felt unloved after her friends left her for some guy they didn't even know, which has always been part of her character. Unlike Party of One, she didn't start playing with inanimate objects, picked herself up, and when she accidently hurt one of her friends, she stopped what she was doing, and looked at her actions. So...please tell me how she needs to be put in a mental asylum. Because...most of her actions in that episode were driven by her desire to make others happy, like throwing a party for Dash, hiding her feelings so they go have fun with Cheese, stopping the Goof Off when she accidently hurt one of her friends even when they didn't really care, and moving, giving up what she cared for, so she doesn't hurt them anymore and so they can have fun with the better party pony. Her other actions were driven by loneliness, which has already been an established part of her character and is a very real human emotion. So, how is her actions in that episode any worse than: Pinkie turning into Pinkamena when she merely thought her friends abandoned her. Fluttershy going on a rampage because some animals didn't love her. Twilight brainwashing ponies because she missed a deadline Celestia didn't even really set. Twilight wanting to stop time to stop a future disaster that obviously won't happen
  9. Actually, the writer, Dave Polsky, said it wasn't intended to be about skepticism being bad. It was more supposed to be about trusting others and not denying what's in front of you. Also...I don't know about you, but this is the first time I've heard of slapstick being "deserved". A good amount of people sympathize with Tom, who's you know, trying to eat. Hell Chuck Jones, the creator of Wile E. Coyote, said he wanted to make sure the audience sympathized with the coyote, and make him more "humiliated" than actually harmed by his failures. And in a lot of cartoons, the characters being hurt did absolutely nothing, yet people laugh. What matters is making them humiliated and be in pain, without it being to cringeworthy. In this very show, the slapstick is almost never "deserved": Rainbow being launched by Applejack in Applebuck Season Twilight making a meditating Zecora fall in Swarm of the Century Spike being constantly bounced and thrown in Fall Weather Friends Twilight being scared and running into a tree, gets stung by bees, and sprayed by skunks, just for trying to help in Winter Wrap Up Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike crashing when Twilight tries ice skating in Winter Wrap Up Twilight and Fluttershy being thrown at a wall in Party of One Twilight having a can stuck on her face in Party of One Pinkie hitting a building in Party of One Twilight running into Tom in Return of Harmony Spike slapping Twilight when Zecora looks at him in Secret of My Excess Pinkie knocking Rarity off the wagon in The Last Roundup And more. None of these are really "deserved", yet people still laugh. And in a way, Twilight did kinda deserve it for refusing to accept the Pinkie Sense as a possibility, being a horrible scientist when she tested Pinkie (Not bothering to make a controlled environment so she could trigger Pinkie Sense, only testing for a minute, not being worried about really testing it, having already decided "It's not possible" and trying to disprove it.), and acting quite condescending to her friend. And most of the time, she wasn't even testing it, she was trying to disprove it, and prove Pinkie wrong. Not to mention in that very episode Pinkie said it was for vague and immediate events. Never in the entire episode was Pinkie able to predict what would fall, so she wouldn't know an anvil would fall on Twilight, just somethings gonna fall.
  10. Something cannot be factually terrible. There is enough ammo within the episode for people to make positive reviews, which they have, by the way. After all, people are going to disagree, and if you hit anything hard enough with a hammer, it will break.
  11. You are seriously mischaracterizing Rainbow Dash. She's not that selfish, and has been loyal countless times. She stood up to Fluttershy in the past, didn't leave her real friends for Gilda, instead defending them, rescued Rarity even though Rarity made her already bad situation a lot worse, and didn't even have the Sonic Rainboom in her mind at that point, was only defeated by Discord when having her loyalties divided (She was still being loyal to her home, Cloudsdale, and if she chose her friends, then she would be betraying them, plus the fact she had no reason to believe Discord wasn't doing those things. She also was the one most focused on getting AJ back in The Last Roundup, and felt the most betrayed by Applejack, and she only abandoned Rarity and Pinkie because if she got them, then they would lose AJ. Besides, there were towns nearby, they would be fine, but Applejack could be gone for a LONG time. She also still helped Applejack in Super Cider Squeezy 6000, even though she really, really wanted cider, and the Flim Flam Brothers would have gotten her some. When they won, she defended AJ even though cider was guaranteed at this point. She was also focused on getting Fluttershy to fly in Hurricane Fluttershy, not because she needed her, because honestly, she didn't, but because she wanted her, as her friend, to overcome her fears and be with her, finally doing her duty. In Wonderbolts Academy, she gave up her dream, which she talked about since the first episode, for her friends, and stayed loyal to both her friends, and her values. ...That's bluntness, not the honesty that's needed for friendship. Rainbow can be very ingenuine, hiding her fears and insecurities under her tough persona and bravado. She is often hiding her true feelings in fear of being seen as less than the best. That's not honesty. Besides, like I said, these are the elements of keeping a friendship together. Bluntness makes you more prone to being an asshole. Yeah, she sometimes lies, but even the most honest people do sometimes lie. Besides, most of the time, she's either REALLY terrible at it, lies by omission, or makes logical loopholes in what she says, which are how honest people often lie. She's also a lot more genuine than Rainbow, not constantly saying "OMGIMSOAWESOME" and not constantly hiding behind bravado. She also doesn't put herself on the extreme pedestal Dash always does. Is always honest, even in this way? Of course not, she constantly lied to herself about her abilities in Applebuck Season, and did try to paint an unrealistic picture of her family in Pinkie Apple Pie, but all of them sometimes break their elements, and AJ is still much more genuine most of the time. In the end, yeah, they sometimes break their elements. Twilight fails at magic a lot, and when it comes to friendship, spent a long time learning about it and screwing up at it. Fluttershy has been a jerk multiple times, and even seems to have a bit of a manipulative side. Rarity has been greedy countless times. Pinkie can get very depressed, and often makes others annoyed instead of making them laugh. Does that make them unworthy of their elements? Of course not. Ponies are flawed, and they can't always live up to them, but they stick to them when it's important.
  12. How does Powell fuck up Rarity, other than in Sleepless in Ponyville (Which, honestly, considering how much Sweetie packed in Sisterhooves Social, a good amount of that stuff is likely hers anyway, and she did emotionally manipulate Rarity into going.)? And don't bring me that "She gave the smallest gem to Spike in Just for Sidekicks" because that gem was able to buy an industrial sized pet hairdryer, due to smaller gems often being worth more, due to having less flaws.
  13. First of all, there have been MANY times AJ wasn't honest with her feelings (The Last Roundup, Pinkie Apple Pie). And they only became real serious with Applejack after she acted hostile towards them, and when AJ finally admitted what happened, they were just as "We love you!" as they were with Pinkie here. Second of all, Rainbow and Pinkie are different ponies in different situations. Twilight was trying to get Rainbow to be loyal all along, and Rainbow was doing this because she just wanted to fulfill her own selfish dream instead of being with her friends, who she pretty much said wasn't good enough for her. Pinkie was hurt, and thought she was making things worse for everypony, especially Rainbow Dash, and that they wouldn't care. And considering how quickly they left her for Cheese Sandwich, I don't blame her. At that point, it looked like nopony WOULD care, considering how much they loved Cheese, and how she accidently ruined one of her friends birthdays. Like Applejack in The Last Roundup, what Pinkie needed was a reassuring that everypony loved her and wouldn't leave her. Hell, Applejack was even WORSE in The Last Roundup, considering nopony showed any real sign they would be disappointing in her, while Pinkie's friends DID leave her, and she DID make it worse for Dash. Rainbow needed a lecture because she was only doing this because she wanted to fly fast and pretty much thought her friends weren't worth flying with.
  14. Ahem. This is false. She was ALSO in the official Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party book. So no, she was NOT just suddenly introduced into MLP canon that day.
  15. This isn't her first appearance, she was also in the Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party book.
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